Daily reminder that Amazon paid no federal income taxes last year, they'll pay no property taxes on their new headquarters and Jeff Bezos only pays 15% capital gains tax.
Daily reminder that Amazon paid no federal income taxes last year...
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Making America great again
Unfortunatly Trump's America is Corporate America not the people
And you'll still get that sex toy delivered today by 8pm!
Think about it for a moment.
And Amazon still provides 1000000x more tax revenue annually than you will in your entire life
Amazon is goat is why. We need it more than it needs us.
is the american economy better with amazon or without amazon?
>zomg thing!
>must be Drumpf's fault
The absolute state.
They do not pay income tax because they lose money on their e-shopping service, they invest everything they gain. But they pay tax for their cloud services.
Stop votting Bernie.
That doesn't justify not paying their taxes.
Without, the amount of business's they've strangled out of existence combined would have certainly have paid more taxes than amazon is currently, which is almost none.
i don't think this is the worst part frankly. look at the conditions of their warehouses...
America needs unions and labor laws like in europe. blue collar work is a disgrace in america right now, and has been for quite some time. it's pretty sad that corporations successfully brainwashed americans against these things
They did pay their taxes as defined by the US tax code, idiot.
whats your point?
And receives disproportionately high benefits for the amount of taxes they actually pay
I read that Amazon Europe H.Q'd their offices in Luxembourg in order to avoid paying taxes. This was a few years ago, I don't know if it's still the case. Fuck these cocksuckers. They take and give nothing back to the community. Global capitalism is evil.
boot licker
Yes, it's true and the person responsible for that was Jean Claude-Juncker...then he got into a scandal with some spooks and got promoted away to the EU...
>Jean Claude-Juncker...then he got into a scandal with some spooks and got promoted away to the EU.
That guy is drunk all the time in the middle of the day. Probably boozes on the public's dime, too. The swine.
If people couldn't buy very cheap crap from Chyyna, the whole system would collapse. Amazon keeps prices low for the consumers, so it doesn't matter as much if wages stagnate or go down. Buying things that used to be more expensive at a bargain gives them the impression of being wealthy. Yet more and more they can't afford to have families.
Trump passed the tax code where they paid 0 taxes
yet amazon cannot buyout UPS
guess how much it costs?
A rational actor acting in its own interests wants to reduce the amount of taxes they pay.
Did Walmart ever get this big of a discount on taxes?
>Daily reminder all the third-world shitskins you praise for illegally invading our country paid the same federal taxes last year as Amazon too, whilst creating zero jobs.
Funny how that works.
wtf I'm with her now
The President doesn't 'pass' anything, congress does.
And of course, Trump loves him some Amazon right?
My wife's boyfriend needs that money!
i don't give a fuck, amazon is awesome. slightly cheaper but way more convenient, i hate shopping and retail blights the earth
amazon is the monopoly to end all monopolies. with metropolitan rents abso-fucking-lutely plummeting, you're seeing the return of mom and pop. my city has way cooler stores now because people can afford to run places with lower profit margins. no more shitty franchises on every corner
id amazon were a political party i'd vote for them. bezos for prez
>How do these people who contribute far more than I do get away with contributing so little!
If they take and give nothing in return...why are their sales so high? Isn't the very definition of selling the exchange of one asset for another? In fact, when one engages in an exchange with Amazon, they get more in return than they would get from other vendors. How high was that building from which you were dropped on your head? You are probably one of those idiots who claims that we are stealing oil from the middle east by buying oil from them at $70 per barrel. The same price we pay to American oil producers. I know, mutually beneficial exchange is a concept well beyond morons like yourself.
I don't think they ever had loss carry forwards of that magnitude. If a corporation loses $5 billion per year, it can offset those losses against the same amount of future earnings. Once the carry forward is consumed, the company starts to pay taxes on the profits. This is the tax code. It has always worked this way, for all corporations. Why do stupid people like yourself like to talk so much about things they know nothing about?
And that's why I'm happy I bought AMZN at $50 a share.
They did before lobbies big corps and s o y workers dismantled them from the inside by not having a fucking backbone and I'm not just talking about aus or us but everywhere
>15% capital gains tax
So can you if you learned how investing actually works.
>Business takes action in their interest
News at 11
Just like drumpf
do they want to? what they have going on seems pretty symbiotic. inheriting UPS would be a logistical nightmare
He signed it into law and heavily promoted it
Bullshit. Amazon contributes jack shit. Its for basement dwelling autists. You can easily find better deals almost any retailer.