Good news about NZ

Those were dummies piled face down on the floor. It was fake!

Attached: 1552923670835-1.png (830x454, 412K)

Other urls found in this thread: christchurch earthquake

Fuck Mossad and Death to Yossi Cohen

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i knew it, they don´t even look white.
what a scam

That wouldn't be good news even if it was real, schizo.

Kike sage fuckin fake ass jew shit. They died. Your brother was caught fleeing to kikeistan. Youre a glowie niggerfaggot and your mom sucks cocks in hell babydick eater.

Do you mean like the one in the wheelbarrow at the so called Vegas Massacre?

Eat your matzo and back to Dailystoner

Like the one at Parkland. Is this what the "cops" dragged out the back door?

Attached: parkland dummy.jpg (499x516, 45K)

Bitchute, HDRCFX CORNWALL, VEGAS SHOOTING vid 8 or 9 for the wheelbarrow dummy...

Attached: 11023894587.png (1000x1000, 179K)

Das rite I don't know shit about gunshot wounds and human anatomy.

Attached: 1547491086977.jpg (960x588, 129K)


>Bodies neatly piled in corners before gunman enters the room
> not fake

stop lying to yourself dumb asshole. if you are a real paramedic i hope to god you're doing your job fine despic being a racist prick

also /thread

>bag of blood
>wasnt real
>sloopy mossad

Hi plebbit! put me in the screencap disraceful pieces of shit! video and happening was real as it gets.

>false flag

While Christchurch may or may not have been a false flag, it was definitely an operation.

Attached: 1553724746961.webm (532x1080, 2.23M)

I watched them get fucking pelted with lead and laughed. The really funny part was when the woman was crying for help and he obliged

What if it was an inside job but they weren’t expecting the dude to live stream the shooting.

How is that good news?

Attached: 9716E9CD-05CF-4026-AB5C-83502FF42D93.gif (400x220, 3.23M)

Me racist? I have saved lives of people of all races, in fact the brown and black ones seem to get themselves into more shit than the white ones. I hardly ever get even a thank you for my efforts EXCEPT from white people. Chew on that and fuck off.

You mean the one with the blood bag and blown hair? The car didn't even bounce over the body. She must have moved out of the way.

No that was his armor. Guy carrying it was the shooter the teacher in the hallway talked about. The one firing the weird rifle in full riot gear.

Isn't this something the body does naturally does when it suffers head trauma? I'm thinking of a video from Iraq where a marine gets shot in the head and crosses his legs exactly like this when he hits the ground. Does anyone have the gif I'm talking about?

Ex RAMC user here, I’d like to point out that how you perceive the injuries that were inflicted and the reality of this kind of injury couldn’t be any further apart. You’ve clearly never experienced like this IRL so you’re opinion is utterly pointless.

Please continue though, I’m really enjoying the chuckles.

A small number of people were murdered but not by Tarrant. He arrived once the stage was set to record a counter muslim extremist video.
The live actors are just that.
The dead are in fact mixed with the dummies

Attached: props.jpg (1366x768, 407K)

Why wasn’t there more blood when he shot the people in the doorway ? He fired a bunch of times

Tarrant was not Mossad or CIA.
He was a high value target, was made to be a patsy.
He believes he was recruited in Argentina when he was allowed to meet the mossad agent fake police officer from the Charlie Hebdo false flag.

They were always dummies even before the massacre.

Imagine the smell

This was a staged video production. A hit team did murder a number of people.
The sickening part is that Friday service at said time was populated by women, children, adolescents and the elderly.
He was not the murderer but a crisis actor.
People were murdered however for this false flag event.
read the article
The sarcasm of the article is boasting from the elite.

this very unknown publication was established in 1921 and is part of the library of congress. Many clues can be found in this paper.

Attached: liveddrill.png (1366x768, 201K)

No they arent, And that's not good news. He fucking air holed those kebabs and I loved every second of it.

I don't understand wouldnt it be easier to payoff or use mind control on a guy to carry out these mass killings instead of coordinating a stage event with crisis actors,dummies, make-up,props,cgi,real effects?

this company was behind the false flag boston bombing.

Attached: simsurgery.jpg (1366x768, 160K)

Makes sense.

Attached: mass shooter false flag.jpg (237x213, 16K)

This is how people react to gunfire. They simply don't just lay there

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hi Annon

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Tarrant was caught up in this same type of scenario
All he needed was to believe that he was part of something bigger.
the 12 bombs his team planted were to be detonated in order to provide his exfil.
His upcoming antics in court will be identical to Breivik.
The media will censor much of it due to his confusion as to when he is supposed to be finally released from prison.
He is a patsy and will never get to reveal what he was part of

The manifesto was not released by him nor were the e-mails of said work.
he was set up

His strobe light was special effects . One could not tell if bullets were being fired.

very astute
It was used to mask the special effects.
He did not kill anybody, a hit team was sent in first.
The pause he does in the car was to allow the stage to be set.
pic related
He was hired to be the main actor in the video, he never killed anybody.

Camouflage man was part of the team. He was positioned in the forested area around Al Noor Mosque.

Attached: disbelief.jpg (1366x768, 331K)

false flags are very much real

Attached: medicalnightmares.jpg (1366x768, 265K)

More like crisis actors and easy post production cgi very easy to do those shoes

Attached: shoesandtheholohoax.png (1891x845, 1.84M)

fuck off retard go launder some more money through your shitty streams

Attached: flatearthfaggett.webm (1920x1080, 1.97M)

they don't need CGI
This group was used for the boston bombing
their drills are integrated into the false flag

Many drills take place without incident but every major event has a direct link to a drill
9/11 - 7/7 - Paris - Manchester - NZ

>insults, mockery and deflection
these will not work on this board


how the fuck can this be good news when it really means there are more rugheads than we previously thought

>Bad News

Attached: tone camo guy.jpg (500x586, 108K)

>implying wanting to argue and find out more about a conspiracy theory he believes in makes him racist

You might actually be Mossad

It is? A similar thread was 404ed a few days ago. Seems like some people don't want it discussed.

after people blew the fuck out of sandy hook and the slew of completely faked events around that time they decided it would no longer work. so they destroyed the truth community, shilled flat earth put it fucking trending everywhere and just started killing people.
these people supposedly control the entire world, are the richest ever, yet you think theyre not going to just gun down some mudshits in some super safe relatively quiet country?
nice fucking flag too b r o

This operative was stationed in the forested area next to Al Noor mosque
pic related

When did he have time to plant 12 bombs?
he was part of a team, camouflage guy and the others arrested were part of it.
Their operation was so bad that people will attack you with insults, mockery but never provide an argument. Do not engage them as they want to take your focus from the truth

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She was the only female star in the whole film.

They don't want to convince you. The imbeciles need the flat earth, no planes, CGI casings shit to poison the well. Normies are lurking and they are targeting them, not us.
Keep spreading the truth, don't fall for the fake poison (the socks, the casings vanishing, the clip that spawns). Focus on the undeniable truth.

You will appreciate this one
forward to 1:22:48 and listen to the guy say: It was a quirky stroke of luck that a anti-terrorist drill was taking place in christchurch at the same time

Quirky Strike of Luck
In their desire to close down this place they have brought many normies around to visit and read. The insults and mockery is to deflect them, not us.
How many idiots are calling for violence at the moment? LOL
Tannant was a patsy but not a mossad agent

>no time to plant bombs

Same question for WN hero Breivik, who supposedly blew up a building in Oslo (which exploded from the inside) then two hours later appeared on an island slaughtering all those kids protesting Israel, all by himself.

Read the manifesto

I really don’t see how you could think it was faked. There are only 3 official fake events. Sandy hook, Boston bombing, and Las Vegas. Vegas is an odd one because of all the weird shit going down that night and at the time. And if any fag says my cousin died at sandy hook I swear to God I will come to your house and ass rape you.

yep....bull fucking shit
The templar group also mentioned in the manifesto is spooks getting patsies to take the fall.
The time square bomber and the shoe bomber were the same type of patsy these fucking cunts will train/arm/set up to get a bigger budget, push a law or forward an agenda.

9/11, manchester, 7/7, NZ, sandy hook
they are all fucking fake.
they all have the same pattern, fake fucking victims.

Take a look at this pic from a NZ news station...buddy was supposedly by the window when the killer came in...mag dumps galore

here is the graphic wound he sustained
It is fucking ridiculous

don't click if you don't want to see pure horror!

Attached: footinjury.jpg (1366x768, 206K)

>50 muslims didn't die

Attached: 1553647457471.jpg (1210x881, 361K)

>reverse image search
>About 25,270,000,000 results (0.16 seconds)

people died but not 50
now let this sink in

fogot pulse nightclub

yes, also
Remember those faggots carrying around the wounded fag...when the camera pans away they set him on his prancing feet? LOL

Attached: roleplayers.jpg (1366x768, 329K)

oh and the grenfell towers
and Copenhagen and Mumbai...and ...

would have liked a higher body count, especially the breeder stock and if he hadn't got caught. strike and sink back into the shadows for another day. rinse repeat etc

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you fell for the false flag with convenient patsy routine.
Tarrant believed in the cause, needed to have the warrior spirit for him to be a compelling patsy.
Don't take away the character of the patsy, reveal their bullshit instead

Attached: effect.jpg (1366x768, 289K)
for all your false flag needs

they should have hired this firm rather than choose the imitation!

they did good during the Boston Bombing

Attached: medical.jpg (1366x768, 137K)

Like I'm going to dox my work ffs. I knew someone would try. Shalom.

i imagine that would be a problem being a mossad agent,

This was a mossad operation if I ever saw one.

Attached: NZmuslimsSpeak.webm (852x480, 2.7M)


This is how bullets fuck the body up. Check homies head splatter

Attached: 1545355519170 nog.webm (480x270, 2.87M)

Attached: sloppy job mossad.jpg (218x256, 24K)

Yep I remember that but can't find the video anymore. Got a link?

Attached: 1531717982469.jpg (916x1080, 145K)

(((they))) did nothing wrong

nobody has refuted this yet. answer this, fuckers

Hey, Alex. You think that's funny? Did you call her a "Dinduisha?" DID YOU SAY THAT?!!

so fake it hurts

Attached: Sandy Hook Boston Bombing.jpg (305x320, 24K)

Thanks user, have another

Attached: NZmuslimsSpeak2.webm (720x480, 2.41M)

5 eyes operation.....Israel is Mossad 6th eye (LOL) via US american diplomatic channels
How trite are these fucking assholes

But Tarrant is not mossad or CIA.
He was falsely recruited by the mossad when he was in Argentina.
This is where he was introduced to the fake mossad cop in the Charlie Hebdo shooting
that cunt lives in Buenos Aires Argentina now.

They made their friend take a bullet for that trash can. Sheeit

Attached: figuin sheeit uot.jpg (501x277, 32K)

I remember it was CNN, will look it up and post to you if I find.

I want a copy myself

>It was fake!
I thought you said you had good news.

I had a coyote mix, his first owner died and he ate his buttcheeks off. Kujo would like them buttcheeks.

found it LOL

google searched HAAAHAHHAHAH
Fucking CNN

Mossad did this christchurch earthquake

Attached: NZmuslimsSpeak3.webm (852x480, 2.23M)

great fucking video

Yes, Mossad, we all know you'd never take real human life, you're the good guys after all!

>imagine being this fucking stupid.

Nevermind don’t. Don’t waste your time or brain cells.

Do you know Ole Dammegard?
he calls these people The Travelling World Tour of Death LOL

crisis actors travelling to do false flag events

Yes I've heard him. He knows his stuff but his delivery is a cure for insomnia lol

no problem fren. wish more people knew this stuff. It blew me away when I realized it was now legal for the US government to propagandize its own people.