The Steel City of Sheffield will see blades sharpened following the absolute shambles of the House of Commons over the past week. Suave education secretary Damian Hinds and cock-eyed shadow Brexit minister Jenny Chapman represent the two main parties, with mad man Yanis Varoufakis, odd looking Next CEO Simon Wolfson and odd named MoneyWeek editor Merryn Somerset Webb completing the panel.

The utterly annoying Stella Creasy joins THE NEIL and Choo Choo for #comfytime. Silly Yank Frank Luntz, eccentric Quentin Letts and gyppo Maverick Sabre also appear.

Starts in 15 minutes on BBC One. For foreigners / licence fee evaders: /

On QT (10:35pm - 11:35pm):
>Fiona Bruce presents topical debate from Sheffield. On the panel are secretary of state for education Damian Hinds MP, shadow Brexit minister Jenny Chapman MP, economist, author and former Greek minister of finance Yanis Varoufakis, chief executive of clothing retailer Next and a Conservative peer Simon Wolfson, and editor of personal finance magazine MoneyWeek Merryn Somerset Webb.

On TW (11:35pm - 12:20am):
>Andrew Neil reviews the political week with Michael Portillo, Stella Creasy and Miranda Green. There is also a film from Quentin Letts rounding up the highlights. The guests are American political consultant and pollster Frank Luntz, who looks at Brexit and British politics, populism and democracy, while Irish rapper Maverick Sabre puts the generation gap in the Spotlight section.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Is there gonna be a Brexit discussion? Bretty pleasss

Attached: 34C49267-9B9A-43A6-A3AF-F6EC36F32E06.jpg (405x270, 12K)

>Odds for Brexit question as first question

This was the stack of questions on the subject.

Attached: orig[1].jpg (752x751, 49K)

Ohhh noooo! That’s a kind of huge stack. Will the time be enough?

Interesting. Tell us, BBCanon, how much bias is there in audience selection? Tell something interesting about the QT roadshow.

That was from Twitter:

But when I was on back in September, there were a load of people I'd never seen before and weren't even from the local area.

Is the other side

So it’s like the Moon landing, directed by a British sex orgy guy who loves sci fi?

Attached: 8FC1347F-C387-493E-A6C8-536452C70C24.jpg (1280x800, 109K)

I always find it miraculous that they never seem to be able to find anyone in the audience that actually voted for brexit, except a couple of dafties who in all likelihood meant to vote for brexit but spoiled their ballot papers.

>normal streaming site is down
>other one only allows 2 minutes before you have to sign in
>bbc i-player is very far behind the actual live broadcast
Fuck sake, on such a comfy night too.


Yes, and there is a third I can’t make out.

Well George, just in case Brexit doesn't happen, we can always use some noncopyrighted bootleg memes

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I've been told that Labour Party members & councillors aggressively pursue placement on the show. They're organised. Whereas the Tories are content to throw bricks at the TV and let somebody else go on.
Obligatory Harry Enfield clip:


Attached: 1435968599126.jpg (5000x5000, 418K)

>cancel breggsit

Attached: hm.png (362x309, 114K)

>bbc i-player is very far behind the actual live broadcast
Fucking hate this. Whenever I try to watch something with the thread you get spoiled like a minute before.

The People's Vote campaign wanted the obvious lying Labour plant cow behind me who said she only decided on voting Leave that day because of MUH FISHERMEN to get in touch with them.

Yep: the aforementioned fat cunt and her equally sized lardarse friend were Labour members.

I like

Works on my iPad, even when changing tabs

Nor me. Ah well look like another chance for Fiona to say
>Shall we talk about something other than Brexit?
>I think we'd all appreciate that

based Harry and Paul

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how many 18 year old females are gonna spout absolute bollocks on the show tonight?

I put £10 on "we didn't know what we were voting for" being said at some point

I like the 16yr old cuties

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why are you even allowed in the audience if you can't legally vote?

Thanks Hans, appreciate it.

>As a young person
>As a student
>As a female

Is there British summer time coming up? What’s that anyway??


gonna be many retarded teens on tonight then

Clocks go forward an hour matey.


great question, lad

Based teen opener

Why is it “British summer time”?

this bitch implying Labour could have done any better kek

It's not her. The one on the left doesn't have glasses

is there even anything else to talk about other than breggzit?

maybe we'll get a question on the porn ban next week

Yes, looks promising

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Why the fuck have Labour put Alan Partridge's assistant up this week?

It's just what we call daylight savings.

Fiona Brude looking fit today as always

Who’s to blame!!!? Gimme blame!

Because we control time

Looking forward to the madman on breggsit

Because it's summer time in Britain? Fuck knows.

The British literally invented the time system the entire planet uses.
So we just get to name it.

>maybe we'll get a question on the porn ban next week

Nah they didn't mention it when it passed however many years ago it was.

Fuck summer time, I want to sleep in.

Also, the porn ban has been cancelled. They won’t even talk about Arricle 1#

it's something that people will actually notice though, it's not a secret surveillance program. trust me, as soon as it's in place you'll find stories everywhere about it

Yeah, I'm gonna say Keir Starmer is a better negotiator than a man who sat in the pub for 18 months then quit, followed by a man who didn't know Dover-Calais is a major crossing then quit, followed by a PM who literally has Asperger's.

I wonder what Fiona is like in bed

Is the porn pass thing legit?

Lol ffs

Get Souvlaki on


Not answering time

Dominant pegging fiend

Attached: ifonly.png (678x570, 661K)

demonic fuck pig

Slow at first
Once you open her up and ring her bell she'll be raging demon

>Also, the porn ban has been cancelled.
In what way? Explain.
Yeah cunts will certainly talk about it when it's already been put in place, I've yet to see Question Time talk about it though.

I think we do it to make the most of the working daylight hours. I thought Germans would be thanking us for giving them more hours to work in a day


I hope none of you buy one of these passes, ever. Even if Jow Forums is blocked, you should buy a vpn instead. And if you were gonna upload your ID instead, well, bad idea.

Reminder to ignore all tripcunts

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This is gangsta and ensures the city of London reign


Quintessentially british

Somali hijabi is wrong

jesus second question and its about another vote fuck off stupid bitch

based squed-head

Cap this qt english rose

>we know more than we did 2 years ago
yeah? we live in the fucking future, I know more about literally everything

This guys fake nose


The size of this Scouser's nose, god damn.

Jimmy Durante?

Attached: failing grayling.jpg (620x387, 46K)

David Cameron is an utter cunt.

lots of dyed hair in the audience lads

>that schnozz

Simon looks like he has a JUST haircut

Women should not be allowed to ask questions.

There have been reports today there are implementation troubles, so the porn license is push to the end of the year at least

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Guess who? Night tonight.

judging by the claps its 90% remain crowd as per

We just successfully lobbied the EU to kill daylight savings time by 2021

Sheffield resident here. There's a massive block opposite my work that's a Somali no-go zone. Somalis ruined Park Hill in the 90s too. I have a diverse group of friends and colleagues but Somalis aren't even human.

>in bed
No, she throws you to your knees on the floor, Whacks out a spank padel from thin air and beats the shit out of you before leaving you as a crying ball of pain. as, without any stimulation, she orgasms from the sound of your whimpers.

With three days left? Sounds stupid. Same thing happened a year or so ago as well if memory serves.

jesus christ this cuck, no one voted for a deal ffs

Here wo go

oh boy, here comes tf2 economy man

he's all smoke and mirrors

>there's another group of people I could name

Think that's the third time it's been pushed back now, they can't seem to make it work. Also seems pointless if it only applies to paid sites, they need a credit card anyway


There will still be 24 hours in a day and it will still be to a datum set by us. You can never truly escape.

Nobody knows what they voted for user!!

>former Denbtsland Finance Minister

White is so perfect