Everywhere you look, you se concrete, glass, metal and trash. Animals are losing their habitats and forests are being destroyed to make way for Jewish industry. I suppose we should do something about this.
Step 1- get seeds. Make sure they're of native species, so you don't end up making things worse. Any can be used for planting in fields, clearings, or abandoned areas. If you want to be particularly devilish, use fast growing trees and vines (a good example is Hybrid Poplar) or native dangerous ones (poison ivy and oak) and plant in areas like ghettos to push undesirables further into the cities.
Step 2- Make seed balls. Mix wet terracotta clay with manure or fertilizer, and form balls. For smaller seeds, form the mix into balls and roll the balls in the seeds. For larger ones, mould the balls around it. Make the shell thick enough to keep critters out but thin enough to allow the seed to germinate.
Step 3- Plant! When dried the balls are sturdy enough to even be shot from a slingshot, so long as they land somewhere suitable for growth.
>"A man has made at least a start on discovering the meaning of human life when he plants shade trees under which he knows full well he will never sit." - David Elton Trueblood (1951)
>tfw you live to see right wing gardening squads
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Proud to see Wild/pol/ still circulating
I’m with you user, I’ve been doing my part just not in the city, I’m out in the country, but replanting native species of trees, shrubs, and grasses. It’s amazing how irresponsible past generations have been.
What sort of moth is that? Gorgeous.
I've been planting here too. Mostly flowers on mounds left on abandoned works sites and such. Hoping bees will be attracted to the area.
Good on you fren, our generation will be the anti-boomer generation
Swallow tail of some sort I believe but I actually never identified it. the diversity of moths amazes me
Here is a tree from China common name is tree of heaven, this is in Detroit mi, it’s a fantastic urban blight tree, hurrying up the decay process.
Here in the UK Butterflies and moths are having a rough time. You will typically see maybe three sorts on a good day.
Keep up the good work anons.
Have another bump
That’s sad to hear, do you know wht is causing it? A lot of things here are out of wack, north eastern Us, mainly because of farming practices Monsanto really fucked some shit up. If your more in an urban setting and if the bongs love there lawns as much as Americans do, then that’s the problem. I can’t even find a praying mantis when I’m in the city.
I barely see any here in OK anymore, really sad to see
The brick imprints on the tree.
Decimation of wildflower meadows.
people keep building houses on them. Sadly something like 90% of meadows have been destroyed in some way in the last 50 years.
Also the obsession with pesticides has done a number on bees too. were having a huge issue with 'hive abandonment' (i think that' what it is) but one theory is the bees are too stressed so bug out mid season. no one knows when they will go nor where they go.
OK is that Oklahoma?
Yep, boomer capitol of the great plains
What goes on there? I know you get tornados.
Not much these days, tornado ally shifted east over the years. Other than that, copious amounts of mulattos and guatemalans. What goes on in your neck of the woods?
You familiar with Osage orange trees?
That’s some good wood for making bows. We have a few around here but your in the native region.
The tree of heaven will literally grow from cracks in concrete and five years later the concrete will be lifted and busted to shit.
Not much round here. Honestly it's so dull.
I was on a nature conservation group for my area but I quit that after the great squirrel debate of 2018.
The boomer group went mad when I told them I was shooting grey squirrels, jackdaws and magpies.
The three species that do the most damage to other species. They all seemed to have a heart attack when I told them I had shot loads.
That's awesome.
Some clowns bought Japanese Knot Weed here way back. now it's rampant and will destroy the value of your house if it creeps in from a neighbors or if it's not been removed properly.
That will grow straight up through paving slabs and concrete. It does a right number on properties.
It would be a great tool for re-wilding if it wasn't invasive and damaging
Yup, my favourite around here are the dogwoods. They bloom in early spring and cover everything in white petals
Interesting stuff, couple zones south they have kudzu, that stuff is pretty crazy.
Their flowers can be made into jelly, if I could find some around I would definitely like to try it out
I have a lot of cherries around my house, you won’t see it everywhere but when In bloom it’s something to definitely stop and appreciate. I think one of my favorites is when the buds of the white oaks just start to break and grow, for about a week the virgin leaf growth is the most beautiful hue of pink, And when caught in the right light they are an amazing sight.
Just use Eucalyptus and within 10 years you'll bring the world to its knees
Is that advice from California? didn't they get gifted a bunch of trees from the Aussies?
Got any pics? Sounds lovely. If I can get myself some land I'd love to grow apples
Its 100 years iirc before they mature and become flamable
I’m pretty sure the UK has black locust trees, they are an import from us yanks. It’s pretty interesting tree, bees love em, and if you’ve ever read about the war of 1812 which was indecisive but the US navy spanked the British navy due to our ships being nailed with black locust instead of the traditional white oak nails. Even more interesting this lead to black locust wood being the first American export to an Enemy.
It's a Luna Moth, Actias luna