The FBI is investigating everything Moshe.
in b4 mossad false flag on Jussie to blame Jow Forums again.
Clown world.exe
>niggers give nigger awards to a nigger jew
who cares
The more they double down, the more people get redpilled to the non white privilege.
Says the kid from a country that looks like it could be attacked by a dragon.
blacks are coming clean to everyone as the real racists and not even cucks will be able to deal with this shit anymore
>Says the kid from a country that looks like it could be attacked by a dragon.
And lose, mind you. Estonia is 1 dragon (or 3.25 wyvren) attack away from full cinders.
I have no words. They don't even hide it
Is the award for best performance? It was so believable it fooled all the liberals. Better than most Hollywood trash anyways.
Makes, sense, he is the epitome of what a colored person is....if anything, the NAACP BTFO their self
Not even the blacks care about the NCAA
Well he deserves it, he embodies “dindu nuffin”
>acting and activism and definitely anal
Its ok they can go ahead and permanently ruin that award by giving it to someone under federal investigation. Using the postal service to conduct a bioterrorism hoax is no fucking joke, he might have escaped the state charges frying pan but he has only fallen into the federal indictment fire.
Also his “star lawyer” is being BTFO as we speak.
black organizations give awards to the most corrupt niggers because they admire them for "getting theirs". they know it and they dont have any shame about it. and now theyre flaunting it. watch the BET award show where they give maxine waters the lifetime nigger award.
I'm nominating this for the 2019 Honk Awards
>NAACP Image Awards
Awards are below worthless
>King of the lying nigger (under supervision of the kikes)
suit him well, people will get what kind of shit the NAACP is.
I hope they lynch his ass.
We try so hard to be equal and the first chance niggers get they go nigger. Fucking niggers.
That faggot is far gone up his own ass. Poor nigger.
someone powerful must owe that niggerfaggot favors
are you kidding me? i've finally got my boomer-parents to beg forgiveness for supporting affirmative apement because of this shit. it's redpilling everyone. i hope they give this nigger a peace prize. i'll be able to rape a jew and give her a dirty sanchez and no one will believe her
>tchen tells Foxx to give the case to the FBI from the start.
>the FBI will totally do the right thing this time!
Really, user?
I haven't looked yet, but what all was in this bill?
Jussie will end up in prison getting a five dollar footlong reamed up his faggot ass, screen cap this
I used to give a benefit of doubt years ago. I'm a good person so of course I would.
It's just we are all products of nature and it's crazy go against.
That's why I don't hate niggers or jews. I just understand their nature and just how annoying mosquitos can be I don't hate them, I will just dispose them.
no...this is wonderfull. it'll make white people especially boomers so much more angry!
Give him an Oscar and rub the 3rd worldism of todays america into everyones face. please..
Finally someone who gets it.
>clown puppets
>implying anyone here ever cared about this award, or even knew of its existence, until (((you))) shilled it here
>Criminal gets NAACP nom
Goddamn, Obama has some reach.
This doesn't look good for any of the niggers/organizations involved.
FBI is useless. We should get rid of it.
This was formulated by the Obamas by the way, take a look at what they've been up to. They're currently touring Canada to promote a foreign political party.
morality and altruism are not natural states of thinking for animals. Humans (whites) are capable of it and it shows we are capable of functioning beyond just our "nature."
With that knowledge, it is nothing but foolishness to look at them being incapable of growing beyond their nature and giving them a pass.
A real good person views the world thru a lens of what is right, not what is comfortable.
Of course there are exceptions across the board and individuals always surprise you.
But damn son, never relax.
It has to be Jow Forums that nominated him.
OK this is just fucking ridiculous.
please let him win
>maxine waters, being their role models
Man if MLK and Malcolm X where alive they would want to whip these niggers, and even call them that. Sad that they have poor leaders in their race that just sellout to jews all the time.
So he's technically a Colored and not Black I guess.
Jow Forums is triggered at how much he keeps winning.
>Niggers And And Child Porn
sure showed me
you jest but I want to remind everyone reading this that Kek and memetics have worked in stranger ways.
Black privilege
Honk honk!
Exactly. The more shit like this happen, the more whites wake up.
Good. Now we can discredit the entire nigger hive.
Of course NIGGER culture endorses his behavior, they are NIGGERS after all.
Abolish affirmative action
Not as triggered as libcucks losing to TRUMP!!
It just proves us right what a bunch of liars niggers are.
>smollett, a jew, gay, and black plans a fake crime against him.
>gets arrested
>gets put in front of a compromised black judge
>judge dismisses all charges
>gets nominated as a NAACP hero
>smollett is being celebrated for being a criminal by the NAACP
Wow, what an amazing turn of events. No wonder the NAACP is so respected.
Based. Seriously, this nigger don't give a shit because he know laws are for goyim.
The FBI aren't your friends, retarded boomer.
Even turbo leftist comedians admit that he is guilty as hell, but got let off. They blame it on him being a rich celebrity, or whatever, but even people that far gone recognize that it is a problem.
The American justice system was BTFO, and people on all sides are pissed off about it.
This is actually great. Between this and the Democrats' latest push for "reparations," I've noticed that the normies are getting redpilled fast
The chicago police hate this guy, the fbi hate this guy, president trump hates this guy, This story is just beginning frog nigger.
Didn't Michael Jackson literally get one of these awards (and a standing ovation at his acceptance speech about innocent until proven guilty) in the year where he got his second child molestation allegation?
>get ridiculous sweet heart deal that people on both sides hate
>since charges were dropped without a plea he could be charged again without double jeopardy if there's enough push for it
>basically guarantee there's too much heat for the feds to offer him a similar deal
>Jow Forums btfo because he got nominated for a made up award
k champ
op you are retarded
ignoring the fact that it's the NAACP u cucked retard - pointless award lists will often award controversial figures to draw relevancy to themselves, the awards, but mostly their cause/foundation
op is a fucking retard and y'all say branding doesn't work baka
Aaaaaaaa! This is fucking awesome. I can't believe they're doing it. Love it!
They will alienate everyone. We need to tone down controversy, stop bitching at kikes, attract attention to leftie shit and come up with a list of candidates to support nationwide come 2020. We would be halfway to talking the country back.
Yes, the NAACP is basically an organization whose sole purpose is to "beat whitey" It holds back black people from actual "advancement"
Fbi only gets involved to kill white people
>Yes, the NAACP is basically an organization whose sole purpose is to "beat whitey" It holds back black people from actual "advancement"
And it was literally founded by Jews. It wasn't until the 70's when blacks actually ran the organization.
Actually, this vindicates everything we've been saying.
The system is corrupt, and it needs to end.
Jussie Smollet should be killed; this will send a clear message that just because you're being protected by corrupt billionaires from legal threat, it doesn't mean that you're safe.
I will build a shrine to the man who ends his life.
We need to push this. The blacks think this is a huge victory for them.
They thought OJ was a huge victory for them too. Most of them were cheering louder than Arabs on 9/11.
Nigger just got 130k bill from the PD.
At the end of the day, I blame the jews for everything. I know there is a lot of hate towards black people on this board but I don't blame them for their circumstances. Blacks are the biggest victim of jewish subversion. They just don't realize that their enemy is the jew not white people. I work with some amazing black people that will work circles around most others. They simply haven't been appropriately redpilled on jews like most on this board have.
When will they just come out and say they hate white people? Be honest.
white people are just mad because black people are now doing what they've been doing for decades. We're officially equal.
His lawyer says the pd ruined his name and that he has paid enough.
he is everything a nigger achieves to be
a lying faggot uncle tom pet monkey
When the stereotypes perpetuate their own stereotype stereotypically.
a misguided shitposter will do some extrajudicial action.
Acceleration my pham. Enjoy the ride.
Have you been living under a rock or just retarded boomer?
clown world
Exit circus.
Enter liiiife
Dont take my hand.
Im out of never ever land.
We truly do live in a clown world. I don't think the general public realizes how close we are to a global shift in the loss of freedoms. New Zealand should be dire fucking warning how quickly your freedoms can be stripped from you if you let them. Also, *ahem* *honk honk*
human beings are so petty hahaha.
>You faggots just got 7D chess'd on LMAO