A cross with bloody, nail-pierced fetus figures was affixed to the altar of the Church of Holy Cross in Vodice, Croatia.
The cross consists of five heart-shaped holes, each fitted with a pierced fetus figure, with blood flowing from it.
The title on the cross says "Their blood calls to Me from the earth".

I'm not pro-abortion, but did the Church went a step too far?

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based croats

Catholics are weird, I agree with the message but I find the depiction a bit too harsh and inappropriate for a church

>tfw did the Church go too far

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Yes, that's why I asked if they went too far. This has some weird occult shit to it.

I find the presence of pedos, homosexuals and cryptokikes preaching filth to the congregation of perfectly decent families to be far more offense.

Croats are irreligious anyway. They are a fake nation created during times of romantic nationalism and that's their true secular religion.

To be honest it looks more like a mockery of God than an anti abortion stunt. It reminds me of the horrific shit those but job Argentinian pro abortionists get up to

>I find the depiction a bit too harsh and inappropriate for a church
We need to wake up abortions are not ok and the Church has been sleeping for too long, in their attempts to get closer to non-believers it was starting to water-down its views

I never said the opposite

>I find the presence of pedos, homosexuals and cryptokikes preaching filth to the congregation of perfectly decent families to be far more offense.
its not

based. they shouldn't do things like that it looks disgusting.

Absolutely not. If anything they didn't go far enough. Abortion is murder. People need to be reminded that it's murder and continuously reminded. Woman who abort should be shamed, even if it's rape, even if its incest, because it's these edge cases they like to tout the most.

We saw what happened when Christendom capitulated and became tolerant of sexual immorality, the same must not be allowed to happen on the abortion issue.

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shame they advocate for the murder of their young as opposed to their enemies

I don't think they are advocating for abortion Nigel. I think it is the opposite.

yep you're right i'm a retard

No problem pal. If you do it again though, there will be another round of refugees.

>autismo is autistic
>boomer correct them
>autismo apoligises
>boomer quotes his own post
top fucking kek

Attached: kekhomer.jpg (315x404, 34K)

Grow up and see the true horrors of the world.

You guys know where the heart symbol really comes from?

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yep you're right i'm a retard

In that case fair enough, I think it's incredibly important that the Christian West ends up aborting the next generation. The Vatican isn't going to be setting any positive example for a very long time.

Same, I thought it was some feminist weird stuff again

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Mutilation of a corpse


Can you really go too far to stop the killing of the unborn?

Our symbol of worship is a man nailed to a cross with a crown of thorns. What is off about this in comparison?

Nothing wrong with aborting retards and ones with serious birth defects. In countries far with multiculturalism it can also be fine way to keep demographics from exploding, abortion has been doing literally God's work about that in USA. All life is not equal.

Soccermoms ranting about satanism has nothing to do with the actual symbology of the Synagogue of Satan

We should ban polandposters.

>They are a fake nation
Gobby pls

Get fucked you big faggot

>All life is not equal.
Indeed. All souls are precious though. You know what's better than murder? Not conceiving in the first place. Abortion hasn't actually stopped population growth as far as I can see. Take US blacks for example. They get more abortions per capita (and kill each other in higher rates than other demographics) and yet their population has steadily risen and remained about 13% through the years.
What I'm saying is that abortion isn't really helping much at all. It's merely supplying stem cells and fetal tissue to (((elites))). It's not even a bandaid or stop-gap measure to fix the forecast of death by demography as more and more foreigners are brought into western nations and not indoctrinated immediately. It takes a couple generations of them multiplying and what does that matter when millions of fresh ones are on their way? And then there's welfare enabling it all.

Black Industry and all their wholly owned subsidiaries must be shot to death

All I'll say is this should be something outside the sanctuary itself. I think its a provocative piece of artwork with a good message but it's not appropriate for the worship space.

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You sound like a fucking evangelical prottie. Did you hate the passion of the christ movie too b/c it was too violent?

I heard it was from the seed of some extinct plant that acted as a contraceptive or something.

you just turned my world 360 degrees

I'm a Catholic & I completely agree with you