Had sex with 100+ girls, AMA

31 year old boomer, ask me anything bros. Been on Jow Forums since 2007 or so.

In my case I didn't get good with girls until early 20s... PUA books helped me early on (I read a few books over a couple of months) so I recommend them as a GUIDELINE to get redpilled on the nature of women. After that I went natural and developed my own style of game and "broke" many of these bullshit PUA rules. I consider myself anti-PUA as being natural always wins in the end.

I've also had real loving relationships, my last one lasting 5 years. Currently single!

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Do you think that any woman is worth marrying for life?
Is sex getting better or did you end up getting bored with time?
What is the biggest secret of the women you have discovered?
Is it possible to be friends with women?
How much do they want sex like us men?
What else do they expect of us men?
Do you think they have the capacity to love by being who you are or they love you for what you have?
What tips do you have for beginners who want to pick up women?
How did you learn to be natural?

Wow man you're making me work overtime here! I'm gonna give some quick answers

>Do you think that any woman is worth marrying for life?
YES. For me in my 20s I only cared about "YOLO" and fucking around, but when I hit 30 I suddenly had the urge to have a family. Having kids and building a family is the ONLY reason you should get married by the way. My last girlfriend was amazing and wanted to get married and have babies. But she was Asian and I'm too Jow Forums to have Asian hapa babies. I hope to have have kids and be married in the next 5-10 years. Marriage is fucked up these days, but it's still the best institution in which to raise children.
>Is sex getting better or did you end up getting bored with time?
Your sex skills will get better with experience, but the thrill of the conquest declines over time. Also I've noticed a decline in my sex drive in the last few years. But yes I would say I still have a great sex.
>What is the biggest secret of the women you have discovered?
All women are submissive and love to be dominated with rough sex, choking etc..... Even the virgins!
>Is it possible to be friends with women?
Good question. I am only friends with women who I have fucked, and friendzoned myself. If you're friends with a girl who is attractive and you haven't fucked her, it's a cucked feeling. It never works. Never be in the friendzone.
>How much do they want sex like us men?
Just as much, they're just pickier about who they want to fuck. Some feminst said "women fuck who they want, men fuck who they can". I hate feminism but she is right!
>What else do they expect of us men?
I would split this answer into two categories: young women who want a fun fling, and women who want a serious provided. I have mostly banged girls while in my 20s who want the fun exciting guy.

>Do you think they have the capacity to love by being who you are or they love you for what you have?
They love you for how you make them feel, what can you provide, what lifestyle you bring. If you're down or times are tough, it's often wise to hide it and not show too much weakness. You have to power through with a winner mentality. Women want men who know where they are going, who have ambitions. You have to be confident you are only going on to bigger and better things. Women will want to stay for the ride.
>What tips do you have for beginners who want to pick up women?
I have said PUA helped me but experience is important. You need a sense of URGENCY. This is your only life and you're living it now, it will not get easier to pick up women as you get older. Do not waste your time on "self-improvement" if it means putting off meeting women. Get out there NOW and meet women. Inner confidence and arrogance is important. You can fake it till you make at first, and after you have some notches it will be real confidence. Tinder has got me the most lays. Clubs and bars the 2nd most lays. Then meeting girls through friends. Finally meeting girls in random locations (hostels... on the street!)
>How did you learn to be natural?
These guys who write this PUA shit are just men like you and me, you know that? I feel I have always been a natural inside but needed some guidance at first. Being natural is really about having the confidence to have your own style and way of doing things. You become natural through life experience, not reading books or online materials.

are you good looking?

how is your sex drive? Sometimes I think my problem is low sex drive more than anything else. I just don't want it badly enough. Is there any way to make myself want it more?

Would you consider fearlessly making constant approaches an effecient tactic for learning? Say you do this at a bar. I'm pretty sure if a woman sees you doing this, it will plummet your value in her eyes. But internally, do you think it helps with developing the confidence and skill to eventually see an increase in the rate of success? Right now I'm pretty much maximising on quantity of approaches and don't invest emotionally much on any single one.

Do the others see you with evil eyes for having sex with so many women?
Why the older you go, the harder it gets to get women?
What tricks do women use to take advantage of you?
How do you do not fall in love?
Tips for the first time in sex?
Is it true what the redpill says about women?
How do you lose your fear when it comes to approaching the woman?

37 year old here. this guy is so full of shit on so many accounts, there's no way he's not fucking with you for kicks, unless he's one of the dumbest motherfucker alive. considered yourselves warned

Why? I'm about his age and have slept with that many women.

It's not that hard.

I'm probably a 7/10 at best. 5'9"

My strength is "not giving a fuck" and high confidence. Plus intelligence and game and the ability to make a girl laugh. I always have the mindset that "she has never met a guy like me before...."

My sex drive used to be high but has taper off a bit. I'd recommend not watching porn and not fapping too much. Popping a half viagra even helps if you're going on a date and will be drinking.

This is where I diverge from PUA. I do NOT make "cold approaches". I find it damages your confidence in the long run, getting shot down often. Also if you're in a club or bar and have been rejected several times that night, it subconsciously affects your "aura" and girls can smell it. If I'm in a bar or club scenario (or on the streeet...) I will act aloof and cool and make eye contact (let her look away first). I will approach a girl if I have a hint that she's interested and I go in with high confidence I won't get shot down.

Gotta go out now guys, hope this thread helped even one two dudes. Good luck bros and god bless.

Sorry man gotta go out and don't have time to answer.

The proof is in the pudding of my responses. Fellow "players" will easily recognise I'm legit. I have no reason to LARP on 4 fucking chan. I'm an experienced guy trying to spread some knowledge.

Adios guys

Just FYI, I lived like you from 18 to 27.

I'm now married and it haunts me a little bit. I'll think of old sex partners, look at women like objects, and I struggle to keep interested in my wife.

Just keep in mind that you may one day marry and have kids with a woman. Once that happens the memories and experiences you've had don't just disappear.

I'm a 33 year old khv

How do I not feel so pathetic? How can I get a nice gf?

Former player and I can confirm what this guy is saying is 100% accurate.

But what is the point of all this? Why does everybody want to get laid all the time?

At this point I don't even know what is reality and what is satire.

Do you find that all that meaningless sex is a good coping mechanism for the emptiness of your life?

Im not sure what to do with my gf, we've been dating about 7 month's and sex has gone from twice a week average to once every 2-3 weeks . somethings not clicking and i don't know what to do.

I know she's going through stress from school and depression as she lost a ton of friends due to drama.

Dumping her would be lame but i want to be wanted.

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How much gay shit have you done?

This doesn't seem like a real person but just in case, please stop generalizing and giving impressionable insecure kids wrong ideas like porn.

Im particularly bothered by saying all women like it rough because that really isn't true and you are going to psychologically scar some poor girl someday. You need to discuss sex before you do it not just assume. Porn is not real life. If a guy started doing that I would have a panic attack. I have ptsd.

Maybe you need to disclaimer this.

I have actual sex-related ptsd which makes it harder to learn than it should be. Do you have any advice for getting accustomed to this interactions in a safe, controlled way? I have a therapist.

Been with an asian gf for 4 years but the idea of hapa children repulses me. Modern dating also sounds fucking horrific, which is the lesser of two evils?


man I dont know how you kept count to 100 I lost count at thirty.
besides if you really did have sex with 100 girls you would know not to be proud of it.
you would know that women are whores and you will never be happy or find love or any of that bullshit. its definitely a doomer thing to sex a lot of whores.

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What would you say to a guy like me that wants to settle down with his one and only? We seem to have wildly different philosophies in life and I never got this 'masculinity means being a walking STI' mentality.

Thanks fren

What’s PUA?

Kill yourself
Kill yourself
Kill yourself
Kill yourself
Please kill yourself

Use Google retard. It is Pick Up Artist

what about that Mystery guy whos a pick up artist with the ridiculous outfits is he legit

If you were somehow forced to give up sex or eating food for the rest of your life, which one would it be? If you choose sex over food, your body will become self-sustaining. If you choose being able to eat food over sex, every time you you attempt to put a dick in, on, or around a woman or man or dog/monkey. ect, You will be teleported two meters away automatically.

The fuck you talking about

How do you meet girls and start at conversation?

Break up with her and stop wasting her time and yours.

How the fuck do you deal with other men.

Women seem to be all over me, but there's always other men in the way, whether a partner, one of my friends or some other dude. I've seen a million discussions about game, pua, etc and all of it seems to discuss other men like they are your bros, but even my friends seem to be nothing but competition once pussy is on the table. Never seen a discussion about how to get them out of the way without
a. making the whole situation awkward and scaring the girl off
b. pissing the guy off and starting a fight (verbal or otherwise).

I don't go for girls with partners, but they are all over me so often, and these partners are my friends I don't want to see them break up. I'm just frustrated and when the only good prospects are these ones it's deeply confusing.

Guess it doesn't help my artsy hood is full of polyamourists, queers and hedonists.

I also want to say, former gym lad college chad here (I'm not any more because I got a pretty bad head injury from a mugging so I'm just a mildly retarded vidya neet with bad knees and a 60 year old back sadly) Point is, this is all shockingly accurate.