How can we Make American Great Again, and stop Latinas like Salma Hayek and Sofia Vergara from coming in and intermingling with our pure, white, Aryan line?
The beauty of the White Aryan women must not perish from the earth
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Why would you post a pic of anglo then if the thread is about Aryans?
Fucking cringe holy shit
>posting an old women to make fun of beauty
Not even bait at this point.jpeg
>Latinas like Salma Hayek and Sofia Vergara from coming
Problem is, it's not latinas like Salma Hayek and Sofia Vergara who constitute the stream of immigrants, but dumb retards who didn't even finish the school so they came to US to do some illegal shitty low-skill labour and also engage in criminal activity
>implying you wouldn’t
Low test spotted.
Subhuman nigger, kill yourself. LOL
Ethno purity is better, always.
You are conflating many points to create a distortion of reality.
Get bent ya poofta
>Salma Hayek and Sofia Vergara
>implying the average goblina doesn't look like pic related
True Anglos are Aryan.
I need an Easter European qt.
You forgot your meme flag, Shlomo.
All niggers will get the rope for there treasonous acts. Generation Zyklon will do the work.
I need a racist Orange County gf.
>pure Aryan
Posts a literal le 56%. Lmfao every fucking time
sorry, no race mixing Juan.
I need a goth mommy waifu.
I need a Khazar milkers honey pie.
>no slim waisted identarian brunette to go ice fishing with
why live?
Just dirty the aryan blood line yourself
What is WWG1WGA ?
"Because the beauty of the Italian woman with large breasts must not perish from the earth."
Every snownigger barks that Anglos are muh germanic.
I love her bros. (;﹏;)
I want a heroin OD gf.
shit taste user
no u
>thigh gay
>juicy butt
How does she do it?
Time to fap.
Too old to breed but I'm still trying.
>Hey user, want to watch a scary movie tonight?
"my eyes are up here, user"
She is not American.
Checked :(
God damn that’s a bad bitch. Gib pls
20 reasons why Judeo-Christianity is a false religion by Rossette Delacroix. Reason #4, @ 2:09:05 race mixing, biblically forbiddin, on screw you tube tho soon banned to bitchute, like so many before, so comment whilst you can...
Release yourself.
*mmbpooooop* *mmbpoooooooop*
>tfw no giantess gf
I am as gentile as can be, my grandparents were all farmers out in the boondocks of Europe, and I am against not only Adam Schiff, Schumer and their crew, but against Jared Kushner and whoever told Trump to break off a piece of Syria for Israel recently. I have been reading the news about Brexit, so I will attach a picture of one of the players in that, who is currently caught up in a so-called "anti-semitism scandal"
"w-why yes user the carpet matches the sheets"
Anglos are Aryan, mystery meat.
>let's skip school today user
>no celtic gf with awful accent and drinking problem
kill me now
These q user boomers have very low IQ's
>Would booze it up with that lassie.
Lol look at all the incel virgins ITT. Why do you care so much about "white aryan women"? It's not like any woman at all would ever get close to an ugly racist bigoted incel virgin loser like you people are. You people are on the wrong side of history.
no way fags my education takes a backseat to noone
>How can we Make American Great Again, and stop Latinas like Salma Hayek and Sofia Vergara from coming in and intermingling with our pure, white, Aryan line?
This is so true.
Look up the meaning of the "end of history", if you want to feel worse about things than you all ready do...
>You people are on the wrong side of history.
found the discord tranny
I can't complain about Tunisian girls,the best thing is they're not thots
what percent nig is Tunisia?
We have a small black community who are the offspring of the freed slaves.they live a closed community.
Blacks make
based woodland beer hobbit
holy shit thats the rally in grand rapids? there aint nobody there.
lmao the dudes titties are bigger than my wife's
>the size of those feet
imagine being stepped on by those sleds
My mother always said, if Mexican women in general looked like the ones they put in their soap operas, American men would be waiting at the border with welcome signs.
>lmao the dudes titties are bigger than my wife's
He's got about six of them too. It's kind-of impressive.
Too many hoes mate. It's sickening.
OK but show me her in her 20s at a normal weight. Even if she is personally ugly, you could take one of her eggs (assuming some are still viable) and mix it with a white mans sperm and the result will be better looking that if you took a chance with some "sultry goblina" that might pop out an AOC donkey face at any time.
looks way more comfy than inner city projects
>carpet matches the sheets
you fucked up.
"want to check out this rusty abandoned factory, user?"
"hey, I saw you looking up my skirt, user!"
Amerimutt shill
All gene pools give rise to ugly things. The trick is to understand that only the white gene pool gives rise to beauty.
i'd give her a pity fuck.
She's beautiful, but she fucked niggers in that atrocious netflix show. She needs to be gassed.
*shids flag patterned pants*
Obviously a caucasiod unmolested by Slavs
Lol fuck off fag