I knew it all along

I knew it all along.

Your time is up nazi scum.

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When you flood the west with low-IQ Africans, Caribbean niggers and Central Americans, naturally, people are going to lash out. They act shocked over this.

The anti white era will not age well

She's right, but not how she thinks.

I agree it's already awakening Gen Z in America even Nigger Gen Z are worshiping Whites. It's over for the Anti-White era.

Which is worse?
Sweden or Canada?


literally where? is honk posting nazism?

Your talking about the 'leftists' right?

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Gen Z here. I opened my eyes when the MSM covered up and lied about the South Africa white genocide

Wrong, nigger. Our time is now.

If Muslims didn't come to western countries and explode or rape once in a while would islamophobia exist?


Wouldn't in pure numbers Islamic terror be more dangerous. Anyway, I thought climate change was the world's biggest problem, oh wait no, overpopulation? Anyone?

>Neo-cuckism and Chingchongia among 'the greatest qualities' of Canada, popular resident gyppo tells Jow Forums
>'We cannot hide behind our gloryholes that distract from Allah,' Trudeau says

I knew it all along.

Your flag is a fucking leaf.

Hmmmm, is that (((Freeland)))?

what's that bitch's name?

>Greatest threats facing the (((world)))

They're not shocked. Everything is going according to plan. The elites are using them to further cement power, control, censorship, and establish a police state. It's happening just as they wanted and expected it to happen. The political aspect is to feign concern for people's well-being and make up boogey men ike neo-nazis to justify further control.. Literally something people laughed at in theaters that has now become a reality on the clown world timeline.

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a lot of leftish have really shits their pants thinking what will happen to them if we all wake u psomeday... accaleration loading....

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oh! freeland like canada's kike/hohol bitch

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Bitch is a literal neo nazi, and her family member(s) were literal WW2 Nazis.


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>nazism and islamophobia
its almost like people are afraid of a savage religion and turn to action in face of political incompetence and ignorance
wew fucking lad m8
made me think

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5 people cry
>these 95 people are the problem!

Yeah, fuck off then.

Also it's not islamophobia.
It's more islam-disgust or some shit, their beliefs and rules are utter shit in our modern world.
Anyone who doesn't see that is a fucking brainlet.

WTF is this canadian whore talking about? Islam has killed 1000s in the last few years. And they're already protecting these mudslimes.

This government is done.

This is one of the death throws of this shit corrupt government

Yep, white people are the problem. Why won't they give up their culture and land and work with rapefugees to produce more shekels for (((them)))

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I'd say Sweden, but I'm pretty sure I'm just a frog boiling in a kettle and Sweden is the pot.

Enjoy the BBC cuck porn.

Can't she just bargain their problems away?
She has a crack team, I heard.

Who is freeland and went should I care

Keep jerking off to Chinese cartoons.

....is she like a secretary of trade or something, in that cucked country? Who cares what she thinks about this

And yet the grandfather was an actual Nazi and she supports Ukrainian Nazis 100%. But nowadays Nazi is anyone who does not support the globohomo agenda.

fucking jewdeau government

>Muh guns.

Shitskins are getting gov jobs.

*White people are the "gravest threat" facing the world

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Jerking off and spewing my load on the graves of prominent left-wingers has been a hobby of mine for a decade, and I'm not planning on stopping now.


this loony cunt nearly cost canada a trade deal with us

As a leaf in S.C. for business, Canada.

Good thing nobody gives a shit about the opinions of the Canadian government.


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Is this the one that was in tears because she wasn't competent enough to do her job?

The one and only.

Nah, this shit is as scripted as the shit you see on stage. When we start killing them and taking out their infrastructure, power and comms, then they'll have to go off-script and that is where they will be defeated.

>be Dutch
>be sailing around Africa looking for a nice place to settle down
>see that the southern cape is completely empty because Zulus killed everyone
>move in and terraform it into a microcosm of Europe
>have to fight off hordes of Zulu savages as they try to loot and pillage the cape AGAIN
>(((British empire))) comes in and fucks my shit up
>(((Anglos))) allow packs of feral niggers to move in because they work for pennies
>invent "apartheid" to protect myself
>niggers become to numerous
>demand le equality
>get cucked by (((anglos))) into ending apartheid in 1994
>niggers spend 25 years destroying everything I worked hard for
>murder rates are so high that being a Boer farmer in South Africa is now the most dangerous job on earth
>still being labelled a "racist oppressor"
The fact that 92% of the countries population are heroes for beating up the other 8% just because they're white is why I don't believe in "racism" or "white privilege" and why I will never trust niggers in positions of power.
South Africa is the ultimate redpill.

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Jews doubling down. The only real work they ever did was digging their own grave.


Checked, let's give them something to cry about.

Most nazis here are larping zionists trying to link criticism of Israel to racism. They're controlled opposition

what a joke... shift blame away from corruption.. clowns


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That is the same thing I say and I find it sad that you dont see more people saying this here...
They all just seem to think the government is stupid instead of pure evil.

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Literally Nigger women worship White cock not the other way around faggot nigger. Fuck off.

the single all time biggest cause of conflict is a foreign group moving into another group's territory. this is basic shit and the fact that libshits dont understand this blows my fucking mind.

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One spazs threat is some anons libertion.

Imagine unironically believing this.

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(((Nazism))) Okay, maybe. Islamophobia, Nope.

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We're the biggest threat to their world
Neoliberalism, globalism, rampant consumerism is destroying our people, and the planet.
Every futuristic movie is a dystopian shithole.
The system is unsustainable.
They should be afraid.

theres like 10k neo nazis in the whole world. Theres a billion muslims who believe leaving islam should be punishable by death

They're kind of right, these are the two sides of people who actually care about the world and want to change the status quo, which is exactly what a minister would be interested in preserving.

Well, it's just a matter of time to see if the powderkeg goes off.

Especially since white races are historically superior in combat.

>theres like 10k neo nazis in the whole world
Really? Are there THAT many?
I don't disagree with their view point. I disagree with the fact that they're marching for a banner that's already been defeated and that immediately draws peoples subconscious ire because of the decades of propaganda since WW2 ended. Hitler was hero, but he was defeated, and we can't go back in time and help him win. We need to move forwards with a new cause that has a chance at winning public support.

Islamaphobia is not even a real fucking word.

It's just used to vilify people who still have their survival instincts.

for every action there is an equal or opposite
reaction. they conspired to stomp out whites
now they are shocked the opposite reaction
is happening. get fucked government.

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