Any of you anons live in an area where niggers run wild on dirt bikes and ATVs like link related? I saw that a cop got dragged down the road by a wilding nigger just the other day in Nashville under similar circumstances. How would you defend yourselves against a large group of wilding niggers in a situation like this? Homemade caltrops, mace/hornet spray? A gun is easy mode. Also, there obviously has to be a way that they're getting these groups of wilding niggers together. Any insight to how they're coordinating this?
they probably post it on faceberg or twatter. cops are cowards and wont do shit about it
Bentley Roberts
>they probably post it on faceberg or twatter. >cops are cowards and wont do shit about it They're literally like a swarm, very hard to stop it. The cop in Nashville got dragged down the road when he tried to wrangle one of these wiley monkeys.
Not a bad idea, but if you watch the video, they're literally swarming like angry nigger hornets. You'd need something you could throw out a car window that would make a large swathe across the road. Not sure if you could chuck a waterhose out the window like that, but the more I read about it, this shit is happening in a lot of places and should be considered a viable threat.
Aaron Rogers
I live in an all white neighborhood in a predominantly white region.
Feels Goodman.
Thomas Parker
automatically inflating raft
Eli Rivera
>automatically inflating raft Lol too costy
Jeremiah Diaz
Robert Cruz
I live in Mississippi. We are one of three states in the USA to experiment with UBI and you only qualify if you are a black mother. I'm not kidding, look it up. This place is gone. There is no coming back, certainly no rising again. I think I'll move to Montana. Southern niggers are the worst.
Isaac Martinez
Lol nigga wuz a axiddent didn’t see his black ass
Adrian Hall
>How would you defend yourselves against a large group of wilding niggers in a situation like this? A large stick.
Jeremiah Edwards
I live in a majority white area, and most people doing this shit are white, no joke.
Nolan White
No, SJW whites up North are worse than small town southern blacks.
Luke Campbell
The first time I saw a nigger was when I was 11 and the only racial kid ever in my schools was a jap lad
>UBI Is that some kind of gibsmedat? I've never heard of it before.
Christian Anderson
Universal Basic Income Like they were experimenting in Finland. Free $1000/mo for a year.
Blake Torres
>you only qualify if you are a black mother How do they determine who is black? What about quadroons? Octaroons? Can anyone just claim it? How do they determine who is a mother, for that matter? Maybe Jow Forumslacks could start pairing up to pretend to be gay couples, adopt a niglet or two, then claim to be trans black women and move to Mississippi for UBI.
Jace Morales
They do that shit in Boston and the police do fuck all about it
T back bay
Cooper Martinez
>Universal Basic Income >Like they were experimenting in Finland. >Free $1000/mo for a year. Ya gotta fucking kidding? How in the hell can Mississippi even afford it? I've got to research this shit, I thought that was a meme.
Tyler Williams
Planned Parenthood is doing God's work. God hates niggers.
Jonathan Perry
Get a life, let people have fun. If the city does not allow atleast one day a month to use the roadways as recreation then don't cry when your inconvenienced by it randomly
Nathan Scott
>Q MCCRAY Q confirmed! Q+
Ryan Jones
You can shoot them. The cops literally won't care.
Cooper Cooper
how exactly do these nigs afford those bikes? they look brand new.
Ian Rogers
>Universal Basic Income >Like they were experimenting in Finland. >Free $1000/mo for a year. Holy shit its real
They only gave it to 15 people apparently. I have no idea how we could afford it either. People in office here have money, they just keep it all for themselves. What little they dont embezzle they disperse to niggers only. Although they've made it near impossible to get on Medicaid, the niggers are still finding a way to cheat the system...mainly using their 500 kids.
Colton Bennett
I'm laughing that this is spreading. Baltimore started this shit. There is literally nothing cops can do about this legally. Imagine over 100 bikes and ATVs all driving as a unit down roads.
That is not a booby trap, its a custom made low flow sprinkler system.
Eli Howard
>A gun is easy mode. A gun, then.
Christopher Hughes
God. I hate niggers. It actually angers me when I look around and see other white chicks with black guys. And why do only BLACK mothers qualify?! White mothers aren't good enough?! Jesus Christ I hate it here. I wish my ancestors never made these apes work for us. Should have turned the fucking boat back around. They make me so mad..and I cannot get away from them.
Jordan Thomas
>they see me rollin... they hatin
Levi Morales
>God. I hate niggers. It actually angers me when I look around and see other white chicks with black guys. And why do only BLACK mothers qualify?! White mothers aren't good enough?! Jesus Christ I hate it here. >I wish my ancestors never made these apes work for us. Should have turned the fucking boat back around. >They make me so mad..and I cannot get away from them. The jews struck up a deal with the upper caste niggers to sale them their most stupid and worthless specimens. That is the gene pool we have swimming around in America now. Their own people literally sold them to get rid of them.
Well in most places ATV's are not street legal. So confiscate them.
Lincoln Murphy
> Orange county > home of Orlando > less than an hour away Yeah if I see a nog doing this shit, putting other people's lives in danger, I'm running him over...I'll be sure to record it
Hudson Green
>Well in most places ATV's are not street legal. So confiscate them. They can't catch dem niggas though, that is the problem.
Switch the races and this would be playing 24/7 all acroos this nation.
Nolan Howard
>Switch the races and this would be playing 24/7 all acroos this nation. Indeed, its just a local story though user, nothing to see here. Race is colorblind, except when its the other way around. I do encourage anons to look into this further, its happening in a lot of places and the police can do very little to stop it. They also do this in various department and convenience stores too. Overwhelm the employees with the sheer mass of nigger thievery all at once and in general they all get away.
Jordan Jones
how would they spin it if someone decided to remove watermelon that whole group with a gopro and soundtrack live?
Camden Mitchell
We need to open up resort UBI in Africa and you can live the posh life for 5 years free, but only if you renounce your USA citizenship first.
Noah Reyes
Yeah, I've seen plenty of flash mob robberies. Noglets swarm the store and some fat boon bitch complains dey aon't nuffin fo dem ta do in da community. Das yo's fault.
Caleb Lewis
gee thanks... uber concerned
Robert Roberts
string a wire across the road at neck height
Juan Clark
>wilding this is one of the worst slang words to use as a written or typed word, rather than spoken.
John Russell
If they surround your vehicle and your life is in danger you have no choice but to go full demolition derby on them.
Sebastian Sullivan
Dunno here in CT Hartford niggers only do the snowmobiles during snowstorms. at least that is how it was like 6 years ago when i stepped foot in the shithole we call a capital.
Mason Gutierrez
>Dunno here in CT Hartford niggers only do the snowmobiles during snowstorms. at least that is how it was like 6 years ago when i stepped foot in the shithole we call a capital. I've heard of these snowniggers, very elusive beasts.
Thomas Torres
lightly armored vehicle is the only real counter measure. Just make sure you hit them from the side because they can jam up the vehicle running them over.
ayy same thing here in NY cops aren't even allowed to chase squids over here because they ended up killing someone during a takedown. There should be a law about being allowed to kill squids though, bikers are fucking annoying faggots who need to burn alive with their baiku.
Luke Morris
Lifted Jeep or truck is good enough, just run them the fuck over, cops won't even bother trying to charge you.
Liam Diaz
I’ve neither seen, nor heard of a nigger before. What are these creatures?
Julian Thomas
St. Louis crew checking in. We have these; one of them shot a someone at a gas station where they were swarming.
Zachary Stewart
>justified self defense >are you white? >are the people you hurt a minority or communist? >sorry adolf the splc just labeled you the new face of white terror. >good luck finding a unbiased jury with your "story" plastered on the screen for weeks.
friendly reminder about the "protester" that couldn't remember if pointed his ar-15 at the "nazi". shit is just a conspiracy theory now to question the motives of the parties involved.
just start shooting in self defense if they get near you
Benjamin Lopez
I ride my dirt bike in my small town of 250 people down the street here. Its all white here other than my wife who is a chink. Oh and our boy who is a hapa. Hes not white either
Nolan Cooper
>be me >driving family in ATL to go visit wife's sister >hear honking and engines revving >suddenly traffic is swarmed by coon city cycle squad >wife has panicked look, kids start to cry at sight of thier ape like faces >reach for pistol but realize I dont have enough rounds >remember company recruitment fair this week >grab stack of job applications >see a motor monkey riding up on my drivers side >throw out a stack of applications >papers land right in front of his wheel and send him careening off the road into another biker. >grab a text book out of the kids book bag >toss the text book at grid on a quad >hits him square in the eyes >he loses control and slams into a street lamp, exploding on impact >rest of the pack backs off at the sight of extreme employment opportunities and brutal betterment through book learning
Josiah Williams
Samuel Jenkins
>photo kek, somewhere in that crowd is my stupid antifa cousin. Bitch had her leg broken when Heifer fell on it or some shit.