Fucking feminism and the Jews shilling blacked all the time has turned everyone against us. Girls of all races regularly hate on white men openly and genuinely believe that theyre being kept down by them. The incel and school shooter thing has made them afraid of us too. They actually hate us, white girls and non white girls too. GenZ is not based at all, they hate our guts. All of them do. Students and teachers shit on white men all the time in my school. They constantly quote lefty talking points and whenever I show them evidence that theyre wrong they just ignore it. One of my teachers threatened to give me detention for speaking up. it makes me want to die. Worst of it is see the other white male students join in because theyre so desperate to be liked. Theres only 2 other people in my grade who are redpilled like me but over the last couple years its turned into a blackpill. I wish I was a NPC too so it wouldnt hurt anymore. How are my fellow zoomers holding Up?
Girls at school don’t like white guys anymore
Other urls found in this thread:
based browncel projecting his virgin rage 30 times a day for literally months
Buy bitcoin, lift weights and learn how to fight
oh look its this tread again.
Why dont you white (non ugly) anons go try to snag some non-white girls and see how it turns out. I have had so many different ethnicities say they love white guys
Shitskin bitches are all thirsty as fuck for white cock. It's gross and becoming increasingly annoying to me.
Indeed they are. Which is exactly why so many fear deportation and having to be stuck with their own men. I once had a skinny, malnourished black girl hit on me at a temp job and everyday all she talked about was how much better white guys treated her than black males did. I didn't mess with her though because I didn't want an STD and she was like 24 and had 6 half-coon kids already.
I don’t know what you’re talking about where are you’s? Things are bad here
That tweet is hilarious because that whore doesn't look a squat round little indian because here ancestors happily took that superior White shaft, for multiple generations by the looks of it, and she knows she would too.
New Jersey you shill nigger.
Well they seem embarrassed by us here.
I'm in Los Angeles, the real melting pot, you see every race dating every other race. Everyone loves white guys, do not believe me? Go out and try to get laid.
Where are you, dipshit? Isreal? You retarded propagandist.
Wake up Jow Forums, the internet is not real, go outside and try to slay some pussy and see how far you get.
This is so clearly a shit test. fuck sake shes advertising it on twitter. she wants a white man
Why aren't you banned, yet, scumbag?
Nice meme flag btw you dip shit propagandist.
Need a shining example? Take AOC which Jow Forums loves to hate, her boyfriend is white and shes a raging sjw.
Jow Forums is compromised and the propagandist are here everyday trying to shill their garbage. I encourage everyone to leave this place and go exist in the real world.
Butthurt? lol
>she thinks she has a choice
to slut
a few drugs at a party and youll have your legs behind your head for me and the white boys
dumb cunt
I live in Toronto and basically you're not "cool" unless you talk in this jumbled jamaican patois gibberish. It's horrible.
It's a British shitposter. Also make's the what the most common interracial pairing in your area threads
I have other things to colonize besides disgusting spic pussy
Ding ding ding
Stop being beta white bros
I mean that unironically. Brown girls love yall
I cant wait to see this British faggot (Hides under WN meme flag and makes the same threads 15 times a day) banned.
Your stupid tweet is what desperation for white Chad looks like you dipshit. He picked Stacy over her mutt ass and now she's pretending to be above it all. Off yourself for posting this phony demoralization bullshit.
Oh look, we can find her open twitter. Oh look, shes at prom or some shit with a white dude.
Meme flag stupid fucking propagandist.
>caring about being cool
What's with this high school mentality
He post this same thread literally 15 times a day, for the past year. Look at 4plebs and you see this faggot British (under WN memeflag) making the same thread.
>Girls of all races regularly hate on white men openly
Are you autistic?
She's gagging for it.
We didn't colonize 3/4ths of the earth by asking for consent, nomsayin?
No shit
Fags need to stop falling for the demoralization tactics, it's shitting up Jow Forums and it's annoying as fuck
maria secretly craves white cock, she's speaking out. You should know this user
Women only carry about money and status. Atleast the ones who know their only reedamable quality is being good for a quick nut.
Manifest Destiny 2: Electric Boogaloo
show your flag, or fuck off
Nerve: struck.
How about you tell us where you are memeflag. I'm doing fine.
>given one single fuck about some wretched snatch
fucking vigrins
is this shit like an american thing? Women here are racist and nice.
My son is a senior in high school and he literally brings home a different colored girl every month...he's white, smart and chadian like his dad
Latinas love white cock
Mexicans are the most retarded latin americans. Let those thots pay the toll user.
This user has the truth, the demoralization campaign being waged online and through the media is real. Turn off your tv and ignore the shills like OP
That's a Mexican, user.
Learn to read between the lines. She's baiting white guys.
remember, sage goes in all fields
thats true too but only if they haven't been indoctrinated by the (((american media))) in the US.
Public schools are really seeking the anti white shit to Latinos lately. I keep catching them parroting obnoxious rhetoric about colonialism and straight white men but not knowing what the fuck they're talking about most of the time.
shit tests, just rape her to let her know that white cock is all that her pussy can handle. That's what she's really asking for anyways.
It's a fucking nowhere thing. Stupid club whores chasing nba players and rappers and we're all supposed to believe white women are fleeing en masse. Meanwhile, I live in this liberal shithole and I'm fending off sheboons and mestizos with a stick.
You can't indoctrinate latina pussy, catholic church tried and fail.
Fuck off with your shit ideas my brains full.
in some years facial recognition software will be available for all and all these whores will be publicly humiliated for their past sins
I'll bet Maria loves nothing more than gagging on a BWC.
you are uninformed because you live in Mexico. Lurk here more and you will see.
Down here latinas love whites, however, 24/7 (((media))) indoctrination while living in the US will make them love the BBC.
Lel, this is exactly what I've been doing since 2013.
Former LA guy here. This is 100% true.
Plenty of white men here with thicc Salvadorian honeys. We're gonna make it, lads.
You can just tell her own tweet made her wet.
Who gives a shit what one crazy mexican girl thinks, she's not even that pretty.
those are MS-13 women. You sure you and your budies do not want to end up chopped in plastic bags?
no they don't. go outside more
Someone should tell her that's the same thing they said when we colonized the world.
Muh virtue signaling
>Meme Jow Forums BBC
Too much jewish porn site propaganda.
In real life Mexican inmigrantion destroy white race and still Jow Forums get paranoid of black people
I still laughter Jow Forums
The irony here is that by manipulating the public’s knowledge of history and portraying white men as these uniquely-oppressive, near-superhuman conquerors, women become more attracted to us as a whole. Though they virtue signal on social media, their actions very much betray their words.
Pocahontas syndrom
It's a "british" that makes this thread 15 times a day. Paki probably. Or kike
I was just gonna write, "Now show where she is getting some white dick". Thanks, user.
I know you guys are 60 million compared to 40 million niggs in burgerland. However, you understimate the power of the (((american media))) that shows whites because otherwise nothing will sell. The difference is that they show them in a bad light now because the js are almost in their entirety the owners of companies created by real white burgers and they really feel they are in power.
Indian slave in some tech company
Probably. Sometimes the faggot slips with its copypasta post and it's a British
I think her ancestors were already colonized
only in your incel bubble
absolute retard
>I do not wish to combine my genetics with the most successful demographic
I remembered one guy on Jow Forums spamming BBC photos, I just say OP was a 3 inch micro dick pajeet and guy start to spam male indian white women pictures.
In public
>White men are evil colonizers!
In the bedroom
>Oh, yeah, colonize my dirty brown pussy with your white dick!
Every single time with these bitches.
Not how the real world works
He should be bringing home girls of his own race. Do you want mud in your legacy?
fucking other races is important to flex on stupid white whores trying to destroy western civilization