I make about 620k a year and I have a fucking hard time dating

I make about 620k a year and I have a fucking hard time dating
how do I identify a girl who isnt in to me just for the money?

Attached: mars.jpg (1678x1126, 275K)

The fact that you gave a figure screams bait. Just say wealthy next time.
Is there any way you can sorta hide your wealth at least during the honeymoon stage of the relationship?

Seek out girls who have money, too. Everyone else are just hidden/"modest" gold diggers.

Dont bring up your income? Get to know them before. I they're decent they wint care/ask.

Stop living like a nigger and don't flaunt your wealth.

Oh and maybe find someone who volunteers. I personally am not big on money and take time off work/pay to volunteer. I imagine I'm not the only one out there!

I was afraid if I didnt give a number it would look like bait. theres a difference between 620k a year and 620 million a year. I do okay but Im not "wealthy" by any stretch of the real meaning.
youve never met a girl that came from money have you? theyve never had to work for anything in their lives. theyre terrible people. I just want a "normal" significant other.

this is the problem. I drive modest cars. my main one being a ford bronco II. but my house is nice. thats something I cant cede on. I like it. it has a 500 yard gun range. I refuse to give it up just for my love life. so its impossible to hide the fact I make decent money.

Don't take them back to your house then
Rent a cheap ass apartment or fuck them in your office

What do you do for work?

I considered this. but I have a dog and I think it would stress him out too much constantly moving back and forth between the house and an apartment or something. besides an apartment is too stressful for a dog to live. Im not going to stress out my dog just to have a better chance with my love life.

hedge fund manager.

just don't bring her to your house for awhile. go to her place.

oh believe me I always suggest that but then it gets awkward after a while when they push it. honestly I havent been on 4 dates before they practically demand to see my house. at some point it just seems weird that I put it off and it seems weird they want to see where I live so badly. do all women do that? maybe my question shouldnt be how to find a girl that doesnt care how much money I make but how I can have a relationship without a woman ever seeing my house.

I'm very pretty and can't afford my rent. I am in it for the money but I can get your dick wet if you want.

this is the opposite of what I want. I have a very low opinion of you.

You'll have a higher opinion once you get your dick wet. I can't afford decent food.

here's some free financial advice. live within your means. I guarantee if you were to look through your yearly expenditures you would see a lot of wasteful spending.

why dont you save money for like 5-7 years and then retire forever?

I live on maybe 15k a year in a major US city. Believe me that I am the thriftiest creature ever to have lived. Today I ate chicken livers mixed with some bell peppers I found on sale 3/$1. On Easter, sir, I ate that on Easter Sunday. I simply can't hold a job for more than a few months, daddy sir. I only get temporary contract jobs, sir. I'm a very self-depriving cheapskate on everything else.
I'm also very pretty and you'll enjoy plowing me for a bit of financial assistance in exchange.

thats the plan.
Im only 32 I have plenty of time.
>urban living
biggest scam to ever exist. move to a rural or suburbanish area. get used to driving longer and paying more for gas but the amount of money you will save will dwarf whatver extra expenses you will incur and you will eventually get used to the drive. also rural living is comfy, I live on 60 acres. Many people who buy new homes and didnt/couldnt sell their old homes rent them out for a pretty cheap price. its definitely possible to find a 2 bedroom home for like 400-500 a month even in a rural town. especially towns made up of mostly retirees and older residents. also learn better job conviction. you'll never get proper savings when you quit your job after 3 months when youre just eating through the little savings you have accumulated. if the only thing you can get is contract jobs try to get contract jobs in a similar field until you get a year or two of experience in that one field. you'll be much more attractive to employers when you have that experience in that field even though you may not have experience in that specific job. it is a little superstitious but the line of thinking is they would rather train a plumber to be an electrician than a waitress to be an electrician. its good that you already know how to live within your means I would say the biggest financial problems in America stem from people not knowing how to budget and live within their income.
that said I appreciate the offer but my problem is only being able to find women who have no self respect and are willing to have sex with me only because they think Im wealthy instead of just being attracted to me for me.

Give me most of it and you won't have that problem anymore OP.

>my problem is only being able to find women who have no self respect and are willing to have sex with me only because they think Im wealthy instead of just being attracted to me for me.
Idk where you're from, but in my country we call the kind of girls you're looking for ''daughter of a good family'' (roughly translated). Basically we have the low class girls like the thot in this thread who just want your cash, then the middle class girls who are nice but can't offer you much, and then there's the high class girls, who were raised in the good traditions of our culture, have good manners, dignity, self-respect, etc. Where I'm from they are easy to identify because we live in extended family systems, so you usually have to go through her family first to have a chance to get her, but they're worth it. The problem with the US (if you live there) is that this kind of upper-middle class has disappeared in the last century so those girls don't really exist anymore

I wasnt aware of that. maybe I should start taking trips abroad and trying my luck there. or getting a mail order bride like Im pretty sure this user is suggesting

Bro thats Europa not Mars

shit I was told it was mars, I didnt do well in astronomy in school so I can only blame myself.
europa is one of the moons of saturn right?

Where's the personality?
You are what you attract.

I would advise against marrying someone who isn't from your culture, or if you do, go somewhere similar to you, like Europe.

Anyways the thing is that girls from good families don't want a stranger. I've personally had 2 mothers offer me their daughters in marriage, and both were middle-class people who just wanted their daughters to have a good future. So basically if you're fine with a middle-class girl then it'll be easy, but if you want the upper class ones, good luck. That's for my country of course, idk how European girls are. I assume they're a lot easier to get

Moon of Jupiter
You were getting closer tho

Is your dick small? Then all of them are after the money.

thats catchy and all but thats not how that works
men are attracted to enumberable qualities
be that sexual or romantic or social or otherwise
women are attracted to archetypes
if I was who I attract I would attract self conscious nerds with 3 safes full of guns and a taste for german beers.
that would mean I would just be gay.
what country are you from?
damn. I should buy a telescope.

its average. nothing to brag about but Im not ashamed of it either. but I dont think that correlates because I never had a problem when I was younger and wasnt "wealthy".
my theory on dick size and the radical opinions on it is half the obsession of this country with porn and the other half men's envy of it.
but who knows maybe Im wrong and the only thing that matters in a relationship is having a foot long dong.

>what country are you from?
Algeria. If you're American I don't think you'll find what you're looking for there, maybe try Germany or Eastern Europe

>damn. I should buy a telescope.
with your income, you could even get ones that automatically track celestial objects and take photos.

I could. but I like looking at a big savings account more than looking celestial bodies.

that's an awful lot to consistently underperform

>I'm very pretty
>I'm very pretty
Post proofs

Have a good time fucking your dog then

Dude if you make 620k a year, you are wealthy. You may as well be a billionaire to little people like me who make under 100k.

Simply don't flaunt your wealth. Live modestly. Put up an act until you're sure they're the one.

There is no reason for a girl to be going back to your place so soon if you're serious about her.