Is it moral to only wear lolita once?

My girlfriend wants to buy a replica dress to wear to prom, and then never wear it again. In the past she's made fun of several fashion styles & the people who wear them, and has said she doesnt want to be seen with me in public while I'm wearing lolita. Do I have the right to be upset?

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Leave her.

You should leave her, she seems horrible

what a piece of shit, leave her

Why couldn’t you post this on the feels thread?


attention whore

I mean is she too fat for second hand burando because if so dump her

why are you with someone so terrible in the first place?

Buy the cum stained dress from the user in the scammed thread and give it to her and dump her in front of everyone at prom.
Its the best she deserves

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No haha. Shes a really sweet girl, she just cringes really easily and cant stand anything that makes her cringe. Shes not that big too.

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>In the past she's made fun of several fashion styles & the people who wear them, and has said she doesnt want to be seen with me in public while I'm wearing lolita.
>Shes a really sweet girl
Pick one. She's a toxic cunt. Dump her.

>wants to buy a replica dress to wear to prom
>has said she doesnt want to be seen with me in public while I'm wearing lolita
Sounds like a bitch and a hypocrite

I was looking for advice on how to approach the topic, please stop insulting her. She can be a hypocrite sometimes, but I promise you she's a sweet girl. Shes no more judgy than the rest of the gulls on this board.

No, she literally sounds horrible. Dump her and get a gf who doesn't buy replicas and isn't a toxic person.

I would tell her I don't think it's moral to treat a fashion subculture as a costume. She's essentially "dressing up" as a member of your hobby for fun (prom) only to discard it forever afterwards. She's also supporting replicas. Like, she reminds me of a bitch who will buy a shitty vampire costume, experiment with makeup and be "goth" for just the day of Halloween. She sounds like an insensitive normie who will make your life a living hell in due time.

Based on what you said it sounds shitty and if you really don't feel that way you should have worded it better.
That said why is she even doing this? Is it for your sake? In that case say it is a thing for you and her going half way is not worth it. It does not make you happy to have her force it for you.
Honestly it is insulting, though. She is saying what you are doing is worth making fun of but then when she does it, I assume she is doing it for you, it is that she is willing to do this thing and lower herself to that as a labor of love.
It is okay for SOs to not like or care about Lolita.
It is not okay to actively make you feel bad about it.

...why don't you just let her borrow one of your dresses (she's your gf, not a rando) or direct her to the secondhand market? not to be rude but you don't really sound like a lolita yourself if you can't even give her good advice.

Dump her ass,she sounds like a HUGE bitch.
and seriously? Replicas? Just no

And we gave you advice- dump her ass. Don't complain just because other people are giving you advice you don't want.

Its a long distance relationship, so no I wish. Shes doing it entirely for herself. Plus she wouldnt fit my dresses cause im waanorexic.

Break that off, find someone better. It's not hard to find more likeminded people over the internet. It's in person that's impossible.

my subculture is not your prom dress /thread

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We're compatable in a lot of things and both like mostly the same media. I'm really happy with this relationship, it's a hell of a lot better than being stuck with the pedophile I was dating before this.

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nope. it's not cool. tell her to just get a normie prom dress.

anyway, if you're in HS you really shouldn't be on this board user. let me give you some advice on dating: you don't know a person until you live with them. and if your SO can't tolerate your hobby, but thinks it's ok to do it once 'for themselves' they have some serious selfishness going on.

Just because it's better than being with a pedophile doesn't mean it's a good relationship. People who get stuck with abusers often find themselves seeking out the same sort of person - not saying she's abusive, but she sounds like an ass and you may not have the experience to tell the difference if you're coming from a relationship with another awful person. Being alone is an option too. It sounds like you've internalized this treatment and think you deserve it for being "weird". Ok I'm done playing armchair psychologist now, but just think about whether you actually feel like you're being treated well, or if you're just being treated better than the lowest bar imaginable.

To be fair she is a high school girl. Maybe she was just trying to act cool before and is being honest with herself now.

That said maybe show her ita threads and all that? Explain to her that people are dicks and if she half asses normies will think she looks stupid and lolitas will too.
High schoolers are stupid. If you give her polite advice and she doesn't listen there really isn't much you can do.
A high school kid is going to make mistakes and they will regret it later if they mature like a normal person. Most people did. She will survive.

Tell her to borrow yours or get a normie dress. She sounds like a hypocrite and if she loves you she should grow up and learn to hide her cringe. Sounds immature as hell.

im 18 lol, can verify to mods if needed.

I applaud the creativity that went into this bait and look forward to your future work.

I'm worried about discouraging her, and I cant let her find out about /cgl/ until this board dies because she'll know its her. Thank you so much for the advice though. Ive had a lot of really manipulative friendships and relationships because im meek and overly generous. Im honestly a beta. I'm also not very attractive so I latch onto any affection I can get, which is sort of what happened with us. I really do love her, though. We always talk things through instead of argue and shes so so smart.
I really hope she'll grow out of her cringe phase. Its ironic since she owns bodypillows, loves FNAF, and Sans Undertale, but whenever I talk about my kind of cringy interests (homestuck specifically) she takes it as a personal attack.

Sorry to doublepost, i meant to reply to both & in the first paragraph.

Don't worry, she'll probably order from DOL and it'll arrive in time for her college graduation.

oh barf. 'discouraging her'. bullshit. let her know she hurt your feelings.

I actually believe you user. It’s retarded but I’ve seen gulls act fucking offended when anons only want to buy one dress, or be conlitas, like they own other people’s fuckin material property and have a say in how it should be treated. Like Buying replicas do suck though. Just get brand and resell it.

you can do whatever you want but user came here an posted all about it, like why else would they be doing all of this. It's obviously bait, damn.

She refuses to, so I think she's going to try super hard to find a replica. Either that or she'll get something from a costume shop. I'll try my best to salvage the coord though.

I’ve seen it elsewhere. Like damn how dare someone just want one coord, or only wear to cons. I replied mainly to jab at those stingy LOLITA IS LYFE weirdos.

It’s really weird for you to use people’s Instagram pics as reaction images .

I dont see how its different from other reaction images of girls sipping tea but im sorry, I'll delete it from my reaction image folder.
I wanted genuine advice desu.
Yeah, I've been a little pressured to buy more dresses and blouses because I have nowhere near enough to be a lifestyle lolita. It's kind of weird and I cant afford those drycleaning bills.

Sorry again for the doublepost but I found out the reason why.
She and 6 other friends are having their own prom. It's clown themed. She wants to look like a clown. I dont know what I expected. Of course she wasnt genuinely interested in the fashion. I wanna fucking cry lmao. I hate this.

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She sounds like such a jerk. Can you just leave her already?

Now we know you’re a lyin foo

I might. I dont know. I love her so much. I'm scared to hurt her.
Provided caps. Can add more if needed.

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>I wanna fucking cry lmao

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To whichever janitor moved this thread to Jow Forums from /cgl/ because it wasnt about lolita fashion: this thread is.. literally asking advice about.. lolita fashion. It belongs in /cgl/. But thanks.