I hate myself so much

I hate myself so much
and I like a guy
and he gets mad when i beat myself up
he probably doesn't like me or anything
he's really cool, he's really popular, he's on good terms with everyone and I know he's probably seeing people
I haven't left my house in weeks
I can't help but feel worthless compared to someone like that
is there anything I can do

Attached: FB_IMG_1555802212225.jpg (2046x1904, 213K)

such is the life of a femcel
theres no cure in this hell

Get laid

but I dont care about sex
I just want to feel like someone loves me

that wont solve anything fuck off

There might be someone out there who likes you but is too shy to ask you out
You don't have to ask a guy directly but you can drop really heavy hints like "I'm not doing anything over the weekend" or "There's this new restaurant I want to try" etc

You can’t be with someone if you hate yourself, you don’t need to love yourself like a narcissist but at least be reasonable about it.

You probably went though some traumatic event that changed the way you see yourself, if that’s the case you’re not alone. I’m still learning to be less hard on myself, my girlfriend hates when I dwell on my negative aspects. She knows it’s something I’m getting better at, so make attempts to be kind to yourself every day.

Yeah, that's what I figured.
I won't bother with talking about old trauma, I'm over what happened, but I just haven't been able to see myself the way I did before it all happened.
I know that if I can manage to work on myself and do things that make me proud then I'll be happier... And I'm really trying, honestly, but it's just so easy for me to undermine my achievements.

For example, I recently spent 3 days working on an art piece that got no attention on any of the social media sites I usually post to, and I feel worthless yet again.

That meme physically hurt me.

>I recently spent 3 days working on an art piece that got no attention on any of the social media sites I usually post to
I kind of understand how that feels. Honestly, when the girl I love and never said anything to got engaged, I just stopped going onto Facebook. I feel a lot better. Anybody I'm still good friends with I can text. Waiting for likes to come in is a horrible feeling. Don't even do it. Your art is only worthy to be seen by people who care.

yeah, I've got a friend who's older than me and she's been telling me the same thing.
It's just hard not to compare yourself to other people these days
social media is a fuck

have you considered suicide?

I'm serious. I feel way better never logging into Facebook and seeing angry political rantings and girls I used to like date other people. And if I tell a joke and get a couple of likes, forget about it. My jokes are for people who get my sense of humor, and I've got enough of them to satisfy me. I'm not in love right now, but I can deal with it. What kind of art do you do, femanon?

I used to when I was younger but I had some kind of awakening about a year ago that I have to find the strength within myself to get my life in order and that no one's going to save me
I have to be the change
and I have a desire to get better
I want to be a better, not shitty human being and I want to make the most of my time alive
but I don't have the strength to do anything about it and I keep putting myself down

Have you?

I love you

>I know he's probably seeing people
you're going to have to confirm
ask him "do you have a girlfriend"


better to know then to not

if he doesn't then you risk depriving both sides of a good partner, but if he does you can have closure

Not before marriage, hedonist

I have a crush on a gril thats close to me. She might feel the same, but I'm far more codependent and almost in love with her at this point. I see her talking to other guys kind of like your situation OP.

What I'm doing is not telling her anything. I've given clear signs but if she cant read them then she probably isnt trying or doesnt want to try.

I have low selfesteem and its a turn off because I don't project the same amount of confidence other guys. I would rather her be happy with someone else if that's what she wants. I can make someone happy some day and until that day I have to make myself the best person possible. Not for them, for me so I'm a great guy. I want a girl that appreciates me because if I do they should too. Perhaps try the same?