I have nowhere to go I really dont want to go home i took £250 from my house what should i do
Just ran away from home
Other urls found in this thread:
Go home
fuck that
Why'd you steal from your parents, you ungrateful faggot?
Child services/monastery/Mexican cartel
Why did you run away? Were they abusive?
If so contact a domestic violence center or shelter of some kind, one that's near you. They can help you out.
If you're underage, there are likely resources just for you.
if you fish you might live a week
go home
My dad hits me and when he gets drunk he comes in my room sleeps in my bed with me. all I have ever wanted was to be away from him he has never done anything for me he does not deserve what he has
where do you live OP
south of uk near Chichester
Ok. Definitely contact or go to a domestic violence shelter of some kind. There's help out there for you, especially if you're underage, but either way, there's help.
I'm glad you're out of that abusive situation - but you definitely need help from other people.
I had a similarly shitty childhood (30 now) - oftentimes I wish I had ran away. It's tough but you're free from them.
Shelters can hook you up with a safe place to say, and give you many other resources to help you out.
call this number
+44 1273 470101
Why only this money user?
Anyway, go southern Europe, the sun is shining.
Rentboy. It’ll pay the bills until you get shit figured out
I went to LA with nothing but 100usd and had the time of my life. Do the European equivalent.
Go to Lisbon, however possible, bus flight whatever is cheapest just get there. If it's too expensive then hitchhike.
Get there, and go door-to-door at youth hostels and ask to volunteer there in exchange for a free bad an daily allowance. Don't ask how I know this, but first check out the "5 sins" hostel. It's like literally the best location and they always have last-minute volunteer slots available. Just look clean and eager to work and they'll take you right in. Tourist season is already firing up and hostels are already raising prices etc in anticipation. It's the perfect time to do this.
Meanwhile look for a job. In Lisbon there are LOADS of opportunity for an English speaker. Ask around, ask everyone, the Portuguese are super nice. But I would suggest a bar, irish pub, or cafe in the center. You'll meet loads of people and have the time of your life, seriously. I know a guy who did this.
I used to know a cafe that only hired English speakers... but already I forgot it... sorry. But it's super easy. Last time I was in Lisbon I helped a stupid polish girl find a job, and from start-to-finish we got her hired in under 48 hours. Just do it man.
If you're a hipster, and only if you are, then check out LXfactory. It's outside the town a little bit but it was my favorite part of Lisbon by far, because I love those vibes. It's an English-speaking enclave, too.
So, you don't HAVE to pic Lisbon, but that's the general idea. You could do Italy, Paris, whatever. But I think for what you're doing Lisbon will be the most fun and rewarding experience.
Also I had abusive parents and I wished I ran away. GIVE IT A FAIR AND FIRM SHOT. Don't collapse and run home when things get tough. Hear my voice in the back of your mind saying "push through, this suffering is only temporary, and it's SO good after this phase"
I'm so jealous of you. I'm to old for stuff like this now!
Do you have identification with you? Your citizenship or EU driving license or whatever?
>i took £250 from my house what should i do
Plan your shit better the next time. What the fuck are you going to do with 250? When I ran away from my home I had 5000 Euros saved up from work and a place to crash. Lived with friend who rented the place because he was foreign and was studying here. Found a job fast enough and eventually went back to school. Now I have a bachelors. Never saw my family again. You're fucked unless you get help.
Library is fucking awesome YMCA is good for showers or buy a gym membership you can use the wifi. Also food isnt all that hard to get panhandling if you must also i reccomend homeless shelter as a last resort to avoid crazies and rape. Also plenty of people throw out cool shit in rich areas. Worst case and you will freeze to death walk into a police station and piss on the ground or some shit dont assault anyone but do something to get a lesser charge and stay some place warm for the night good luck Op.
Idiot teenager
Only thing you can do is work odd jobs till you get a real job
There are jobs as live-in maids for inns and rich families. get one of those if you can. otherwise odd jobs on euro-craigslist until you get a better job. get like an airbnb hostel room in a shared bunk, they're cheap. limit your food, only eat one meal a day for a while until you get employment.
ta-dah you never have to go home. but you can't laze around on Jow Forums all day playing vidya.
despair poster
all you can do is discourage people from living the life that you never did