>right wing
Right wing
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Aren't most people here agnostic anyway?
cool projection, bro
looks like you want reddit, you won't find fedoras here newfag
>right wing
>life is meaningless, chaos bro
>morality doesn't exist
Jow Forums is an extremely atheist-leaning site. Like 80%+ at least.
maybe you should take off back to stormfront, AARP meetings, or the lodge?
You're saying that to be right wing you have to believe in mythological subjective allegories and accept the archaic fictional narrative they're delivered with? Cool story bro.
God, leprechauns and unicorns are things you believe in or chose not to believe in. Belief in supernatural beings are irrational and fall outside the realm of knowledge.
There are some things we can know and some things we can't. We can know if a physical object exists. We can't know if an imaginary object exists.
To claim to be an agnostic is to take the position that the existence of deities and other supernatural beings is something that can be known. Gods, leprechauns and unicorns cannot be known to exist or not exist. So there is no gnostic/agnostic as it applies to gods, just failed rationalizations.
>Creator God is irrational
>everything creating itself from muck and stardust is rational
lmaoing @ ur lyfe
fucking retard
shitty argument
>something that cannot be observed yet is vapidly claimed by morons is likely true
>something which can be objectively observed, measured and recorded is likely not true
This is your brain on religion.
>humans coming from water, rock, and stardust
>can be observed
where to begin? I guess we all have our religions. It's insane, however, if you truly believe you're intellectual for worshiping the authority of """science""" (which you do)
Have you considered that religion is consistently wrong? About the planets? Evolution? Most things. And as science progresses and gives proper answers where religion can only give magic as an answer, you lose more and more ground.
And when science has consolidated more evidence on abiogenesis and the conditions of the early universe you will have lost this argument as well.
im atheist
>haha god created the world, silly haha
>akchually there was nothing and then there was a huge explosion out of nothing and then there was planets and shieeet and then suddently out of no life there was life.
What did Fedoras mean by this?
We believe in the GOD OF RIGHTEOUS FURY
>saying there is no creator god is irrational
>saying that in the entire course of human history the creator god revealed himself only once and to group of irrelevant desert herders over 2000 years ago is rational
Have you considered that science has more and more simply become an agenda promoted by the political left? When you attach your beliefs to an authority which you've been led to respect, you'll obviously be under the illusion that you're doing the right thing. But mainstream science says there are a billion genders. You inevitably take your authority at face value on some topics, while rejecting it wholeheartedly on others. There's nothing consistent about this approach. 99% of scientists may agree, but 99% of scientists also may have gone through the proper channels to be published, and accepted, because the money is attached to an agenda. 99% percent of scientists agree we went to the moon. 99% of scientists agree that climate change is going to destroy us all. 99% of scientists agree that evolution occurred from rock to human. If you agree with the authority of science, then you are falling into a logical fallacy known as argumentum ad populum. This leads us to no longer have debates that can be won and lost, but simply authorities to choose to follow or ignore.
That's normal.
I'd argue that God reveals Himself to every single person who asks Him to. Christians are people to whom God has been revealed. Nobody can believe anything on blind faith. Not really.
Not possible.
The logical conclusion of atheism is hedonism and therefore degeneracy.
>yfw you realize God exists and is based
t. doesn't know that satanists larp as christians to make christians look bad
Through (((Peterson))) my heart was open to the concept of God.
Through Pastor Sanderson, my heart found the TRUE God and Jesus Christ.
where did you get that retarded idea?
I don't know who that guy is, nor am I interested. The concept of Christ doesn't belong to some douchey pastor.
"Christians" that play footsies with FAGGOTS are given over the God Of This World. He is not some Westboro Baptist Circus, he preaches the truth and lets the fury spill out from the Word alone.
this isn't something to argue. either he does or does not. we have 5 traditional senses of perception we rely on in this world and god has never revealed himself using any of them to anyone. this isn't debatable
I didn't watch it, I just assumed you were trolling me. I don't like faggots either.
>uhhhhhhh I can't explain how life occurred so the only possible explanation is that a big sky fairy made us but we conveniently have no way to prove his existence isn't that funny haha
So many Cults and Decievers spread false (((doctrines))) user. I'm not saying Pastor Sanderson is the only way, just that you need to look carefully for true sources.
You believe in plenty of things that can’t be proven by science. How can you scientifically prove any logical claim?
I don't see how you have to be religious in order to value tradition and morality. I don't need the Bible as the word of god to tell me that faggot are degenerate. All I need to do is see for myself, observe the world as is and I come to the same conclusions. I do however believe that Christianity would help the west to recover, since most people need an emotional attachment to their worldview.
Everything is debatable, silly. You can't just close off the topic to questioning simply because you'd rather not discuss it. Which sense is that that places you within a dream? Which sense is it that makes you cry from a memory, something that happened long ago, and should not any longer be relevant? Regardless of that, Christ was revealed in a physical state, and showed many miracles before the eyes of many. They tasted the wine, they visualized Him return after being brutalized. Your argument is to simply deny all metaphysical concepts, which won't win over many. There's too much weirdness to existence; too many things that science can't begin to attempt to explain.
The problem is that many people observe faggots, and are unable to discern degeneracy in any way. They'll go so far as to convince themselves that sucking fecal matter off of a dude piston is perfectly acceptable behavior... why is this? Because their ethics aren't bound by anything. i.e. They have no doctrine.
>science can't explain how the magic man in the story book created fish out of thin air
>so science must be wrong
God may exist. The kikes are winning. Perhaps they are the chosen.
I would consider your quotation a horrible misrepresentation of my argument. You don't need the Bible to have a concept of metaphysics. The reality is that, I'm still placed within dreams every night. Which sense is perceiving this? It's as if I go to sleep and then continue some other life in some other dimension.
no it's not. you say god created everything and then you say what.. that he decides to reveal himself to us not using any if our senses but in some faggy feeling you get in the pit of your stomach during sunday mass? sorry, it's not convincing
>Regardless of that, Christ was revealed in a physical state, and showed many miracles before the eyes of many.
Oh I see, so he did use our senses of perception to reveal himself, but he only did it for illiterate retards 2000 years ago in an irrlevant backwater and not anymore for whatever reason lmao what a joke religion, seriously
if your argument is "god is as real as my dreams" then i'm not going to disagree
I'm not atheist anymore faggot
>you say what.. that he decides to reveal himself to us not using any if our senses but in some faggy feeling you get in the pit of your stomach during sunday mass?
No, not at all. I would agree that "some faggy feeling" is not entirely convincing. I've prayed for miracles and received them. I asked Christ to heal my cat who was full of tumors through my hands, and they were gone a few days later. I've experienced impossible things time and time again through simply communing with God in a psychic manner.
>When Science finally comes through, you'll be sorry!
Replace 'Science' with Jesus; you're a fucking imbecile.
Unless you're actually a scientist, you're just as much of a sheep as the Christian, or the Muslim, or any of the rest. Mathematicians are Physicists are your prophets, theories are scripture, and your own ego is your God.
This is the new religion of Atheism, and its followers are just as closed-minded and intolerant as any of the old monotheists.
We should not be having these conversations in /currentyear/, the debate is already over. Ignorance is a choice at this point
Forgot the obligatory meme
But then you'd have to prove to me that my dreams aren't real. They're as real as anything else is. Just because I wake up here doesn't mean I wasn't just over there. Which sense is responsible for placing me within a different scenario entirely? But in my waking life I've communed with God and received immediate results, in a purely physical sense, so which sense allows me to have that experience? I don't think you can answer my question.
Nah, they're just cultural "christians" now.
incorrect homo, we're the site that ruthlessly mocked you reddit faggots for your "euphoria" fedoraposting
>Replace 'Science' with Jesus; you're a fucking imbecile.
>And as science progresses and gives proper answers where science can only give magic as an answer, you lose more and more ground.
holy shit science btfo
I'm actually a militant anti-theist
The debate is never over because /currentyear/ doesn't provide anything that hasn't been provided before. History is more akin to a time loop than any actual progress.
Ah yes, I too remember when I was 18
>But then you'd have to prove to me that my dreams aren't real.
pfft. 'it was real in my mind!' ok dude you got me
Maybe if you live in fairyland
It wasn't "in my mind." I was transported to another place in which I saw, tasted, felt, smelled. I existed. You're not able to explain this.
If you think there's anything new about /currentyear/ then you're a moron.
>there was nothing
That's where you and I actually disagree, kiddo.
>You're not able to explain this.
sure i can, lots of people are delusional