What about me should I work on?

Also what about me is good as is? (I'll reply with more ref. this one has a caption I blurred and was the only pic of me full face)

Attached: IMG_0663.jpg (1206x2105, 1.49M)

Rate me threads go on /soc/.

youre what I would call a practice girl

You're pretty cute I'd girlfriend ya depending on the personality.

Hmm not bad tho

You have really cute facial features. Just get fit and profit.

You seem fine. I'm personally not into Asians and would avoid you like the plague, but I'd say the vast majority of guys on here would wife you.

The vast majority of men on Jow Forums would wife a houseplant if they could be convinced it would enable their codependency.

You look like a proper asian sex slave for my superior white man cock.

If those eyebrows are fake, ditch them
Get a pair of glasses you didn't get from grandma
Invest in a fringe, your hairline is miserable
Lastly go to faggot

I thought /soc/ was mainly for hookups

serious honest question here, what is wrong with codependency?
should I just google it? because I don't see how that's supposed to be a bad thing

Touching up your eyebrows, I guess?

You got kik? I want to show you my penis.

If she's like most women, she won't get anything from that except having to delete that pic. Assuming this isn't a joke post, what do you get out of it?

You're personality

It creates unhealthy dynamics that will sooner or later destroy the relationship. It means that you start putting the responsibility for how you feel on your partner, which is a burden nobody can bear for decades without getting resentful.
Ina codependent relationship, you can‘t say what you need. So you bottle your unmet needs up till they burst out in a very ugly way - unless you deal with them otherwise, like cheating/drinking/escapism in general.
For example:
Imagine you have a codependent partner who claims that he can‘t live a second without you and that he can‘t be happy when you‘re not around. Now you are also a person who takes responsibility for other‘s emotions.
Then your friends invite you for a weekend roadtrip and you get very excited, because you haven‘t seen them in a while and you could really use a change of scenery. You go to your partner and tell them that you got invited and that you‘ll be gone from x till y, where you‘ll go and what the plans are. (If you even get that far. A lot of people know fully well what kind of reaction they‘d get from that and decline right away or avoid telling their so).
Now your partner suddenly starts to act irritable, snaps at you for every little thing, avoids physical/emotional intimacy, yadda yadda. You ask „what‘s wrong?“ and ofc the answer will be „nothing!“. But if you could read their mind, you‘d see that they interpret you wanting to (((LEAVE THEM ALONE DESPITE KNOWING FULL WELL THEY CAN‘T SLEEP WITHOUT WRAPPING THEMSELVES AROUND YOU LIKE AN OCCTOPUS AND THAT THEY CAN‘T ENJOY SHIT WHEN YOU‘RE NOT AROUND))) as you not giving a shit about them/not loving them/wanting to get away from them, and so on.
Basically, most relationship dramas stem from a mix of codependency, feeling responsible for your so‘s feelings and not being able to be honest (mostly out of fear). The rest is drama because people rather play the blame game that give each other empathy.

I remember your first post on this board. You have improved so much in such a short amount of time

You‘re pretty cute.
There‘s some darkness around your mouth area that you could improve, but it‘s a minor detail. Get some skin product containing AHA and you‘ll be golden.

First time on this board

Didn't you post a picture of you drinking tea in a car? Everyone said your lips were overlined.