Attached: igm85.jpg (537x767, 126K)
Hudson Gonzalez
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Benjamin Baker
Austin Ross
Wyatt Gutierrez
Michael Reed
This isn't even a soiboi thing. The guy genuinely loved and archived rare pieces of hardware and software. Some titles that were in that room were one of a kind.
Samuel Cox
Cameron Walker
F. Seems like a good man with a fun hobby who lost it due to circumstances out of his control.
Eli Powell
F, OP you don't *get* the s0i meme
Connor Fisher
Robert Rogers
Wyatt King
best I can do is an 'S'.
Jaxson Green
vidya is peak escapism but I still feel sorry for this normie.
Anthony Cooper
Hoarders get the rope too.
Josiah Price
I feel there's a difference here between numale Nintendo switch fags and this collection.
Bentley Jones
Austin Evans
Xavier Wood
Nathaniel Jones
F from a fellow collector.
Lucas Collins
Also F
Dominic Jones
Kayden Cruz
he may be a pathetic fucking loser
but that's a lot of time, effort, money and history down the drain right there.
Aiden Clark
May your vidya rest in piece
Kayden Morales
get a load of this edge lord
Caleb Powell
Man was a collector and hobbyist.
Ethan Brown
All you need is original Xbox and halo 2 you zoomer fgt
Jaxon Nguyen
> living in a house made out of cheap wood
Michael Scott
That's a hot collection
Jace Allen
F that’s gotta suck
Dylan Campbell
Says the Hue living in a shack made of cheap tin and copper
Joshua Bell
That's like saying all you need are books written after the year 2000, dipshit.
Justin Morris
Angel Parker
>2000 games
Honestly the fire is a blessing in disguise.
John Collins
Levi Cook
He'll just start collecting something more degenerate
Angel Robinson
Retarded manchildren
No wonder women only fuck a tiny portion of Chad males
Oliver Gomez
Some of those consoles were relics from simpler times. Better times.
Henry Young
Lol hope he kills himself.
Jacob Gomez
Joshua Howard
Lmao now the fat bastard cuck would have to go outside and see what it feels like to be in sunlight top kek gaymer cucklords are pathetic. Hope he gets a job now since its clearly a sign from God to GROW UP
Carson Sanchez
Jordan Robinson
Hunter Rivera
Zachary Green
Camden Morales
This makes me happy I sold my collection and bought gold/silver.
Jace Martinez
They do fuck pretty much anyone in our country, mate
Gavin Perry
Dylan Brown
Wonder if he had an Atari Jaguar
Jaxon Brooks
Additionally, (((1 post by this ID))).
Samuel Murphy
>game room
Physical collectors fags BTFO
Ian Turner
Fuck you zoomer play more Fortnite, gg no re nub
Chase Diaz
Isaiah Mitchell
F(eels) bad, man. Soi Boi or not, he had a passion that's gone up in flames
Brody Rodriguez
Was this guy smart enough to insure his collection?
Matthew Young
shut up bitch
Gabriel Hill
Jason Williams
How he fuck do you let something like this happen? If your life's work is potentially threatened by fire you install a sprinkler or fire elimination system. Of you store this shit in protective safes.
Parker Allen
If his games were so precious to him, how come he did not install a fire suppression system? If the games were sealed in their cases, they would not get water damaged. I mean for the price of a couple of rare titles he could of done something to preserve them incase of a fire. Fuck even a fire resistant volt for the really expensive rare ones.
Joseph Howard
Maybe now he'll do something useful for once.
Joseph Bennett
Juan Martinez
just another reason to not be a weeb and join the superior PC gamers.
He could have just got a new PC from insurance and re downloaded his games.
Colton Morales
Josiah White
dude why hate on this dude? I love all those systems. It took him a lot of time to get all that shit and cost a fortune. Stop being a dick
Zachary Lopez
Newest game he can rebuild his collection with.
Jose Scott
Kek his video game collection looks like the World Trade Center burnt to crisp.
Angel Morgan
Sebastian Johnson
This is what the faggots get for hoarding and not dumping rare shit
Cameron Ward
This may be one of the best things that ever happened to this guy. Relentless use of video games + porn keeps untold millions of men sedated and shackled in their rooms, wasting their great potential. Break free, bros. Break free.
Noah Cruz
Isaiah King
try again, tradfag
Hudson Ward
I don't play Vidya but I would be upset as fuck if my baseball card collection just burned.
Ayden Gonzalez
This is why you buy insurance if you collect bullshit like this
Aiden Cooper
>when you're Abraham and you get called out by God
Adrian Rivera
Chase Hernandez
hopefully he can start living his life in a meaningful and productive manner instead of being an overweight manchild with children's hobbies.
as the Good Book teaches us: "When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me." 1 Corinthians 13:11
sometimes when you think you've been wronged by a turn of events, you've actually been blessed by the Lord our G_d. surely this boy will now get the opportunity to join his fellow men in adulthood and manly propensity.
Aiden Torres
Good news for vulture-like collectors, value of any rares just went up.
William Howard
What would the money bring back?
Landon Butler
Who cares, it's vidya. Why do people act like it matters?
Xavier Perry
Oh ffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuu-
Jose Stewart
Replace with guns, nerd.
Aaron Taylor
Possessions are meaningless, the only meaning in life is your body, your mind, your soul, and your bonds.
Parker Reyes
Cooper Perry
Mathew 6:19 19: Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal
Logan Lee
Not a gamer except F1 and auto racing sim shit, but feel for the guy. F
Jose Brooks
Checked, satan
Mason Bell
fuck you for making fun of someone for having a fucking fire. we didnt remove our filters to be assholes you edgy cunt. we just want a future for our children.
Levi Bell
Dylan Williams
Shouldn't have left that Nvidia GPU powered PC in the same room.
Jacob Myers
I would lose a PC and a controller.
Steam library isn't going anywhere.
Jordan Williams
Levi Cook
this is old. Why all the repost shit on pol. shill faggot.
Isaiah Fisher
Nothing soi about it. Poor cunt lost his collection. I might even post the faggot some stuff I got.
Evan King
Juan Bell
I've lost stuff due to a house fire too. It's hard. Feel sorry for that dude.
Julian Hughes
No insurance goyim?
Dominic Thompson
Why do you say G_d and not just God?
Kevin Peterson
Matthew Wright
Getta load of this hard cunt right here
Logan Brooks
wonder what caused the fire
Dylan Carter
Alexander Sullivan
My xgf threw all my comics from 80s and 90s along with my sports cards into a fire.
Boohoo. Fuck that cuck