The stages of an user

Well, Jow Forums... Which one is currently (you)?

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are you sure you didn't just describe bipolar disorder?

I hope the clown meme becomes funny eventually.


>ywn be stages 1 and 2 and have fun on the internet again

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honk honk motherfucker

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Next is going from chaotic neutral to chaotic evil

Thread Theme

16 counts handed down by a grandjury.

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Honk honk

When it was first injected it was supposed to be funny, but I don't think it's supposed to be funny anymore.

Take the boomer pill and you will again. So far we've already been blessed with Ricardo, a roody poo who's happier than happy negro and smiles brighter that cock mongler. With him alone we almost completely driven the zoomer menace off /wsg/. All more great things to come. Our golden will return.

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This, God bless Ricardo

it's inherently depressing
it was never funny user. it was never meant to be

Nothing funny about it. Even the mutt meme eventually came around for some keks.

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I skipped the honk step.
Honk is only for low IQ, or people with no willpower.

Honk honk, user...

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What’s the source of this anime girl?

The honk one isnt a real step

We are unironically on the one before that though baka desu famalam imhdo lmfao breh

Don't be upset

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this user gets it

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Honking is simply a recognition of the clown world we're living in.

Jow Forums isn't one person, ya doink. We don't all have to be in the same state of mind

honk honk

It's a commissioned piece. That girl is the viewer's younger sister, who is at first super-happy to spend time with her big brother when she's just a little loli. As an early-teen, she starts suggesting they have some space, and as a late-teen she's getting frustrated that he keeps trying to spend time with her instead of getting a girlfriend like a normal grown-ass man. The final picture is her as an adult, loathing the fact that her disgusting, single, lonely older brother would even be in her presence, given how much she hates him.

When you're living in a clown world you might as well embrace it.

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I'll never become the avatar of white rage and put the world to rights, so I might as well try to enjoy the show

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Get in here Honkers

HONK HONK we have a winner

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im kinda in this one

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It's not funny. That's the point. It is distinctly unfunny. Which is why you have to laugh.

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Clowns never be funny, they're the epitome of nihilism indeed

I'm glad it's not just me, because I fucking lose my shit to those tick tock Ricardo memes. it seems like not a lot of people know about it, though.

clown troops for clown world troofs

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Nothing nihilistic about it. Its clowns. Its just clowns. Honk honk

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I want to make 4 a mommy


2nd to last but from the left wing pan-humanist approach

The final stage!

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make /b/ great again?

I don't know if that's even possible right now. We'd need a culling irl of tranny's, furries, and those who love them.

when was the last time /b/ even did anything useful? Adria Richards?

>When the world descends you into clown madness in this crazy honking clown world

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Before the last stage, I don't think I'll honk tho

Tarrant-chan is soooo cute

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honk honk

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glorious, she beats christchan anyday ez

soon you will

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desu, i wouldn't call honking/clownposting as a stage - more of a phrase