Pussified American Men

Slavanon living in the US here. I wanted to talk about the differences I see in in Eastern Europeans (where I grew up) and Americans (where I currently live). The culture there is much more fashioned and many women still feel as it the man should provide for the family. The women there are harder and more mature than the women here who always whine about inequality. American men and Slavic men couldn't be more different. I think most Slavs can relate they were raised to be tough and keep going after taking a punch (unless you are a slavic Jew, then you are worse than a woman). They are taught to never give up and continue fighting no matter the situation. American men appear to break down and cry over nothing, almost as if they are looking for something to be upset about. Where Slavic men have grit, American men show defeat. American men appear to always backdown when someone insults them and all conflict is handled like politics (stabbing knives into each other's backs). In Slavic culture usually everything not solved with words is solved with fists, one guy gets the shit beaten out of him and that's the end of it. Here, if you even ask someone to fight it out with you the police show up. What are you doing America? You are raising boys to be women! I know girls from Bulgaria which are tougher than some of you. Man up you tards!

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>Slavanon living in the US here. I wanted to talk about the differences I see in in Eastern Europeans (where I grew up) and Americans (where I currently live)
American men feed the world and aren't on German and French welfare.

The US government feeds Europe. Something it shouldn't be doing. That isn't the point here however, every man in the North is pussified and obedient. They even stand down when women talk to them condescendingly.

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they smile for no reason too right?

Smiling is a sign of trust and friendship. Men don't smile without reason.

ive generally heard other slavs say that people in the west smile for no reason

Not as much as Americans per se.

i include americans in my definition of west
you are from bulgaria?
do you plan on returning?
is it really that easy to get a job there?
is it hard to migrate? get a visa etc

Haha no. I have a group of friends who moved back to Bulgaria. I grew up in Vilnius. My parents were both Russians and raised me in such fashion (which upset the Lithuanians).

Where do you live? I don't deny that many parts of the country this is how the "men" act. It started in school when they instituted zero tolerance policies and fighting back against a bully was punished as bad as being a bully and starting a fight. This especially affected the white kids since the niggers and spics were usually the protagonists. It hasn't taken hold everywhere though.

What you describe is exactly how I was raised. We used to fight all of the time, in school or out of it. A guy I knew used to get picked on for being a scrawny little runt. One summer he packed on a bunch of muscle and grew like six inches. He came back to school and beat the fuck out of like five guys at once. The principal called him into his office and just asked, "Well, did you get that out of your system?" He said, "Yes, sir", and that was it. The bullies didn't whine to their parents because their parents would have just asked why the hell they were bullying him anyway and told them they deserved it. Now the kids nigger or spic parents would sue the school and some jewish lawyer organization would handle it for free. This is an entirely new phenomenon that is a result of a deliberate feminization of the country to weaken it. The effect has been the worst on white males because they're the ones with the most future to look forward to so they're the only ones who have to jump through hoops to avoid conflict. The niggers and spics don't give a fuck since they're just going to amount to shit anyway.

I've been teaching my son to fight since he could crawl and if he ever gets suspended for a fight he didn't start I'm going to go to his school and call the principal a giant pussy just for shits and giggles.

That's good user. Make him into a man. I'm in New York currently, which explains the pussy nature of men. Teach the kid to take a punch as well as he can throw one. I wish someone taught me that when I got into my first fight. But it really is upsetting. Defending yourself against an asshole is basically career suicide. Best of luck with your kid user. C Бoгoм.

I know two kids who got into a shootout in 8th grade. With a 357 magnum too. Not everywhere is the same as the suburbs close to liberal cities. Where did you go slavanon?

Let me add something else I noticed. I was a USMC DI. The boys who were raised by single mothers were the absolute worst about this. They were more anxious, reluctant to accept responsibility for actions, more submissive to authority but more resentful of it, less understanding of the nature of male spaces and the mutual respect between competing males, and generally had more feminine psyches in that regard. Usually after a while these traits could be bred out of them with enough pain and consistency.

Looking at their obesity rate they mostly feed themselves

Tldr The only Bulgarians I know have widows peaks, male and female. Go back to your third world country while we let ours burn, Vesko.

Can confirm, was raised by a single mother. I'll blame anyone for anything I can and have never accepted responsibility in my life.

Women flirt with me on a near constant basis.

Everyone used to bring guns to school in their trucks on gun racks. Fuck if I can find it since my SSD died but maybe someone has the photo from the 80s where a teacher and a student are sitting at the school entrance with their guns they grabbed from their cars. Somebody called in a shooting threat so the seniors and teachers just grabbed their own guns and carried on with their day.

Yeah, he knows. I started really early with that and with standing up for himself.

>son 3 years old at play place
>I'd been gone for 6 months and he'd just been around his mom
>some older kid takes a plane from his hands and runs off
>comes whining to me
>tell him if he doesn't want people to steal then don't be a little bitch
>he goes up to the kid, takes the plane out of his hands, drops it on the ground and stares him down
>I start laughing
>they become best friends instantly and I'm just waiting to deal with some bitchy mom
>some guys walks up and asks if I'm his dad
>say yep
>"Well, he deserved it"
>end up making new friend too

I've seen similar shit happen with single moms involved and it devolves into some stupid catfight because women are completely incapable of accepting that their kid did anything wrong.

>be me
>in gym
>playing soccer
>this kid kicks the ball into my back once
>get pissed, curse him out
>he laughs and said it was an accident
>roll with it
>it happens two more times
>i get angry and deck in him the face when he turns to laugh
>we get into a massive fight
>sent to principal's office
>both have detention
>ended up being close friends for the remaining years of school

I lost contact with this chad a while back but I cant help but miss him. We always had each other's backs. Sometimes a fight is the best way to make a new friend.

That's pretty badass actually. Kudos to those chads

In Eastern European countries women are good looking, men are ugly.

In English speaking countries, it's the other way around.

Apply the boot hard enough and the neck will bend. Pain fixes all feminization in young men. Especially pain you can't escape.

>In Eastern European countries women are good looking, men are ugly.

>In English speaking countries, it's the other way around


im from ny but the only republican borough. going into the city is like entering a new world.

Staten Island?


How'd I know? You guys are all just Southerners in NYC

> lul sure feels like it.

>in New York currently
Cities are full of liberals. You're also in the single most leftist city in the US. You cannot and should not take anything you find in New York as representative of the rest of the country. NYC is an ugly beast of liberal hell.

Let me guess, you live in a city. Naturally, you'll be surrounded by cityfags.

Women won't make eye contact with me because they're literally afraid of me. Sometimes when I need to run an errand I'll use it as an excuse to go for a 5-10 mile walk and chicks always give me a wide berth, switch to the other side of the street, or just walk by me on pins and needles with their heads bowed staring at the ground. This happens all the time and I'm actually pretty good looking. If only the ladies knew how nice I can be.

Yeah, I felt sorry for those boys with single moms. There was one kid who didn't come to us on family day or grad day, which is a bit weird because usually the families were all excited to meet us. On grad day he's the last one to pick up his stuff and he just kind of slinks in the back door with his family so we all pop our heads out to yell some good natured, last minute shit talking to him when his mom notices us. She's a total milf. She walks over to us and barely hides that she unbuttons her top button a bit. He's already looking embarassed. You can tell she does this all of the time and why he didn't want us to meet her. We all just said hi politely but mostly ignored her and went to talk to him. Fucking disgusting. He was a good kid.

I wonder if this phenomenon of complete rural/urban polarization of faggotry and normalcy is more pronounced in America than other places. I've seen a number of anons from other countries saying things like OP and when you ask where they are it's always some city. I know it's not exclusive to here but it seems more pronounced.

>every man in the North is pussified and obedient
No, you don't roll in the circles we do.

>I wonder if this phenomenon of complete rural/urban polarization of faggotry and normalcy is more pronounced in America than other places.

I attribute this to the fact that America is much more steady with it's economy. Everyone is richer and goods are more readily accessible. Also, Americans never had to face something like Leningrad so their culture didn't revolve around fighting with tooth and nail to survive. This makes young men more feminine in the sense that they will dramatise seemingly minuscule issues since they don't have real issues to worry about. Thats just the nature of the human brain. When every basic need is met, it finds something else to worry about. Hence the feminine attitude of young American boys to whine and act like girls when faced with challenges.

I'd fuck the living shit out a milf by the way. You missed out, user.

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I take it youre from the South user? I want to move down to there eventually. How would they treat a Slav down there? I personally adore Confederate rebel culture almost as much as that of Russian. I'd glady call myself a Confederate if I could. Any good places to reccomend?

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good insights

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Second that. I'm taking note. I did ROTC as well before quitting (realised I would go out and die for a country which mistreats me) and I did medical work for the most part as well as some logistics. Even the cadets were babies. They couldn't even run right, let alone use a compass and map for orienteering.


Texfag here.
Please bring as many slavs as you can. We must not lose this great state to the fucking commiefornian shemales infesting Austin and Dallas. Houston has been niggered since Katrina, and it's only getting worse.
I was actually thrown out of public school for fighting, when I only started maybe three out of the countless ones, and the three I started were because I didn't feel the monkeyniggers were entitled to my studying.

I feel you user. Texas looked great half a decade ago. What the fuck happened? (Most slavs won't go anywhere South of Florida by the way).

>I know girls from Bulgaria which are tougher than some of you. Man up you tards!

Dunno, I've worked around men my whole life. Trades. Never seen one cry on the job. All hardworking and tough. They made this country and continue to. Sorry slavanon, but your country might be shit for a reason.

All tradesmen are hardworking men. That's not a good comparison. I'm talking from my experience and what I see day to day. And what I see is the abandonment of a rich and masculine culture. Embrace the South anons. That's the culture they denied you. That is the culture they say you do not have. That is the culture they took from you.

It's because of the commiefornian shemales and their dykeslut enablers.
Seriously though, Texas has more of a winter than floridafags ever will, and better summers.
Just slav our poz-holes up, Russia. We had Czechs and Germans up here, and the area I'm in, outside of the cities, isn't too bad culturally. A little christcucky, but there's enough out there, even fifth-generation hispanics, who know what's up.

The police cuck us here.. you can’t stand up for yourself without risking life in prison

>Embrace the South anons.

I've been thinking about moving to Arkansas. Heard anything one way or the other about it?

See you didn’t grow up in the US. If you had played football as a youth you’d knew that American boys rape the weaker ones in the locker rooms. This is common knowledge. Every American male is Jack Torrance from The Shining —remember that

They were black gang members

It used to be like that up here to. Look how fast my country has gone all the way gay.


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Czech-American here. We are the master race of America. The rest are mongrels and niggers.

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>you see burgerski in former soviet union you stab man in back with knife, but in america you handle things like a civilized adult without getting sent to hard labor gulag for murder

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Slavs are bigger pussies than Americans individually, Slavs always get bullied by us CaucasChads. you are just saying this to make yourself feel better.

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Thats because slavs have never known happiness nor joy, just hunger.

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No, it’s a horrible way to solve any issue or problem. People get accidentally killed in fist fights all the time or they get their brains pounded on and they become stupid and agressive and it basically destroy their soul. You don’t just fight and then it’s over, espically nowadays when someone gets brutally beaten and it’s get seen by millions of people including all their friends and family because some soulless humanoid recorded it. You’re retarded

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Shut up..

You gonna let muslims bring guns to school or MS13?

Whites are such fairytale-driven hypocritical nigger trash

"Derr we all used to bring sub machine guns to school in der 70s .. Aint nobody shot up our skool der boy"

Literally.. Whites are niggers dunked in clorox

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I attribute it to the fact that all of the jews that came moved to cities. Southerners and Appalachian folk have been ridiculed by pop culture coming from cities for a century now. You're absolutely right that you've had a harder go of it in that time span, and I am not saying that I disagree with it. It makes sense. But we have the added influences of the jews and the Italians, who both settled in our largest cities and brought left wing politics with them. There's a whole shitload of factors. It's so polarized that even though I want an ethnostate I could honestly see myself siding with a southern black man over a city faggot in a civil conflict, depending on the circumstances.

I don't know enough to recommend an area to you honestly but people here would take to you just fine. Honestly everyone in the south is very friendly and talkative to strangers. You're just going to have to get used to everyone making conversations with each other. Even in a shithole like Atlanta the the city people are more friendly and open than other big cities. I'm not a native, grew up in the midwest so about the only reason I want to move back is the open skies and cowboy hats. The south is amazing though.

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You know what you are slav? Some lowdown slave cuck

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You're not wrong. Many of us men have come to unlearn the pussification bred into us by public school. Our fathers didn't know better, because they were "trying something new" with the advent of homes raising kids without set gender roles in the 70s as a rebellion against their shitty abusive fathers.
Men of my generation have been forced to relearn true manhood, without the abuse, or become giant faggot pussies.

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>unless you are a slavic Jew, then you are worse than a woman

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>subtly admits nonwhite immigration has ruined the country

It's funny you're so anxious to see us die off when the successful countries we've built are a historical aberration. When we're gone you'll just return to the miserable existence your ancestors lived before they came here, but you don't even have foresight to see this or, after it's happened, the self awareness to understand why.

You women haters are just like the ancient Greeks, you hate women because they aren't men, and that's why you screw men and are a faggot because you want a man in your bed and not a woman, you don't understand and don't want someone who is different than you by nature.

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>American men appear to always backdown when someone insults them
Bitch come to the country we will bury you in the backyard with the old dog fagit.

You can never really call yourself redpilled if you love a woman.

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>Lets all die out
Op is a faggot confirmed. Filthy incel get off my board and go back to plebbit where you can be an edgelord

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Whites are the retarded niggers writing the laws! I dont want muslims that we are bombing to move in.. For fuck's sake whites are the most retarded race on the fucking planet..

Only one religion believes in cutting ppls heads off.. Thats who Jake and Stacey want to have as refugees after bombing the shit out them..

No nigger is begging america to flood our country with horny illegals and somalians and Papau New Guinea headhunters.. Only a retarded ice monkey can imagine such stupid immigration policies

Whites are evil little self sabotaging faggot elves that slip on banana peels and mountain bike and shit.. You're no leader

It's possible to love something while also being dominant over it. I love my dog, but it knows I'm in charge. What's wrong is that our idea of love from a man to a woman has changed into a woman's idea of love. A man can love a woman but the woman absolutely must respect the man. Women get their feelings of love and the mushy, butterfly shit from what is to them some intangible, romantic, mystical force of nature but is really just her natural submission to the respect he commands. I love my wife because she has had my children, she doesn't challenge my word, maintains a good home happily and puts in effort into the things she should. I love her because she has met my expectations but I have it made explicitly clear that my love and commitment is based on her keeping up with her duties, and she knows that if she doesn't I can move on and be just fine.

>I'm in New York currently

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>not realizing those white folks are (((white)))
Whites are the most altruistic, empathetic people on this planet. The problems we are currently facing is because we became so successful that we lost sight of the fact that not everyone is capable of living in a manner we deem civilized. We thought perhaps if we share in our success you too can live like us. We are slow to anger but when it truly dawns on us that we gave you an olive branch and you did nothing but sharpen it to stab us in the back you're going to wish you'd never come here. The last time we had a good internal fight the only significance anywhere else had was to serve as a battlefield as we tossed you back and forth like the nothings you are.


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>Ooga booga da jooz made us ooga boog da jooz

Modern day western civilization white men are whiny suicidal cowards and maniacs.. Moderate slow drip muslim/shit tier immigration isnt the problem.. Accelerationism of refugee intake (and acceleration in wars) is whats fucking us up..

Its all because horsetooth white women run your lives.. You cant say no to Susan Reynolds the soccer mom who knows nothing so our nations have to be flooded with refugees and illegals.. White men are such chicken neck sniviling cowards they cant say no to a woman..

Stop passing corrupt bullshit laws and electing white rich people who specialize in faking rhetoric and taking bribes.. Every white person running for office is either the weirdest faggot on earth or the most corrupt business man on the planet.. Put a fucking normal white guy in charge and dont fucking kill him with your CIA you dumb white nigger retards.. Every good white guy president is fucking assassinated by another white buck tooth retard