Is it considered immoral to have an asian gf? I'm a white guy and I really like dating asian girls because they're submissive to white men and always do what they're told. I'm dating one right now and the sex is amazing. I like calling her "chink" and "zipperhead" and slapping her really hard when we're in bed. I know race mixing is wrong and we need to preserve the superior white race. My question is, is it immoral for me to be dating an asian as a white man as long as I don't reproduce with her?
Is it considered immoral to have an asian gf...
naaaaaaah. go ahead and reproduce with her, bro. i do it all the time
If you are worried about 'saving the white race', donate sperm. Many developed countries have sperm shortages. It would be better for you to have a mixed white-asian child than no child at all because at least you are spreading white DNA.
But white-asian children are inferior to pure white children. Why would I want to leave behind children with weak genes?
But white-asian children are superior to children with no white genes at all. If you don't have kids, some immigrant from the third-world will take your child's place
Repopulate and move to an Asian country. Your children will be considered Gods to everyone!!!
Not true. The immigrants will just come anyways and I'll just be adding more contaminants to the gene pool. I would be ok if it was a daughter because she could be a sex slave for more white men, but if it's a boy then it's just going to be a complete abomination and probably have a mental illness like that Elliot Rodger guy.
Being against interracial dating is racist and therefore immoral.
So is pursuing a relationship with the intention of treating your partner as a second class citizen or unequal to you.
Date whoever you want, just don't treat your partner like a slave or act like you're better than them.
But... they are second class citizens? There's a reason asian girls prefer white guys over asian guys.
Idk intellectually Asian kids are superior they just look weird
You sure? I've met two half-asian guys and they were turbo chads
It is inmoral not donating to genetical research to turn wh*te w*men into 10/10 Asian goddesses.
>Is it considered immoral to have an asian gf?
Yes. This is why asian guys are often so self-conscious.
Yes, race mixing is wrong, end of.
If you wouldn’t go out with a black woman, why should you go out with an Asian, it’s the same principle
>wants a gf who is submissive and „does what she‘s told“ instead of a relationship on eye level
>dates in terms of races instead of a person he genuinely likes
Well well, op, seems like you got some work to do.
I'd really like someone to walk me through the racism = immoral thing. It's definitely one of the modern unquestionable superstitions.
Please start at what morality is, followed by the generic moral principles of you morality, then which principle racism breaks, and finally how it breaks it.
>I'd really like someone to walk me through the racism = immoral thing
Its not so immoral as it is completely irrelevant. Genetically, there is no such thing as racial purity. At this point in history our genetic material is such a muddy soup of different genealogies around the world that the idea that one even could maintain racial purity is laughable. There is nothing pure about our DNA. At this point the argument essentially boils down to being mad at that guy who lives over there because he was shit out on a different plot of land than I was shit out on. I would use the words petty and ignorant. The concept of saying that it isn't okay to love and reproduce with another human being because they were shit out on a different plot of land than you were is petty and ignorant. 5000 years ago your "race" didn't exist and 5000 years from now it won't either. Racism is a thing human beings invented because we're small-minded, violent and territorial creatures. It is a product of our nature, yet, if you know anything about the basis of logical fallacies you'd understand that something being natural is not an argument for it being correct or just.
i would go with black girl
Fag, I bet you’re a weeb with a hard on for brown gooks
Group preferences exist. Your idea of racism is close minded and wouldn't survive scrutiny in some Asian countries
First off, saying it's completely irrelevant isn't a moral stance. No one bases action on how "relevant" the motive is. Having sex isn't "relevant" to some end other than pleasure, same goes for buying a house, debating on racist morality, and just about every action I can think of. Sure, purely rational beings would consider whether their action is rational, but you must remember that just because a logical fallacy is made (appeal to nature) doesn't mean that the conclusion is wrong, only that the logic behind it is lacking or in error.
Also, from the sound of it, your general post seems to be ignorance = immoral, racism = ignorance, => racism = immoral.
This would be fine if you could prove racism is actually ignorance, but you've made a similar fallacy by saying "it's natural, therefore wrong" or "it's moral, therefore right."
Just trying to break this down a bit
There isn't such thing as objective morality. Morality is beliefs, basically, not facts
I agree, somewhat, but the question at hand is how racism is immoral, and I have yet to be shown why in a meaningful way. All that's been said is "it's irrelevant" which is cool but unconvincing
why do people actually reply to this shit
Racism leads to treating people differently in ways that imply different levels of dignity between racial and ethnic groups. This has a negative historical context in genocide, mass murder, segregation, and slavery. This can have social ramifications too, in making some racial groups more likely to be mistreated or abused than others. It's like how if you're a Serb in an ethnic Albanian neighborhood you won't be treated with a lot of respect and may even be a victim of a crime based on your heritage.
Arguments against racism could be that mixed kids aren't neither superior nor inferior, but simply different, so it wouldn't matter. But then again, saying that your race won't exist in 5000 years is an opinion. If everyone was racist, then whites would exist in 5000, years. So it's up to your personal evaluation. If you never found good enough white girl, but get really well with asians, you can choose to be egoistic and give up on your race, because in the modern day and age your race doesn't care about you either. But that is not to say that it won't change in the future
These are all appeals to morality. Why is any of that bad? That's the question.
I personally believe people should stick to their race, and while I pass pre-emptive judgements, I do not let that interfere with any interactions I take with people. For example, seeing a hapa I make shake my head or make an elliot Roger joke, but that ends if I ever converse with them. After that, judgement is based on what they say, do, etc. I personally hate niggers and wish they'd all go to Africa or be killed and if whites want that to happen I'll help, but otherwise I'm a very live and let live person
This thread sounds better on Jow Forums
>dey question my deeply held beliefs
>go to Jow Forums reeeeeeeee
My first time seeing this thread, mongoloid faggot
It really makes no difference since all women are the same.
It is immoral to fornicate. And you should marry a girl from your own race, especially if you're white because we need to perpetuate the white race which is endangered.
This. Infancy is thinking all women are good, childhood that some are good and some evil, pre-teen years thinking there is no good or bad, teen years that women are valuable because of pussy, young adult hood that they are human and equal to men, adult hood that some are bad and some good, elderhood that most are bad and few good, and ascendancy that they are all the same (bad)
Please don't reproduce. That would be immoral, but only because you're an abortion of a human being.
This, if you only like your partner because she is Asian the relationship is gonna work. You need to like her for other reasons and find common interests. Do you see you and her being together in 10-20 years?
>Do you see you and her being together in 10-20 years?
No; like what if they did? She might be some kind of conscripted concubine to them.
That doesn't make it any better.
They can still go suck a fucking dick.