How do I get a stable relationship with a guy

I’m not unfuckable but I’m not perfect, what do guys like in a girl the most that I should exemplify.

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Find one at church even if you arent religious and stick to your own race

Have skills, passions, a good personality, a well paying job, a degree, good social skills, at least 5 best friends, be outgoing and sensitive yet assertive, be also very smart.
Oh wait you're not a guy...

In that case just don't be fat

>at least 5 best friends,
Your on Jow Forums no one has friends here idiot

I don’t goto church, and I prefer white men over Asian

What if you’re *thick* in the words of men. Not fat, I work out but I do have plump on my butt and I’m a DD

Ive lost count with the amount of girls I've been with
I can fuck a 1/10 or a 10/10
but all I really want is a girl who is nice I don't care if she's hot or not

>doesn't drink
>doesn't smoke
>doesn't do drugs
>kind caring person
>wants kids

That's all my girlfriend had to do.

Fuck off normalscum
Stop browsing Jow Forums

Personaly my rules are.
You cant be fat.
I used to not care as long as not land whale but now I do.
A bit overweight or chubby is fine just not obviously fat.

Face is hands down most important.
A girl I was deeply in love with had a cute face but surfboard tits and small ass.

Lowest rating face id date is 5 MAYBE if their personality was stellar. I'm more shallow than alot of guys on Jow Forums though.
Take some joy in the fact that girls can date above them in looks. Guys don't have that luxury.

they get super excited when they know you like the same kind of stuff they do. they also prefer it if you're direct with them. they don't like to play the guessing game. that's the most common thing i've heard with guys

Here's a secret OP. Guys like emotional support like girls do. It's just "gay" to admit this. So as long as you are nice, supportive and listen to what your partner says then you're fucking golden. That will check off the "good personality" merit for many guys who like "nice" girls. I put that in quotes because, again, guys won't admit to wanting kind words in public. As for getting white guys? Beaches and lakes. Get set up somewhere near these kind of properties and you'll be bound to meet a white guy into asian girls. No bloody clue why this is, but it is.

I dunno, but the behavior I remember most fondly is just being appreciated. My best ex was the girl who seemed to genuinely admire me, take an interest in anything I was doing and at the same time goad me into improving in a very kind way.

Also girls who are actively into things or knowledgible, even if it's just about their hobbies, are attractive to me.

Why so?
Doesn't really matter as long as you're guzzling white cum but I really wanna know why Asians throw themselves at us

All guys like tits.

Even gay guys

why did you break up?

holy shit is this like the effects of the defeat of post third wave feminism? all these girls that cant keep a guy around? after decades of having everything handed to them on a platter, guys got organized and hit you back now you cant even manage the most basic of social interactions?

Be real. That is attractive to both sexes. Also, know what you want.

Don’t be fat, take care of your hair.

Probably stop expecting him to be perfect.

Being hot.

Literally just go on any dating site and have your pick

Post body faggot

If you're not fat but have plump butt and DD chests, the remaining reasons are you have butterface, are lying to yourself about not being fat, have a horrible personality, or isolate yourself.

Being normal is a major virtue these days.
Being a cute tomboy is even better.

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In this pic my fave doesn’t show that much and I had makeup residue, but I get dumped because I don’t put out and get sad some times

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I don’t like using sites because it makes guys think I want sex

I want more to a relationship than a guy thinking I’m hot

I don’t expect too much, looks are definitely not important to me, sure he he had them then it’s nice but i like getting with a guy that listens to me and I listen back. I have depression, who doesn’t, and whenever I have my waves I’d want a guy to comfort me, not leave because I don’t give puss

That's all that matters though

No, I could keep a guy if I put out, but if they guy wants to leave me then it’s the wrong guy so I don’t fight it.

I want a relationship where it isn’t, and I do know there are guys out there.

It’s a couple of weeks old, and it’s not my best but it does show my face better. I don’t wear as much makeup anymore and the personality thing; I’m sure it’s not the best but I am a pretty great girl. I’m still “young” and have room to learn but I can’t learn if I don’t have any experience

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This is a picture of my ex that dumped me

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Be a good catholic girl.

You are cute, where are you from?

You were disqualified when you let another man fuck you you nasty used up whore

Still a virgin


Aw shame. I am from Europe and sadly States is a tad too far away. I stand by my statement though, you are cute and dont sell yourself short..

In case you want to talk about random shit, let me know.

Put the phone down, stop taking selfies, use minimal makeup, and learn the basics of home economics. If you do that, you will be ahead of the game by miles, i promise.

Also, you do have a very fuckable face. So, you know... if ur ever round this way...

Well, you are cute and fuckable but IMO you should use less makeup (much less), stay natural, get some light dresses, not like a whore just try to get a fresher and natural look.

Maybe you just not found the one yet, keep trying.

Pure nonslut traits. (Almost extinct)

the makeup is atrocious, you are perhaps not obese, but you could do with loving yourself enough to not be fucking delusional and perhaps focus on more exercise because you are about to get fat if you don't stop lying to yourself

the thirsty anons itt saying you are cute and fuckable are strangely NOT PRESENT in your real life because they are thirsty anons who want to give you validation that does NOT LINE up with your real life, you're small but you're probably at least 70kg, you need to not fucking do that shitty eyeliner

signs you're fat include wide face around the eyes, less sharper nose, extra puffy cheeks, plus that belt of fat around you below your breasts, and tight pants that fail to conceal how you have no calves to speak of but belong to legs that suddenly balloon up in width

im not hating you, i dont want you to hate yourself, but you are being delusional, you did come here looking to cope, you get useless and fake validation from thirsty betas whether you wanted it or not, you are avoiding the problem staring at yourself in the mirror, and I want you to find constructive and honest ways to be physically attractive. Because at the moment you are not.

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also your boyfriend was a dyel faggot but he was right to leave you before you got more fat and ran back here to say 'what's wrong me apart from me being fat because im not fat'

How have you not had men constantly on your dick? Post body or I won't believe you


Look at all these women with larger jaws- I can't tell if you have an actually larger jaw or not, yours just might be fat, but if you DO have a larger jaw, you still need to lose weight. You may never be as good at makeup as hollywood actresses but these actresses are at a healthy weight that brings out the best of their jawline and you can achieve this if you stopped lying about not being fat on Jow Forums.

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paper bag tier

The pic of me and the boyfriend is around a year ago, when he broke up with me I started working out but I do appreciate the critic and advice. I was made fun of growing up about my eyes and used eye liner to give a effect to make them look bigger, but yeah I’m still learning lol.

She'd be dumb hot if she started jogging
Seen a few girls her size join my group and as start to lose weight and tone their shape up. V attractive

post current body faggot, crop out your face so you're not splattering Jow Forums with something we don't want or need to see

I posted a recent pic of me previously, I do have chunky arms right now but I’ve been working on core and most recently legs, I’m trying my best.

Lol why don’t you put out? I think that’s probably a bigger issue. You can’t be ugly and a prude, doesn’t really work.

>core and legs
So strength training? Meme thot exercises?

Listen to and include regular cardio. Your chunky arms are still indicate of high bf%, your exercises are probably memethot because effective targeted strength training is the domain of mildly educated gym thots or Jow Forumsposters who either really know what they're doing/have no idea what they're doing and you're none of the three.

Join a group that does cardio to find likeminded people that you can have fun with and support each other to get fit and pick up full body strength training not just core and legs. No you won't get too muscular or toned, you're never going to accidentally train/sleep/eat hard enough for that.

I don’t want to be THAT girl and put some traumatic experience that happened during my early teen years, so that should be enough said.

For a while it was my intention, but I fucked my knee so it’s a inclusion of physical therapy stuff now.

>experience that happened during my early teen years
So you're already an used up whore yet don't want guys to fuck you? Jesus, women are retarded. You don't suddenly become a pure virgin again after another guy has already used your pussy.

Almost used.

Answer this question, why do Asian girls go for white guys.

This guy knows what he's talking about

Females of all races prefer white guys

It’s not that I crave white guys, I don’t like the blonde chads, in fact I prefer rather “geeky”. But growing up I was around a heavy pressure of “white is right” and I’m sure in Asian places they see the white man as someone to bring them to America.

It's funny because guys always spout this but the exact opposite is truth. Guys are given everything, are mad that girls won't give in to the low standards of guys thinking it is enough to just be kinda nice, can't interact socially, and can't take responsibility for their actions.

I mean just look at all the replies.
None of these guys are good guys, yet they still blame a girl for wanting someone genuine towards her.

Have you ever done anything sexual? Have you spoken to anyone about your trauma?

I was raped by my uncle and no I haven't talked to anyone about it..

I don’t agree with this, but that’s for another thread.

Fair enough, you're right it is off topic.
I get testy like this right before bed.
Probably cranky anyway.

OP anyway good luck!! Take everything with a grain of salt.. if it wasn't late here I'd chat with you a bit.

Regular cardio is possible even with knee injuries, talk to your physiotherapist about it.

you should tell the police however and get to a therapist

Made out and stuff, but yeah I’ve seen a shrink

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Let me rephrase actually, consensually yes I have made out and a few handsey things. But I do have an experience that has included me talking to someone

>a few handsey things
You really shouldn't call yourself a virgin

are you trying to say that you had your bf for (a few months??) and you never put out?

watch the whole thing

Fair enough, but what if I wasn’t penetrated?

A year and some, he was my first kiss and we wanted to wait until we had our own place because fucking in a loud household wouldn’t be optimal. case you actually put out but worst case you made your bf wait a year to make out and do 'handsey' things with a girl who was fat?

just how useless was your shrink

look I have no further advice for you other than talk to your physio for advice on cardio, then join a cardio group ok'd by your physio, and lose weight

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My experience with the shrink was for something unrelated. But he was fine without it, until the end when we would sext, his fetishes were very violent and made me remember my trauma. He didn’t respect my boundaries, would make advances and would yell if I didn’t cut myself for him.

Not that ajon,

Lol what? Make you cut yourself? Dont tell me you actually did it texas girl..

Fetishes like what? You cutting yourself?
He sounds like a psycho

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But yet, you stayed with him for a year.

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I never cut myself but he was into crazy shit. One of the many reasons I am uncomfortable with sex and would rather spend time learning about the dude I’m gonna fuck

Thats good to know and brought some faith about you

He didn’t want any of it until the last two months we were together. I thought it was a small phase because it was when Doki Doki came out but he’s still into knife play.

Same here and I have the same problem!


What's your number I'll date u
7 inch dick


watever bich

if you want a shit bf, just go on tinder or make loads of effort to hang out with someone?

for a good one, just try to enjoy your life and you'll meet someone EVENTUALY who you get on real well with

Fairy tails arent real idiot

Let all the assholes here piss in the wind. You don't -need- a boyfriend. Build yourself up, follow and work for your dreams and desires and learn to be happy with who you are. Everything else will grow from that.

That's not the point

U got a ril purrdy mouth. Mm hmm.. rill purrdy

So you're literally brainwashed into liking white guys
Goddamn, I thought my family was fucked up