ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything

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Keep questions concise. Use paragraph breaks.

>What do girls/guys think about ?
>Do like ?
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of .
Get over it by practicing and exposing yourself to it, bit by bit, step by step. There is no "magic moment" (or activity) that will instantly change you.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out. "Signs" of attraction are meaningless.

>Where do I meet people for ?
Anywhere outside. Or online. Above all, leave your comfort zone.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me.
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Coffee is the preferred first date, but any of the following may work: lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, froyo, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, gallery, park, .

>I'm insecure because of my penis
>Do women prefer penises of certain qualities?
>How do I my penis?
Fuck off

>Why can't just give a straightforward rejection?!
>Why are terrible? . .
Fuck off

> is only for hookups, don't go there for real people!
Fuck off

>Why is there no new thread?
Make one yourself! Try these macros:

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I replied to your post here (), in case you missed it

This girl ends some of her texts with ~ and I'm not sure if it's weird or super cute. What does this usually mean?


It's like she things what she just said is all important and she's playing with the impact she thinks it has on you~

Best description of tilde use I've ever seen, I find it so obnoxious

i was in a car lesson while i saw some brown gypsy girl walking by, i looked at her eyes and she was gorgeous and she smiled behind a scarf, while turning around in the car with the trainer i saw her again without a scarf and she smiled again... it was best day in my life. "i'm autistic and never talked to girls before, just saying"
sadly when i finished training i couldn't find her.. i wish i see her tomorrow lads, wish me luck

If you're lucky you'll never see her again.

lol why tho

How unattractive is cursing? When I'm learning or working and I'm alone (or feel alone) I need it sometimes to blow off some steam. But when I noticed a neighbor cursing because of a game I realized how pathetic it sounds.

What does your girlfriend / wife do that makes you feel cherished, important or otherwise validates their feelings for you? If she doesn't actually do it, what could she do?


Say you have an otherwise decent relationship. At some point someone lets it slip for one reason or another that he was a virgin when he met you basically. Would you feel angry at him?

Why would I? It doesn't ruin anything I think about him currently and doesn't change how he acted and acts towards me so who cares.

Not really, no.
If I found out my boyfriend was a virgin before me, it'd be a non-issue. If I found out he was *purposefully* trying to hide it from me, I might feel a bit weird about the lack of trust, but I'd also understand that people can get pretty self conscious about being a virgin.

Cursing is pretty normal. Excessive cursing might seem weird.
If you get actually upset really frequently though, I'd be weary since I prefer the people around me to be mostly cool headed.
Of course, getting occasionally upset is only human, though.

>Why would I?
I don't know, angry about lying via omission or something to that effect.

Essentially my situation is that I have a couple of friends that know about it, and I don't particularly trust their ability to keep it to themselves when drunk or what have you. But at the same time I don't quite care enough to try to keep my social circles entirely separate yet I still don't want to disclose that information. In large part because whenever I do, I then have to deal with a bunch of assumptions they will then make and I'm kinda tired of dealing with it to be honest.

My ex held my hand and looked at me a lot. She was gorgeous and she would hold my hand in public and kiss me in public too. I didn't care for it at first but she couldn't contain herself. She had bipolar so it ended badly but a part of her liked me a lot.
Back and forth interaction was also cute with our own in jokes.


>ex got drunk and wanted me to fuck her
>couldn't have a boner because I was too drunk, high and jerked off 3 times before
I do feel so shite rn, how can I cure my erection problem, or is there any painless way to kill myself? I know it hurted her so much because she gained some weight and she got back to the gym lately.. it wasn't her fault but mine please help this feel hurts so much

You literally answered your own question, you don't have erection problems, you were drunk as fuck you dummy

I wanna talk to a girl down the road, odds of meeting her in person are quite low and I don't wanna stalk her. What can I do to strike up a convo online? It's quite possible she's forgotten my existence, since we haven't spoken in years and were never really that close.

I’ve got a virgin friend who suddenly started asking me sex questions. How can I leverage on her curiousity and eventually sleep with her? She’s the nice girl type though. I was thinking of talking more about sex with her the next time we meet and building on that. Anyone here with experience in this?


I’ve came to the realization that women in general don’t care about their own health. Why is that?

I was promiscuous for the past 2 years. I hooked up with 15 girls during that time. About half of those girls was their first time having casual sex. But what I learned was, all 15 of those girls sucked me off the first night meeting. Also, none of them ever asked me about STDs or anything like that. Also, out of those 15 girls, only 4 made me wear a condom.

How do you cope with being a ugly "4" as a man? I don't like using numbers but it's good for imagery.

I want to find peace with how I look, and I don't want to be lonely in the end.

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Bad idea. It’s going to destroy your friendship

I don't care. I want to get laid.

I want to vent a little by saying my ex broke off with me because she couldn't get off to me. Those words really slap my ass.

>my friend
>I don’t care about my friend

Don't have advice? Then fuck off.

I do have advice tho

Get rich, get social
Friend of mine is both ugly and manlet. Dude still cleans up because he is witty knows everyone, and people look to him when decisions need to be made.

Don’t feel bad. Putin is a manlet too

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Yeah it seems that I still have an obligation to care for myself and have some kind of soul. ty

I like how he looks like dough that's been pushed in

Girls, do you actually ever do that thing where you touch the leg of a guy you like with your feet under the table? Is it an actual thing? And is there a way through which I am supposed to differentiate it from some random accidental contact?

thoughts on men with baby face? lol not sure if that's what you call it in english :p

>Girl broke up with me
>3 weeks now, given her no contact for a week now,
>check my site last night, she still uses my website that i built for her
>want her back

Should I take the site down?
My goal is to get her back. I'm torn between giving her the full break-up (no benefits from me, shut site down) or leaving her a good memory that I did have some use for her life.

I worry that if I close it that it might send the message I am done when in reality I'm hoping I could mend things

What's best move here?

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Date "4"-women.

>And is there a way through which I am supposed to differentiate it from some random accidental contact?

This is revelatory. "I'm a man"-disclaimer, whatever.

Do you realize what you are asking? You are asking about the difference between an accidental touch and touching you to tease / catch your attention. Do you really think they feel the same way? Really?

I'm willing to be you don't even bother working out. So you're either some pencil or fat ass and to lazy to improve yourself because you are negative.

Depends. I think people who curse all the time, even just in normal conversation, come off as lacking poor linguistic skills. On the flip side it’s actually hilarious/terrifying when you see someone who doesn’t curse often, curse. Cause you know some shit is going down.

If you actually want to sleep with her, then the best way to do it, is every time she is curious about a sex topic, tell her you can’t explain it, you need to show it. Then give her a first hand demonstration. Otherwise you’ll never get with her

>Do you really think they feel the same way?
I'm assuming that if the girl is shy/nervous and unsure about doing this, it might feel pretty similar to something accidental.
Also I've heard people say that if it happens more than once it's most likely not accidental.

>I'm assuming that if the girl is shy/nervous and unsure about doing this,

Are you a shy/nervous person? Do your moves look "accidental"?

>Are you a shy/nervous person?

>Do your moves look "accidental"?
Something like a subtle movement I'm trying to make when I'm nervous could definitely look accidental, yeah.

What kind of site it is?

>Something like a subtle movement

Teasing someone isn't subtle, the plan is for them to feel it.

I'm not asking if they "could" look accidental, I'm asking about your moves. Do they look accidental or not?

Yeah I'm a guy and I don't even curse but rarely

Femanon you got to listen to your heart and let your own identity manifest. If you really like your bf all that much, then you will naturally do extra things for him. You shouldn't have to think about it consciously unless you're manipulating him

Just be honest with her, tell her you want her and you can teach her anything she wants to know. She's alreadt interested in you

I think none but one girl, that I ever slept with, had actually asked about STD and stuff.

with money $$$$$

Just talk to her
Also depends why you guys broke up

I've "accidentally" touch people to test the water before desu. Obviously there's a difference between caressing your arm or whatever and accidentally nudging you but that's not really what's being asked about.

She pays attention to me. Actually listens to me, when I’m going through something she is always my biggest supporter, my biggest fan. She also doesn’t always tell me what I want to hear, but what I need to hear. If she thinks I screwed up, she tells me. She doesn’t hold her tongue.
She also does all the typical physical stuff and romantic stuff. But I’ve been with plenty of girls that do that. It’s when shit gets heavy that you find out if and how much they love you.

>I've "accidentally" touch people to test the water before desu.

So you pretend you bump into people? Do you realize that's not what we are talking about, right?

Even if you don't get much out of this conversation, I hope you realize how you are confusing everything around.

If you pretend to bump into someone, it's not a move. A move is to let them know you are interested. That's what playing with your feet under the table does, it shows interest. By faking it, you don't show interest.

>So you pretend you bump into people?
Same applies to legs touching under the table. It could mean something, it could not. Nobody is retarded enough to not know what her running her foot up and down your calf means so obviously the guy was asking about something more subtle.

personal netflix

I can't dude, she's deleted me

plus id be breaking no contact

>Same applies to legs touching under the table. It could mean something, it could not.

That's the point, it's not the same. Can you imagine why not?

>I'm asking about your moves. Do they look accidental or not?
Depends what move you're talking about. The question makes little sense to me.

>Depends what move you're talking about.

We are talking about girls playing footsie under the table. What kind of move do you think I'm talking about?

You do realize that the vast majority of girls wouldn't dare going for the full sliding her feet up and down the leg thing right off the bat? I mean, the whole point of doing this kind of thing in the first place is testing the waters without being embarrassed because you did something subtle enough for it to be possibly accidental.

It's not the same as what?

>makes little sense to me.
They really aren't making much sense.

But I'm a guy and I've never done something like that, and that's why I'm asking about girls doing it. So your question makes no sense.

brokee up because I lied to her,
nothing major like cheating

i've said sorry and begged for likee 3 days, but i gavee her no contact eveer sincee

> the whole point of doing this kind of thing in the first place is testing the waters without being embarrassed because you did something subtle enough for it to be possibly accidental.

No, that's the whole goddamned point. If you make a mve to catch someone's attention, you are already investing.

Pretending to bump into someone is not making a move, it doesn't show interest, it doesn't test intimacy, it doesn't so anything but pretend you are clumsy.

>It's not the same as what?

Playing footsie and pretending to bump into someone are not the same. Follow the thread one reply up.

Think you might have autism.

>I've never done something like that

So you've never showed interest in a girl?

No it's never accidental, and even if it is you have plausible deniability

be more confident and especially shameless. Make your move, and if she doesn't like it you have the right to be unhappy about it.

>I've "accidentally" touch people to test the water before desu.
So you're lying your way into sex

yeah stop

Just MAKE a move, confidently and deliberately. Like a man. On purpose, with no shame. This whole pretending-to-be-accidental game youre playing just says:

"I'm not good enough to have sex with a woman, I capitulate to my fears of her rejecting me, even though it's not a big deal at all, and I think sex with me is something that can only ever accidentally

>I can't dude, she's deleted me
so call her, knock on her door if you want to. Do what you want to do
>plus id be breaking no contact
um so.
Just tell her your lied?
Or you changed her mind

Lol can you imagine. 3 weeks after breaking up with an ex, you expect her to care about some "no contact" rule you guys made up

>*ring ring* Hi anonette, it's me
>OMG YOU BROKe our NO CONTACT rule how could you---
>yeah I know, but I just wanted to say----
>yeah, I know we agreed to that, but I felt it was important that we---
>PSYCHOPATH. YOU'RE CRAZY. I never thought you were the type to BREAK a RULE omg I'm so glad we broke up
>uh----oook user :'(
>STAY AWAY FROM ME. I'd make it a RULE, but knowing YOU, you'd probably just break it or something
>please stop...
>*frantic panting*

Hmm on second thought you're right user. I guess sticking to the imaginary rules is pretty important huh :D

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>Pretending to bump into someone is not making a move, it doesn't show interest, it doesn't test intimacy, it doesn't so anything but pretend you are clumsy.
So, you are against the practice of leaving subtle "clues" that could be justified as accidents in case the whole thing backfired. Gotcha. But that doesn't really answer my question.

It's my fault, really, I should have realized you didn't read the thread and made side-commets to egg me on, and I took the bait. Sorry Adv, I should have ignored from the get go. Won't waste more replies on this.

Well you lied your way out of the relationship, just lie your way back in.

Everyone lies. Do whatever it takes to be with her. And once you guys are together just be a good man for her so your lie wasn't in vain. If you have to tell a lie, in order to protect and serve her the remainder of her life, then I think that's pretty well justified

>So you've never showed interest in a girl?
I have, just not by touching her leg with my feet. That's a type of behavior I would picture as essentially feminine.

I just interpreted the initial question more accurately desu.

>you are against the practice of leaving subtle "clues" that could be justified as accidents in case the whole thing backfired.

It's not a clue. If you are good enough to make it look like an accident, then she will think it's an accident.

> But that doesn't really answer my question.

Yes it does. You need to understand that if it looks like an accident, it is an accident. A move looks like a move because there's intention behind it.

>be more confident and especially shameless. Make your move, and if she doesn't like it you have the right to be unhappy about it.
I would generally consider this good advice but within the specific situation, I highly doubt it.

ive already begged twicee and apologized 1,000 times which is against my protocol of "if you want to go, go"

it's clear that i want her back, and i dont think talking will change her mind....

Right, but when women walk away, chasing them turns them off more from experience

>I have

What kind of move? Bumping into her and pretending you tripped? That's not a move, my friend. That's being a coward.

I think there are two things you are not really getting here.
First, I am not the one trying to leave a subtle clue here, I'm asking about wether or not a girl gave me one. So stuff like
>If you are good enough to make it look like an accident, then she will think it's an accident.

is irrelevant.

Then, I think you have a misconception of what leaving a flirtatious clue is. The whole idea behind the concept is that it is something subtle that could generally be brushed off as nothing such as making eye contact.
If you're doing something that explicitely reveals your interest in the person, you can't call it a clue.

What are you even on about...

No one knows.

>The whole idea behind the concept is that it is something subtle that could generally be brushed off as nothing such as making eye contact.

No! That's what sex-starved teens think to themselves, to justify a passing glance as a sign of interest. Also, thinking that allows you to feel like bumping into people means you are putting yourself out there, but with no risk and with no payout because you are not really putting yourself anywhere.

You are projecting your coping mechanism unto girls. Being this cowardly won't get guys or girls laid. Looking in the general direction of someone and then acting like you were looking at something else only shows interest when you are a bad liar and your intentions are obvious anyway.

Is it that hard to understand? By pretending you are not interested, you send signals that you are not interested. It pretty simple.

You're basically saying that "accidents" can mean something more, just like he said. Whether or not you think it's a good tactic is fucking irrelevant.

Then you're left with asking for permission.

Just whatever you do, don't play this "accidentally having sex with each other" game. It's so stupid. Not fooling anyone. Girl will have no respect for you.

It's up to you to decide how much hope you have. Hope is a weird thing like that. It's like a spectrum.

One one hand, you have unlimited hope, then you'll just try for this girl forever.

On the other hand, you have despair, and give up immediately. She has defeated you and you accept it.

And then......
There's everything in between. And this is the part where you listen to your heart and act how honestly how you feel.

At some point, yes, you will give up hope. When that happens you will feel a strong sense of security knowing 100% that this relationship couldn't happen, and you're free to move forward in life with no regrets.

It's obvious you still feel some hope. You must act it out, like a car running out of gasoline, you never know when there's a station just around the corner. But you know you're stranded once the tank hits "empty". You just have to ride this out user, do what you want to do, go as far as you're still willing to go.

Just WHATEVER YOU DO, do not leave hope laying on the table. If you still feel for her, then pursue her. Let it out, or else you will BURN with regrets when you're older. And that will hurt a hell of a lot worse than making a fool of yourself right now.

Also you can use this advice in other aspects of life, too. Hope is a weird thing

Perhaps. If you're creative you might think of a better solution. Sorry but I can't think of anything else right now.

I'm not her, but you completely missed her point.

Thanks for trying to help him understand, but I'll just leave it be and wait for an actual girl to answer the question.

>Just whatever you do, don't play this "accidentally having sex with each other" game. It's so stupid. Not fooling anyone. Girl will have no respect for you.

Nah, that's not what's going on here at all, and I'm not looking to "get laid". Very religious setting and I barely know the girl at all.

"Accidents" can only mean something when socially stunted people like yourself try to fake them, and it's pretty obvious when that happens. Socially stunted people don't make for good liars. So if it actually looks like an accident, it is an accident.

I really, really hope you understand that accidents during the course of regular life are not signs girls are into you, because you'll be dissapointed a lot with that way of thinking. Try to see what I'm saying, don't listen to a troll trying to push my buttons.

When you deliberately (read: not accidentally) touch a girl, with the intention of learning something from it, and then play it off as an accident

A deliberate action, posing as an accident

is definition lie.

I'm starting to realize you're lying to yourself. Once you begin lying to yourself, you're done. There is no hope because you become anti-rational.

Your problem is not being ugly. Right now you should adopt the Socratic method and learn to be honest with yourself first, in general, not only sex. Learn to form a foundation of reality in your head first and then grow from there.

But there are lot of problems with your reasoning.
First, the only reason you're assuming I'm "socially stunted" is because I'm not able to tell if a girl touched my leg with her foot by accident or not. Therefore, you can't act like me not catching the clue is enough to tell with certainty it was an accident, because if I'm socially stunted then my perception of things like this can't be trusted.

Then, you're assuming out of nowhere that the girl is not socially stunted herself and that she surely wouldn't act that way.

Also, I'm a pretty damn good liar and I lied my way out of trouble through my entire scolarity as a kid, most of the times. In general, neither my parents nor my teachers had a clue when I was lying. So either I'm not socially stunted or your assumption that socially stunted people don't make for good liar is wrong.

I have no clue what you're on about either. You sound like that other guy right now.


>friends with girl for like 6 months
>I'm single
>Were friends because she explicitly says she's not interested in me which is honestly perfect
>She's got an e-bf
>Tells me about her life and problems and such, give her advice
>She occasionally reiterates that she's not into me, with various reasons each time
>I finally get a GF
>She gets upset, thanks me for my friendship and cuts contact
What did she mean by this

Touch her back, what are you autistic? Accident or not, she just gave you a chance to touch her with a perfect excuse. ya blew it moran

I'm pretty sure I did touch her back.

so what do you need help with?

you suck at communicating btw if it takes this many posts to get to the point.

From here on I'm going to address you properly as the Thread Retard™

don;t worry about it

>so what do you need help with?
Maybe if you read my first post you'd find out? All I've been asking from the start is whether there was stuff I should know to determine if her touching my leg was accidental or not.

I am not a native english-speaker but I thought my original post was clear enough.

I had this happen to me. It’s a fucking mystery dude.

>the only reason you're assuming I'm "socially stunted" is because I'm not able to tell if a girl touched my leg with her foot by accident or not.

No, also because you lie about your intentions when dealing with women. Instead of admitting you are into them, you try to build deniability into your actions.

> you're assuming out of nowhere that the girl is not socially stunted herself and that she surely wouldn't act that way.

Again, if she is making a move, a real move, you can tell. If she is lying, like you, you can tell. If it's an accident, you can tell.

> In general, neither my parents nor my teachers had a clue when I was lying

How can a good liar be bad at reading people? Doesn't make sense. So one of the two is a lie. Either you can tell when people are lying, or you are not such a good liar.

>if her touching my leg was accidental or not.
Oh, so a mind reading post.

Sorry, Thread Retard™ but I personally can't read minds. I think one of the other tripcodes is a psychic. Try asking her!

It's meant to inflict the cutesy pitch change while saying said word.
Like it would in reality look like "OoOoh you like him?" But be typed "Oh~ you like him?"

You are no longer useful you retard you were never her friend

If a female tells you that you remind her a celebrity, does that mean they're attracted to you? And the celebrity is considered attractive.

>No, also because you lie about your intentions when dealing with women. Instead of admitting you are into them, you try to build deniability into your actions.
No I don't, where are you getting this from?

>Again, if she is making a move, a real move, you can tell. If she is lying, like you, you can tell. If it's an accident, you can tell.
How would I tell, assuming I'm socially stunted? :)

There could have been something I'm not aware of that helps differentiate one from the other, that's what I was asking about.

>other tripcodes is a psychic. Try asking her!

>appears literally next post

D--did I summon you? I guess I wasn't joking when I said physic...

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>No I don't, where are you getting this from?

Because you say you "accidentally" bump into people.

> How would I tell, assuming I'm socially stunted? :)

How can you be such a good liar? Which one is the lie, you being a good liar or you being so socially stunted that you can't tell an accident from the real thing?

>Because you say you "accidentally" bump into people.
I never said that.

>Which one is the lie, you being a good liar or you being so socially stunted that you can't tell an accident from the real thing?
I never said I was socially stunted, you did.