Joe Biden is already blowing his chances. Kamala Harris would be the most divisive candidate in the history of world politics, Bernie Sanders will get fucked by the DNC again.
This man, Peter Buttigieg is going to slide in the back door and take the nomination.
Joe Biden is already blowing his chances...
>BTFO of Texas
>BTFO of The White House
>BTFO Forever
>very young
>weird name
>confirmed homo
>mayor of a college town/shithole
how the hell does this guy have ANY traction whatsoever? is it just the gay wing of the DNC flexing? is he a legendary powerbottom that straights wouldn't know? he's less qualified than trump.
nevermind, i figured it out. they're pushing him to spite mike pence.
already ruined his campaign with the child killing and wife disrespecting comments.
this guy grew up a block from e. michael jones. we will destroy him utterly.
stop huffing the gasoline that should be going into your vehicle's car
all that DNC money and he couldnt beat cruz with less than 1/2 the repubs voting, good luck winning a nomination let alone a GE
>> is going to slide in the back door
that's what he does
Flavor of the week, and that week was months ago
i'm sure he's real good at sucking cock, but trump is literally more qualified than him. is this your first incumbent adversary? it's already fucking over.
this is a very nice OP and i'm teetering upon my convictions but $1000/mo is hard to beat
>slide in the back door
>$1000/mo is hard to beat
Going to be pretty hard to spend once Feminist are done locking up every man.
>This man, Peter Buttigieg is going to slide in the back door and take the nomination.
I am now a member of the Butti Boyz.
does he talk with a gay lisp and gesticulate with limp wrists? that would be so funny. imagine the debates:
his pink fingerless gloves grasp the lecturn, his fluffy baby blue feather boa around his neck covers his oxford shirt collar.
>ok, mithter booker and i go waaay back (winks at camera)
camera angle abruptly changes, buttiegiegiegie is wearing denim short-shorts, corey booker steals a peek
they can't let him in the debates. now way.
Pretty sure he’s just gay to get into the gay mafia
>Joe Biden
>Kamala Harris
>Bernie Sanders
>Peter Buttigieg
>slide in the back door and take the nomination
actual candidate
jeb-tier joke
scandal engulfs washington as first gay president is caught with a woman
tearful president apologizes to his gay husband and a heartbroken america
i have to admit, it looks like her tailor uses top quality fabric
>Only a butt can defeat a wang
Trump had executive experience in leading hundreds of thousands of people on an international scale. This is like saying that the local McDonalds manager is just as qualified as trump because they’re both businessmen
>Kamala Harris would be the most divisive candidate in the history of world politics
Why do you have to completely destroy any credibility you might have had by saying something as retarded as this?
Really? In the fucking entire history of world politics nobody has been as divisive as she would be?
lol. Trump built some golf courses after he got BTFO in real real estate development. Then sold his branding rights. He's a clown.
Buttigieg isn't a boomer, doesn't have dementia, served in the military, has a high IQ, and is intellectually curious.
She’s brown Hillary in every way. At least Hillary had that cringey grandma charm sometimes, in a “aw isn’t it adorable she thinks she can be president” way. Kamala is Hillary’s cuntiness distilled and in a brown woman body
He’s a veteran from the Afghan wars
seven months doing intel for the reserves, still O-3. he shouldn't bang on that drum. play up the rhodes scholar angle instead.
Great, another fucking Democrat glowinthedark running for office.
>democratic party
>having a cisgendered white male as their frontrunner
considering how much they always shit on them, in the current climate they will never successfully run with them.
>having a cisgendered white male as their frontrunner
California elected a white male with absolutely no fuss. Not a big deal!
>slide in the backdoor
Pete “Butterbritches” Buttigeg
honestly he's very smart and calm, and he comes across as very rational and reasonable. i think that is what the left wants in response to trump. i agree with OP that he is likely to take the nomination.