How do the Jews rise every hierarchy so effortlessly? you can't say nepotism as millions sub to them by choice. You volunteer them power.
How do the Jews rise every hierarchy so effortlessly? you can't say nepotism as millions sub to them by choice...
nepotism and white guilt
Jews make up like 40% of the world's chess champions and like 25% of noble prize winners despite being 0.2% of the global population. I'm not saying they don't use nepotism but anyone who says they aren't extremely intelligent is deluding themselves.
They still have their sense of conservative traditional values intact as they push for degeneracy.
If you boil it down to its essence, you can describe the world as Jews vs other Jews using us as their pawns.
A good poker face
As long as we’re deferring to chess players. The greatest chess player of all time hated jews.
they don't have that much power. they just good at making it seem like they do.
He was also either half or fully Jewish himself. Intelligent doesn't mean sane.
>I'm not saying they don't use nepotism
It's called cronyism. Not nepotism.
Ruthless and empathy less
Extremely high verbal IQ
Good at making money at all cost
Make them extremely good a gaming political systems
>How do the Jews rise every hierarchy so effortlessly?
Because satan rules this earth and jews have been serving satan for a long time. They are smart like white people but, unlike white people, they have no souls. Being evil is the best way to acquire wealth and power in our world. If you have no empathy and no remorse then you will climb higher than those that do.
They only climb up hierarchies when those hierarchies reward flagrant lying/cheating/stealing.
They're not even capable of presiding over a stable and self-sufficient society of their own, user. They're amoral parasites.
Satsi-like persecution of opponents
Massive flood of disinfo
Bribes, blackmails, intimidation and other mafia shit
Ethan used to actually be funny back in 2014-2016 when he hung out with idubbbz and frank
But hierarchies that reward actually producing and enriching other people instead of just bullshitting and taking exist. Jews just thrive most in spheres like Media, Law, Banking, and Academia that specifically reward their amoral tendencies, not in the world in general.
Every successful kike in entertainement circle jerk and do cross over shit together.
Now gain subs of every eceleb with millions of viewers you do shit with.
It's really that easy for them.
they have no shame(smollet). They make you pay to watch their advertising (hollywood). They steal other's material (h3h3 - Sam Hyde)
Sam Hyde is a complete and total ripoff of (((Kaufman))) style of humor. He's not original at all.
yeah ok but at least there is a time gap between the two. It would be similar to stealing the Latka character.
High social iq, good group identity, strong families, they're pretty great when they stay the fuck in Israel
Because whites are fucking stupid enough to let them in the door in the first place, just like the Ba-ba-dook.
High verbal IQ.
>Build society to admire certain traits
>Fill said positions with you own
They are the master race. Simple.
Greedy white sociopaths sell them influence - as they always show up with a bag of gold and string of irresistable deals and connections.
Good math ability (gotta count the usury sheckels), good verbal IQ (gotta bullshit the goyim). Their whole history they were basically selected for this traits, along with high neuroticism (gotta be alert if goyim are going to start pogrom) and of course tribalism. Every other race is either anarchy (negros etc), or nation-states (whites, azns). And jews are like corporation. While state is more powerful, business is more agile, profit focused and more coherent.
nepotism. you have to experience it to believe it. if a jew needs a job to pay for his house and family he gets one.
Oy vey goyim feel guilty!
This is literally it.
>Intelligent doesn't mean sane.
“Whites” is jewish concept to make whites too big and too slow to react and adapt. If “whites” were actually dutch merchants, anglo traders, american colonists and spanish conquistadors they would each have enough trbalism to actually feel for each other and pursue interests of not only family but tribe in general. “White” is too much of a blanket term to be a meaningful banner for unity.
Nepotism. That answers everything. You’d see the same thing with whites if there was a white collective where everybody supports and helps out each other but no whites aren’t allowed to have a collective and are forced to work against each other’s interest because of the Jews who own the companies that produce the jobs.
they shelter young children and teach them to work smart not hard.
>chess champions
Look how many chess champions are russian
Look how many of the jewish chess champions are russian/eastern european.
Its a cultural thing because this is a popular activity in Russia.
>nobel prize winners
You have to get past a vast gauntlet of Jewish academics to even get to the Nobel prize committee.
This is how it works. One Jew gets into a position where they have hiring/firing power within a company or an industry. They will almost EXCLUSIVELY hire other jews and then replace themselves with another jew equally as dedicated to hiring jews. Half the staff at harvard isnt jewish because they are the best professors but because the person in charge of hiring professors is jewish.
Nepotism and greed will get you MUCH farther than high IQ.
Jews didnt produce any great minds until the 20th century. Jews had money and power then but still were seen by whites as inferior because of their lack of brilliant authors/philosophers/scientists etc.
At this point, jewish business owners in the publishing/newspaper industry decided to manufacture 3 jews into genius heros as an example of Jewish genius.
>Freud, created a laughable niche of psychology by todays standards amdn embarassingly projected his own Oedipus complex onto his patients. An immoral piece of shit who viewed his work as war against western civilization and his patients as people to be exploited and used and never produced any psychological findings of lasting value
>Einstein, didnt win a nobel prize for any invention, only for a theory (which is not what nobel prizes were ever awarded for, this shows the power of jewish academics/administrators even then). Literally every single thing Einstein is attributed with doing was done by someone else earlier. See Henri Poincare and Hendrik Lorentz for the true creators of the theory of relativity.
>Marx, created a political philosophy that would go on to kill 100 million + people many of which were jews.
There are three things, two if you don't count nepotism.
1. Jews don't care about cultural taboos and will do whatever they need to climb up the ladder. Even if it means using tactics that the people of the country would consider abhorrent.
2. They prey on the hospitality of non-jews. They will accept gifts and discounts from their neighbors, but will return less than 10% of these gestures.
3. Nepotism. They use their gained power from the first two to raise up their own, regardless of merit.
When one group of people is allowed to practice discrimination / favouritism / racism, while another is not, the one which is allowed to do those things will have an advantage
I could just as easily point to people like Franz Kafka, Stefan Zweig, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Neils Bohr, or Heinrich Hertz. Jewish contributions to the realm of science and philosophy don't stop at those "manufactured" (as you claim) examples.
This. They're a threat because they're dangerous. Nobody cares about Jamal's "master plan" to beat whitey and get reparations for slavery by boycotting KFC, because he isn't a credible threat. Jews actually have a ruthless intelligence to back up their designs.
>every hierarchy
>millions sub to them by choice
Nigger, what are you talking about? You have to be 18+ to post here. No one cares about your e-thots.
Oy vey that's so Kafkaesque™
The fact that people constantly misuse the term doesn't make it invalid.
The point is, Euros somehow always find a way to let a few rats flee from the killing fields. And the rats find a home in the nation they fled 300 years ago because they fucking forgot how shitty the Talmudists were. Stop. Fucking. Forgetting.
Lol so randumb shit
Who? No one reads him outside of us
Ok thats one bright mind, no arguing.
An ok guy, but he just improved upon preceeding knowledge. Rutherford whould’ve probably done it also.
Wasnt he like a protestant though?
So far not so good, jews.
Sure, there is some Jews who achieved great success. But I could easily point out this is more examples of German exceptionalism not Jewish. Where is the great Sephardic/Mizradi jewish scientists and intellects? How come all the jewish intellects people cite are genetically European? All Askhenazi jews descended from a small group of Italian converts around 100AD, this is proven via mitochondrial DNA tests by jewish scientists. Finally these are all people of the 20th century, where were the great Jewish minds during the Renaissance? The Enlightenment?
People had better shit to do than chase jews across the globe (but they probably should’ve)
Guys no way a Ethan Klein just flew over my house!
Aren't Ashkenazi Jews the ones you're primarily concerned about? They're the "problematic" ones, are they not? You're the first person here I've seen describe them as European and not their own separate race.
A son of anglo and french is mutt. A sin of anglo and jewess is a jew. But if said jewess also had, for example german father - how much of whatever “jewish” genes are left? None. Jews are corporato-religious egregor, not genetic tribe. Though they do correlate with semitic genome, especially domestic ones in israel.
chess is not the best measure of intelligence, most intelligent people aren't chess players, it's more of a cultural thing.
nobel prize is fully infested with Jewish nepotism, it's worthless
Its not really debatable. Ashkeazim are european, just inbred europeans generally. By their own laws they are not jewish from their maternal line and are not related to anyone in Judea from that lineage.
Whats your point? We know there is shit loads of exceptional germans/italians. It makes perfect sense Ashkenazim would produce some as well particularly with the cultural importance of not working in jobs requiring manual labor.
There are plenty of Jews who won nobel prizes before that was the case.
The first jew to win a nobel prize was in 1905. By that time Jews had a massive over representation in the academic communities of the time and had for at least a century. Also they were almost all German or Hungarian.
>You're the first person here I've seen describe them as European and not their own separate race.
>Where is the great Sephardic/Mizradi jewish scientists and intellects? How come all the jewish intellects people cite are genetically European?
>genetically European
>describe them as European
Are you Jewish? Answer honestly. Because you just tried to pull some bullshit here.
I used to work in a corporate. One of the top manager was a Jew and he mostly hired Jews in his team. Some of them were complete illiterate, meaning totally unprepared for the job they were given.
Nevertheless, they climbed the ladder very fast. They kept getting promoted, while the non-Jews in the group did not.
That’s how it works.
nepotism and money lending. if you look at how jews have acquired power for the past 2000 years in europe these two factors are the most simple explanations.
sounds like a half jew
t. half jew
most nobel prize winning country per capita is Sweden, or 2nd I don't remember, can you think of any Swedish contributions? do you really think Swedes are the most intelligent?
it's was invented by a Swede and they give it to themselves and Jews. there many very intelligent Jews, but there are way more intelligent whites, Jews just don't have working class, take away working class of white Americans for example and you'll see IQ near to Jews
You literally described Ashkenazi Jews as genetically European. I don't even disagree with you on that, but I don't see what you're getting at here.
BEING European is different than having European DNA. Jews are viewed as a group that is not limited by whatever genetics they are currently hijacking.
Also, you didn't answer if you're Jewish. Answer honestly.
No, I'm worse.
Someone clue me in?
Artie Lang lost a ton of weight and pol is mad?
id rather give gifts than charge people for shit .. .. dont know how to fix my problem
...The Anti-Christ? Please sir I didn't mean all those things I said about your servants. Everything I post is satire okay?
>You volunteer them power.
I dont give them shit.
It's because Judaism is actually a successful religion and teaches its followers to be literate and to care for itself as a community.
that guy in your pic is so sleazy and a terrible interviewer. only saw him cause of that hugh mungous guy.
makes sense he's a jew
>Truely yours
What did he mean by this? Is this true 3d chess?? Is he and DJT on the same level?
Guy is a literal creepy psycho he makes this psycho eye thing all the time. Imagine him standing in front of you holding a knife and doing his eye thing. Also he is really good in innocently inserting his mainstream views into ppl's minds. A true (((imfluencer)))
Money talks
and kikes got a lot of money
>being good at chess makes you a genius
>Lol so randumb shit
>Who? No one reads him outside of us
Yeah, you know nothing dude
>Ok thats one bright mind, no arguing.
Yes? Oh so glad you agree!
>An ok guy, but he just improved upon preceeding knowledge. Rutherford whould’ve probably done it also.
Wow, tip top quality evaluation Made in Russia
>Wasnt he like a protestant though?
So you wouldn't know huh? Surprise!
>So far not so good, jew
says the slavic untermensch, aahaha
Ashkenazis are intelligent because they breed with upper class whites. The average IQ in Israel is 95.
Now there is someone who really would like to be white.
Youtube subs work often by trending - when algorithm promotes you, you end up a celebrity.
+ even for simple Yt channels people in USA especially those with connections and family in media like a lot of Jewish people; employ teams, have a working recipe - some guys know where to buy views or subs from - it all goes smoothly.
>Youtube subs prove nepotism doesn't exist
Come the fuck on. I understand this idea, but we have witnessed Ethan rise from a literally who funny guy who does silly shit and makes weird videos, to someone who, more professionally has a podcast and not-so-regular societally critiquing videos. His audience is relatively substantial, but his trajectory makes sense. More so than some fucking bullshit pop artist.
I Dont want to be counted as “white” - it gives me nothing in terms of tribal support - I’d rather collect gibs as proud transdisabled woman of color
Do not even try to convince yourself of the notion that you are on the same intellectual footing as the Jews, you insecure, directionless Euroreject
Well said. And great point.
have you even SEEN the Israelis before? they're skinnies with autism.
I'll tell you. It's their shameless self-interest, organized around their ethnicity. Nepotism, sure, but also the willingness to promote each other and the appearances be damned. White supremacists are considered a scourge to be outed and opposed. Meanwhile, everyone is forbidden from talking about Jewish supremacists.
>How do the Jews rise every hierarchy so effortlessly?
they dont
they only rise to power in higherarchies that relly on petty bureaucracies, emotional manipulation, and popular opinion at a given moment
This is why they've worked so damn hard to implement democracy is every country in the west and systamatically removed or assinated every mainstream monarch
this is also why they are apposed to fascism and actual free market capitalism
in a system based on merit
the jew dies
in a system based on leching, lying and deviding
the jew thrives
this is the fundimental reason we have the politcal systems we do today
I believe you
Did he really? He peaked a long time ago and now even his long time fans are tired of him.
>jew hits the top out of sure luck
>jew then favors other jews and only hires other jews
>said jews hire only jews or extremely competent whites
>Cycle repeats ad infinitum
>op: "How does this keep happening DDD:"
its arguably a brother hood/religious favoritism.
Outlaw this as a form of selective hiring as a violation of the Equal Employment Opportunity act and most jewish cabals will inevitably fall apart or they renounce Judaism publicly.
Oy vey, that disdain for the goyim is really showing
No doubt Jews are talented. I don't have a problem with that. My problem is when they hate whites and push for mass immigration.
They take pride in being evil. They're really, really fucking good at it.
White people, their primary competitors, have been taught to take no pride in anything at all.