Are there genuinely good Jews out there?
Are there genuinely good Jews out there?
A couple hundred thousand of them are scattered around Poland.
Me. And I won't rest until they all get put in their place.
noam chomsky
i knew this guy in college, he was pretty stereotypical but he always shared his expensive whisky with me so that was cool and then this one time i fucked his girl it was awesome. and she wasn't jewish so i felt like i was reclaiming
I got a jew friend, I would leave him out of the great killing once the white man rises up
The ones who speak against Israel probably?
Maybe a few, but not enough to take chances. They all die.
Ewww, you fucked some whore that fucked a Jew.
FrameGame but he disappeared off the face of the Earth
yes but if you ask them if they're a jew they'll say no
>user has Acquired Judeo Deficiency Syndrome
Bobby Fischer
I’ve only met one
>yes but if you ask them if they're a jew they'll say no
Fucking liars, I knew it!
the dead ones
This. They were wiped out before and the dozens who got away restarted their jewshit from scratch.
Individually, many jews are good people. Collectively they suck. I supposed there are a few rare exceptions. Bobby Fischer, Brother Nathanael, Larry Finklestein... Like I said, RARE!
it was awesome
I've seen normal working class Jews that have hobbies and do normally stuff. They don't seem different than other non Jews. As farasi can tell they're not in on any conspiracy to control the entire world. But that's just a couple.. some others ones are suspicious
Norman finkelstein
Did they break up?
Quads of Jewish Suspiciousness!
>Can a man be good while prescribing to the belief they were chosen by god, that most men are inferior, they are cattle to be used by them.
No, the belief itself is evil dumbass.
I mean there's me. But I'm not even religiously affiliated with them. Just have a right triangle nose and curls.
yes lol. now she's dating some white dude and they're doctors
Not bad Nigel
noice gets
The only good Jew is a ____ Jew.
a good jew is called a christian
The based one
Fritz Haber (German: [ˈhaːbɐ]; 9 December 1868 – 29 January 1934) was a German[4] chemist who received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1918 for his invention of the Haber–Bosch process, a method used in industry to synthesize ammonia from nitrogen gas and hydrogen gas. This invention is of importance for the large-scale synthesis of fertilizers and explosives. The food production for half the world's current population involves this method for producing nitrogen fertilizers.[5] Haber, along with Max Born, proposed the Born–Haber cycle as a method for evaluating the lattice energy of an ionic solid.
Haber is also considered the "father of chemical warfare" for his years of pioneering work developing and weaponizing chlorine and other poisonous gases during World War I, especially his actions during the Second Battle of Ypres.
Gas warfare in World War I was, in a sense, the war of the chemists, with Haber pitted against French Nobel laureate chemist Victor Grignard. Regarding war and peace, Haber once said, "During peace time a scientist belongs to the World, but during war time he belongs to his country." This was an example of the ethical dilemmas facing chemists at that time.[22]
Haber was a patriotic German who was proud of his service during World War I, for which he was decorated.[23] He was even given the rank of captain by the Kaiser, which Haber had been denied 25 years earlier during his compulsory military service.[24]
In his studies of the effects of poison gas, Haber noted that exposure to a low concentration of a poisonous gas for a long time often had the same effect (death) as exposure to a high concentration for a short time. He formulated a simple mathematical relationship between the gas concentration and the necessary exposure time. This relationship became known as Haber's rule.
By 1931, Haber was increasingly concerned about the rise of National Socialism in Germany, and the possible safety of his friends, associates, and family. Under the Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service of 7 April 1933, Jewish scientists at the Kaiser Wilhelm Society were particularly targeted. The Zeitschrift für die gesamte Naturwissenschaft ("Journal for all natural sciences") charged that "The founding of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institutes in Dahlem was the prelude to an influx of Jews into the physical sciences. The directorship of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physical and Electrochemistry was given to the Jew, F. Haber, the nephew of the big-time Jewish profiteer Koppel". (Koppel was not actually related to Haber.)[7]:277–280 Haber was stunned by these developments, since he assumed that his conversion to Christianity and his services to the state during World War I should have made him a German patriot.[12]:235–236 Ordered to dismiss all Jewish personnel, Haber attempted to delay their departures long enough to find them somewhere to go.[7]:285–286 As of 30 April 1933, Haber wrote to Bernhard Rust, the national and Prussian minister of Education, and to Max Planck, president of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society, to tender his resignation as the director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, and as a professor at the university, effective 1 October 1933. He said that although as a converted Jew he might be legally entitled to remain in his position, he no longer wished to do so.
give up your religion and convert
give up your wife for the cause
give up your daughters for the reich
give up your standing as the greatest scientist of your generations amongst your peers because you chose duty over ethics.
and what do you get in return? a stab in the back by the nazis.
It is a statistical possibility
Serves him right, he trusted (((freemasons))).
Yeah, my crush. Her family are reform Jews but I've never even heard her talk religion or politics before. Really cute girl (can post pics if you want).
glenn greenwald, stanley kubrick, bobby fischer
that's literally it in my opinion
10% ashekenazi Jewish here, gas the kikes race war now
Truly good? Probably not, since they'll turn on you given the chance. You can never trust a Jew. Also, this
There is one Christian, one Jew and one Muslim who isn't part of the problem for every ten who happen to be. Those who seek to reform their heretical cults and conform to Western society rather than subjugate it and make it submit to Middle Eastern and African standards are welcome in the light of the God Emperor. Those who do not and demand submission will be bled to death, their men slain, their women enslaved and their children re-educated.
Yes I’m here.
Also Ben Shapiro and many more. Most of us want America to remain America and are against open borders. Also I have no issue with white people having pride in their nationality. It maybe because I’m Half Japanese but I see America as a great country and think immigrants should want to assimilate
Maybe, but I have yet to find a Jew who doesn't eventually give into his inner Jew. I had hope for Shapiro but that lasted about a month, he's the record holder.
>The inner Jew
This is literally a thing, as a Jew I can confirm an urge to manipulate and get shit for free is a massive thing
If there's any Jews reading this fighting the kike inside them, the trick is to be honest about it, fuck people to their face, it doesn't become a problem if you do it honestly
Orthodox Jews = Good
Reform Jews = Bad
The only one was Jesus and jews killed him
a good jew is a dead jew
>The only one was Jesus and jews killed him
Jesus was a fucking SJW.
Every wonder why every SJW quotes jesus telling you
>love your enamies
Jesus was the greatest cuck in history.
>Ultra-contrarian, argue with everyone
>Tell people to turn other check when attacked
>Tell people to accept him as god
>Reward is being able to forsake life cuz afterlife
He deserved to die and it's a shame you idiots still worship him.
I like Stephen Miller. Whenever Trump gives a speech with strong nationalist tones, it was written by him.
Be careful the heresies you speak, brother. We will all have to stand in judgement one day, and there will be no second chances when that day comes.
Steven Miller
Jared Kushner is ok too if you know what he is doing behind the scenes for America. Throwing out the Israeli ambassador from the white house
It doesn't matter, it is the system which they are a part of that must be dismantled. It's not the people, but the designation "jewish" itself, and the nepotistic non-integrating community victimhood that arises from it, that is the problem.
Of course, what tends to happen when you tell someone to not be what the identify as? Especially someone who is 'chosen' and 'persecuted'.
Cemeteries are full of em
I’m not christian you triggered bitch.
He was just the only genuinely good person despite however much of a pacifist “cuck” he was.
No one is a genuinely good person, we just behave close enough as to not kill eachother constantly.
There are outwardly good jews with a sense of empathy towards other races and contempt for their talmudic verses and doctrines, but generally subconsciously, even those jews will find ways to subvert and undermine, even if they do not intend to do so. The parasitism is genetic and does not go away even if the jew is woke
There are good humans & there are bad ones...
Then there are ones who are so deep in the Matrix... They are practically on autopilot.
Yes retard
I gotta ask and maybe nobody knows or cares but, the guy who runs truthstream media is jewish.
Is he one of ((them)))?
what the fuck is that you faggot
there are a few, they became christians and then were ostrasized by their satanic talmudic bretheren
>We will all have to stand in judgement one day, and there will be no second chances when that day comes.
You stand judgement right now by your peer based on your test level.
Check their cock
Pst those kahzar milkers goy
Are you circumcised?
Unirocially ?
Gad Assad
Revelations 18:11
Yes, I live in an area with a lot of Jews. Most of them are like anyone else you'd meet. Only the SJW type bother me.
Jews are often pushed by their mothers to overachievers. It's a cultural thing. They feel like if they're not the best at something they're a failure so they push themselves really hard. That's why there are so many high achieving Jews, but it's also why the ones who become activists are 100x more militant than other activists.
Yes. Most Jews are.
The problem is, there’s a consistent trend of Jews in positions of power/influence. Those Jews’ views on a lot of issues are wrong.
Bobby fischer
plenty. Most people jewish or otherwise are aight. Most of the political influencers are rotten to the core though(splc, adl). Doesn't just apply to jews though. Pretty much all are fucked. Definitely has a lotta jews though for some reason.
amen since bobby fischer wasn't a real jew
Yes, the dead ones.
The Jews of today ate Edomites.
Statistical likelyhood says there'd at least be one good jew
Pure Jews, Half Jews, and Quarter Jews are most often the jews that make up those that cause societies problems
Pure jews are completely tribalistic and subversive seeking complete domination of the world under their genes
Half jews are also subversive, however their lack of innate short term planning skill results in them pushing too hard too fast to let the subversion take hold
Quarter jews often retain the desire to conquer non-jews and enough short term planning instincts to be able to plan chaotic attempts at subversion, and often view themselves as not being worth the value of a full jew. This is why they often either shoot up schools as teenagers or in their adult lives portray themselves as white and use that to hide the reason why they are so anti-white and anti-non jew
Now, 1/8th and lower jews? They usually don't have enough Jewish heredity to result in any valuation of their semitic ancestry, but still retain a degree of the ability to subvert movements. They'll often have a far stronger attachment to the 7/8th's of their genetic lineage, mostly because their ability to be subversive also acts as a way for them to be able to see when the plans are being undertaken to destroy the goyim populations.
Why do you think the Nazi's declared 1/8 and lower Jews as Deutschblütiger, equal to those with full German heritage? Emil Maurice(1/8th jewish) was an early member of the NSDAP, and even Hitler recognized that his contributions towards the Reich were of value. Is it really coincidence that people who were 1/8th Jewish weren't considered a threat to greater society?
Source: am 1/16th Jewish, and the jewish tricks are extremely obvious, even without Jow Forums priming.
There are. My neighbor is one. He even blasts Israel for the bullshit they're doing over in the middle east and hates Zionism. Thing is, though, he identifies as an American before he identifies as a Jew, so I think that has something to do with it.
kys nigger
Jews aren't circumcised. True circumcision is of the heart, whoever thinks that God pays tribute just because you cut your willy off is either a Pagan, or a stupid stooge. This practice was evident in Egypt and Sub-Saharan Africa long before the bible, and it was probably embraced in the times of slavery in Egypt I believe just like they've embraced the Babylonian Calendar, names, Sabbath, holiday of Purim, etc...
Nice digits über ratte
the dead ones
No longer a true Jew if you're Christian