How should I kill myself? I want to make a statement, but NO SHOOTINGS OR KILLING OTHER PEOPLE...

How should I kill myself? I want to make a statement, but NO SHOOTINGS OR KILLING OTHER PEOPLE. I'm not some soi boi cuck, just depressed. Thinking of Livestreaming it.

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dont just find something that gives you purpose
even if that means shaking up you life a bit and getting out of your comfort zone

I'd say with a gun, but you'd be just contributing to the gun suicide statistics and giving ammunition to gun banner libs.
Jump in front of a train.

>I want to make a statement, but NO SHOOTINGS OR KILLING OTHER PEOPLE.
Boring. No one cares about your statement faggot.

Pic related.

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>Thinking of Livestreaming it

Give your life to Jesus Christ

Not a soi boi, or a cuck.. I see plenty of reason to live. Have you even searched for reasons?

Have a listen to Alan Watts and lose your ego... Life is a choose your own adventure, you are literally choosing to lose... The repercussions cannot be measured by any human understanding. Do not squander your chance at life. So you are lonely... Tell us why? Your pic btw is probably part of your problem.

Your death won't matter any more than your life.
Get a hold of yourself and correct your stupid life choices.

otherwise, who cares if you die?
You weren't doing anything anyway.

The preservation of human life can't be the highest moral good anyhow.
Otherwise it would be inconsistent to fight or die for anything.

If your'e gonna kys, do it with dignity and don't make a public spectacle out of it like some histrionic attention seeker.

>getting out of your comfort zone

i hate this phrase so much. it's code word for "go do something you hate"

The truth can be a blunt weapon eh Monty?

shoot yourself in the back of the head and tie the gun to a balloon so the police can't find it and it looks like a murder

>I'm some some soi boi cuck I just want to kill myself and not attack the people who want me and my race exterminated

that would work. Do it on the statue of liberty


Sen. Chuck Schumer Compares Rep. Omar To Trump

>Have a listen to Alan Watts and lose your ego... Life is a choose your own adventure, you are literally choosing to lose...

What kind of boomer faggot says this unironically

Sodoku like a man!

holy shit thats genius kek

Someone that isn't an afraid coward like you that shows his true flag.

Yeah, no one would ever see a balloon with a gun attached to it floating in the air.

>I'm not some soi boi cuck

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First make sure to publicly post everywhere you can that you posses information that would lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton.

pick one of the scenes from Se7en to reenact and leave a love note for Kevin Spacey

did ben kingsley join the kkk? bonus points if you get the movie reference.

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It's too late, you can't arrest her body double.

The truth is a sword.


Well, who cares then

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>How should I kill myself?



There's objectively nothing wrong with killing other people, remember that when you make your decision.

No, it's called get off your fat fucking ass and go outside.

somehow build a rocket and launch yourself into space dressed as a clown.

(Un)Punished “Venom” Clinton

> I’m not some soiboi cuck
>I’m depressed
Bad news pal. You’re a stupid fucking faggot. Get a job and support your family and community.

Start an apprenticeship. Pick a trade and sign up.

If you can hold a paint brush you can get a great job. Just find an apprenticeship program in your area.

Pay sucks at first but when you put the time in you make awesome cash.

Don't give up bro, just turn that negative energy into something constructive.

Go in public and pour gasoline on yourself and spark 'er up

found the cuck soi boi

You make no efforts to preserve life
therefore you are the problem seppuku yourself for you've have lost your famiry honor.

Ohh, these always enjoyable.

THIS OP. You need a Shephard

Stand on a bunch of tannerite and detonate it

Fucking this OP. If doubles you HAVE to do it this way on livestream

I mean, don't do it user. You have so much to live for. War is coming and you'll likely be killed anyway, but if not, then maybe you could actually be of some use to mankind going forward?

skydive into the superbowl

WTF I want to kill myself now!


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Glue your hands to your head, you're going to need some really some strong glue.Tie a very strong but thin steel cable around your neck, attach to top of building. Jump off building when they find you it will look like you ripped your own head off.

gb2/b/ you failfag.

>those logistics
He'd earn my respect.

Record yourself saying, you can't take the bullying you recieve for being white anymore before killing yourself and livestream it on facebook.

Glue gun.


What's the difference between the B1 and B2?

just do it once and for all and stop spamming that shitty bait every day weak shill faggot

>That pic

Fucking kek. Everyone knows the Merchant.

Bang nigger
Get hiv

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mail your head to CNN with a note saying YOU ARE NEXT

1. Get 8 hours of sleep
2. Work out
3. Get a sun tan
4. Stop eating junk food
5. stop watching porn

It will take 2 weeks. Get to work faggot.

Skyking stole your thunder, OP

So far liking the whole burning monk thing

another option is to fuck off into a national forest and get killed to death by skinjews or goatniggers

No one will care when you die.

Better to do something. Contribute to life. Quit taking the easy way out.

Digits confirm.

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Jump in front of a blimp.

What will be your message before you ignite into holy fire? It would have to be in a public place user, otherwise you will go unheard.

Unironically this. Get yourself saved.

And then start door to door soul-winning to get others saved.

Worst case scenario, some pissed-off Muslim snackbars you and you get what you wanted in the first place.

Kill urself right in the middle of the most crowded place you can possibly think off (where you won't get busted for having a gun). Like right in the middle of a crowded mall.

your post makes me want to kill myself

Guy in my home town did this. Drove his truck onto the courthouse lawn, sat in the bed, doused himself in gas and lit himself on fire. Was pretty metal.

i can't advocate spitting in god's face no matter how bad things are in this clown world.

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This is the answer. I’m not even saved but you can be.

yeah do this. then you'll feel good for a whole week and then realize its futile and want to kill yourself again

Idk yet, something cryptic? Or I could do something serious and say something like I'm sacrificing myself to trump

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Whatever it is OP, make sure you do it right the first time, or else you’ll end up like this:


>cumskin crackers are killing themselves
this racewar will be over before it even begins

>That pic
>How should I kill myself
Wait until all the elite scum gather in bohemia Grove for thier pedo sex rituals and gun them all down
Fucking use homemade sulfuric acid grenades
Do it
Maybe then some positive news will be broadcasted for once

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Fuck off discord tranny

I know the universe doesn't give a shit about you, it doesn't give a shit about anybody; but people care and maybe you just still need to meet them.
They are right around the corner user.

just shut the fuck up and do it you fucking pussy.

Live-streaming it? Nah, it should be personal

You’re a fucken cuck sucker

You’re a fucken cuck sucker

You're a fucken cuck sucker

Well I'm going to bed, took all the Ambien I had left, not enough to kill I don't think, but I'll probably be sleeping for 24hrs

die cumskin

Pick up a burdon of some sort of responsibility, what ever it is. Work to sustain that thing and better that thing. Whether it’s a person or an idea, find something.

Work on a new skill that’s mildly interesting and get a job relating to it or something. Meet new people by doing that and generate friendships.


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Shove a bundle of dynamite up your ass, light it, then jump from the top of the Seattle space needle. Shouting “FUCK NIGGERS AND JEWS” on your way down

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Shoot yourself in the middle of a synagogue, and in your suicide note name the Jew as your reason why.

Accept Jesus. Or GoPro a synagogue. Anything else is not a legitimate option and you're a faggot for choosing anything else.

>took all the Ambien I had left, not enough to kill I don't think, but I'll probably be sleeping for 24hrs
You fucking faggot. Overdosing is the weakest way to die, and it hardly ever works either. If you’re gonna do it that way might as well live faggot

Subscribe to pewdiepie or fuck off

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how? he needs to quit being an attention whore and just go fucking do it. Get in a fucking car, drive to somewhere remote and suckstart a shotgun.

>How should I kill myself?
Break into a zoo and kick a big cat in the balls.

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user if you are going out in this pathetic way instead of becoming the 2nd saint of pol. Well... You really were a waste of cells.

build a scaffold outside of congress and hang yourself in public.

But I really think you should not kill yourself. It's a waste. Pretend you've already died and are given a second chance.

Don't. Seriously, it's not worth it. Take it from me, I've killed myself several times and I still haven't respawned as hot girl with big tits.