
Has anyone from Jow Forums had one? Or know someone who had one?
Is it painful?
Does it take long?
How does it feel/look if you "cum" after vasectomy?
Can you get even hard?

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Have you even read about the procedure? Of course you can get hard, you're not getting spayed, you're just severing the ties between sperm and ejaculate.

>Is it painful?
Ive never done it but I heard from people who had done it before. Many years ago now so I don't quite remember it all. He claimed his balls swelled to the size of a bowling ball after an injection which was prior to the actual surgery. After the surgery he said it felt like someone was smashing his balls repeatedly with a bowling ball, at least until the pain killers kick in. He says he used the strongest pain killers and still felt some pain. He still bowls though. Must have been an exaggeration.

My sisters EX had one done he was a doush bag so it was funny but he could not get an erection after that we all made fun of him until they broke up a few days later.. kinda sad have not thought about that in years.. So My advice is if you are a load of crap ya get one ...... YOLO

Generally complications are quite rare. The vast majority of vasectomies just have some tenderness and swelling for a couple of weeks. With some painkillers and supportive underwear you'll be back in shape in no time. It shouldn't effect your erections or ejaculations.

Why would you ever do that


Why wouldn't you get a vasectomy? It's the only way to take control of your reproductive rights as a male.

But why?

Don't tell me that there has been some female influence in this? If so, try to blank it out.

As a fully fledged guy you should be able to control where you leave your seed and not get her pregnant.

t: wife wanted me snipped, I refused, then started going on about adopting. She knew I wanted another child but women are selfish and decided no.

I bet you'd be a little selfish too if having more children involved rupturing your taint and doing the heavy lifting of childcare. I hope she leaves you

Have you tried condoms or maybe sleeping only with women you trust?

No women can be trusted. There's no way of telling when they'll sabotage your protection or miss a pill.

So you agree - selfish..

She is welcome to leave - she is not a prisoner and never was. What kind of fucked up life do YOU live?

Please die in a fuel fire.

My dad had a vasectomy, which I suppose would have to be called a "ductectomy" now that the vas deferens has been renamed the "ductus deferensus."

He said it was numb for a few days, but after that, shit was totes okay, and he basically had the same sex drive as he had before.

Like, your critters don't know anything about what they're trying to do or who they're trying to impregnate, after all. They're just sperm, and they have no idea whether or not they're swimming toward an egg or not.

Yeah, the majesty of life and all, but also they're really dumb, and you just want to spooge because it feels awesome, and that's not gonna change.

So, snip it. Nobody gives a fuck. I know a dude had his shit snipped in his early 20s. He's fine.

You already have a child though. Her not wanting to give YOU another kid doesn't make her selfish. It makes her sane.

Getting a vasectomy is more cucked than handing your wife to Tyrone tbqhwy

That's dumb. Your sperm is dumb. You're just playing to dumb people who think there's some "tyrone" to fear, which is clearly some very thinly-veiled reference to black guys you worry about being more virulent than you.

What a fucking retard. Castrate yourself altogether; you don't deserve your balls.

Lmao, going to wishing death on someone insulting you really shows how you probably treat your wife. How do I avoid guys like you?

You don't. Most guys are socialized to equate their life's worth with the amount of offspring they're able to squeeze out into the cunny of some unsuspecting victim of the rape-culture that dominates contemporary gender-relations, and they're often not wrong, because a whole fucking lot of sex is actually rape, when you unpack it in terms of who wants what, and that horrifying truth is why humans are probably better off being neutered with a solid dose of Plan-B in the water supply.

Seriously, like, we've fucked things up so badly.


I know you're gonna be dogpiled in a fee minutes by angry men but truly, what history has shown again and again, all most men want is to impregnate a bunch of teens and leave them to take care of the offspring. More women than men are happy being childfree, while men are the ones who go MUH LINEAGE

>I know you're gonna be dogpiled in a few minutes by angry men

I mean, I'm no different; I totally want to impregnate a bunch of teens and leave them to take care of the offspring. It's like the most basic instinct I think I have, desu... but then I recognize how much horrible shit they have to deal with, and I'm like "Oh... well, then, maybe not, because that sounds terrible, and I'd never want to put up with that kind of burden." And then I get mad that Plan B is so expensive, because if I were a woman, I'd want that shit to be cheaper than french fries.

It's not my line, but it's a good one: "If men could get pregnant, abortions would be available at Jiffy Lube."

Well, you sound like a good person. I hope I find somebody who also knows how to keep that impulse in check - I get how hard it is to be dogged by the thing in your pants that wants it all.

>you sound like a good person

Oh, I'm not. I'm pretty sure that any level of scrutiny would determine that I am well outside of the boundaries that might determine me as a "good person," but I am at least honest about it, lol.

Unless being honest makes you a good person, in which case I'm uncomfortably so.

I just don't know why wanting it all is something to shy away from. Like, why shouldn't everyone want it all, considering how many "alls" there are?

I'm curious now. I guess, but wanting it all is pretty exhausting and disappointing.

Yeah, it is. "Wanting it all" is an endless quest that will defeat you.

But when you actually take the time to meet and fall in love with them, you find that these "alls" whom you have abstracted actually exist. That's a whole other problem for you, though.