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It was probably the only way for any man to pay attention to her.

Here's a video of the two right before the rape

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All these rapable women, and we're supposed to believe she'd be first choice?

>15 men
If it was real it would take 14 men just to hold her down, and a round of ‘draw the short straw’ to see who did the deed.

Okay after the 3rd time you'd think maybe something is up.
Fifteen fucking times!
Come on

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never change Jow Forums, never change. toppest of keks

So she couldnt get fucked and made this gang rape story up? Wow RP has gone far.

These fake rape cases do more harm to women's movement than any man in history.

Just think about it, who wants to employ a woman if the statistical chances of a fake rape accusation are increased due to this fake rape accusation culture?

Any woman who accuses an innocent man of rape is ruining the career opportunities for women in general.

she still managed to throw one poor britfag into the jail, can you imagine ?

It's a shame she is being made an example of. The truth is what she did was lame af but cmon, jail, for lying? Bitch is in jail for lying? It seems its more the fault of the govt for blindly believing her and they are trying to scapegote. I get it, shes a cunt for sure, but why should anyone be in jail for lying? Nigga please.

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>gang rape
No, she did this 15 different times.

>If it was real it would take 14 men just to hold her down, and a round of ‘draw the short straw’ to see who did the deed.
You know nothing of engineering, user.
Once that thing's down, it's not getting up with a series of levers and pulleys.
The reason it's 15 is that it would take 14 men to force the 15th unto that chumbly-wumbly

>One of whom was jailed

Imagine this was you. Imagine yourself being jailed because a disgusting hambeast abused this trash judiciary system and ruined your life.

What would you do?

A guy was jailed and another fled because some retarded judge believed that someone would be so desperate as to fuck that whale?
I guess we do live in honk world

i'd have said 3 was unduly stretching credibility, personally. Thats a Big Girl


And here she is resorting to overeating after having her perjury conviction upheld.

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she actually has a beautiful face behind the fat

too bad her dad didnt slap her


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Isn't that longer than what actual rapists get sentenced over there?

This was 15 different times though.
Not a gang bang.

This thread has been posted before.

You'd think something was awry on the second or third one.

Brings up a serious question. Could those 14 men use that one fatty to rape the 15th man?
Like a battering ram on a dude?

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I love the image compilations these news articles use. They often a hilarious story.

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fuck off shill.

lol you couldnt pay me to have sex with this disgusting thing. I don't even want to look at her. My dick would never stand at attention for this hambeast. The smell of her musky vagina must be vomit inducing. She looks like a retarded liberal feminist progressive pig anyway. fucking hideous, barely human looking animal.

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Fucking kek I’m so glad you aussies arnt permab&

>a beautiful face behind the fat
That's one hell of an imagination you have.

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Why the fuck would anyone rape her ugly ass?


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