
This one has been minorly blowing up in the anti-anti-swj circles. Thoughts? Is it a psyop?

If it's not a fake, he seems like he's in that phase right after a radical philosophical shift, where he is extremely quick to harshly denounce his former beliefs. Kind of like a recent religious convert. Good keks to be had all round, regardless.


tl;dr, best part is 26:03

Attached: faraday.webm (896x794, 973K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>and then i saw the memes

Attached: 435345.png (555x415, 185K)

what the fuck is wrong with his face, did he have a stroke?

He actually considers the JQ to be too far right.

Clueless. All he wants to do is to go back to playong videogames and being a degenerate

He's an opportunist faggot like baked alaska.

fake and gay, nerdo needs a swirlie

He got molymemed on.

Attached: when_you_saw_the_memes.png (565x708, 486K)

>black friends
>gay friends
>trans friends
this defies belief

former alt-right supporter here, not gonna lie, this is hilarious seeing the alt-right crash and burn, but in all seriousness we can't let these guys win the culture war

Some of you have to admit this is true. A lot of us do not belong here and while we believe some of the stuff here, in the back of our minds we know it is wrong and should just embrace the clown world *honk* *honk*

Best comment.

Attached: AntifaReportingIn.png (876x257, 41K)

so this retard is famous now because he knows about alt-lite youtube?

I'm starting to suspect that this dude is actually a psy op in the sense that he's inviting people to talk to him in private just so he can listen to him, which would be the way I would set up a kind of deradicalization pilot project. The first thing you would want is to offer a kind of forum where you invite people to talk in a non judgmental way, not so much for their benefit but only to collect information. It doesn't matter to the deradicalization process if the only thing you get for two week straight is straight up bullshit and hate speech, and an overuse of the words nigger and kike. As long as the guy is talking to you you can still make a contact.

So I'm starting to believe this guy might have some people with him. If he starts to talk more and more about "creating dialog" with people and actually taking concrete steps to make specific people talk then you'll know he's completely astroturfed.

Once you swallow the redpill, there is no going back. This guy is a fagot and he is faking.

Bingo. Fags gonna whine for neet bucks from shill platformers when he just wants to go back to 2d chess. He never was trying to join
> peace and love... proceeds to bash in property because he hates anyone who has more in life than his failure of an existence


Attached: ahegao 15.jpg (337x292, 32K)

Yeah, it's definitely a psy-op.
But they're barking up the wrong tree if they think Jow Forumsacks worship e-celebs to begin with

Attached: decentralization.png (892x498, 65K)

>Once you swallow the redpill, there is no going back. This guy is a fagot and he is faking.

There's no reason to believe than being a right winger is any less a matter of "religion" for people as being a left wing is. Conversion are not unheard of even between communism and nazism back when those were in fashion. The only thing it takes for a right winger to stop being a right winger is for him to become indifferent.

Indifference is the optimal outcome for the system. Leftism is a bit worse for the system than indifference is, but not by much. Broadly speaking leftism agrees with the way things are going. They're just knob nibbler, trying to make minor adjustments to the globalization process.

No one is falling for this honeypot. And if they are, just know that you are a piece of shit.

>in high school, gets super into conspiracy theories yet remains "liberal"


>listens to SOAD, MUSE, and other multi-platinum money machines because of their "revolutionary lyrics"


>went to college thinking he'd get an engineering degree so that he could get into....solar panels


>was excited to leave for college so he could get away from his family and his small town life
>reveals in the same sentence that he went to a community college
>flunked out of community college
>lost his financial aid and couldn't go back to community college because no financial aid
>needing financial aid to attend community college

lol. lol. lol. lol. lol.

>moved back home and just surfed the web a lot
>gravitated towards Stefan Molyneux as a self help authority after seeing him pop up in his side bar


>through Molyneaux he discovers many other right wing youtubers who then begin shaping his worldview
>lists off a bunch of different alt-lite retards


>embraces conservative western values and apparently without being redpilled in any other areas such as the lookspill or the fitpill
>never took the Jpill
>beliefs that make him the same as any neocon yet he calls it "alt-lite"
>goes out of his way to bring up the helicopter rides meme which was an inorganic forced meme that serves as a shill litmus test - fake clutches his pearls while bringing up said gay meme


I can't watch any more of this man, this is bad.

you know it's fake because this is exactly how the left thinks we become "radicalized". they think we're isolated shut-ins who discover youtube figures and then suddenly we change. What they're missing is the part where we spent a decade getting forged in the flames of /b/ and later Jow Forums and TRP, then the MDE community and Jow Forums, slowly becoming more and more disgusted by real, immediate things that were going on in our lives, with friends, exes and family all slowly becoming vacant, dopamine-drunk NPCs and single moms

Anyway fuck this fag.

Attached: what-do-you-want.png (501x604, 318K)

>anti-anti-swj circles
you could just say sjw

also this shit screams gayest of the gay ops.

lmao, so the pussies posting about being traumatized by the shooting were for real, I'm so glad weak redditpussies are finally leaving

who the fuck is going to sit through 30 minutes of this limp wristed faggot man chid

What people fail to realize is that most of us were like this BEFORE Jow Forums and before e celeb shit. When I stumbled upon this place I was shocked that other people had the same kind of views I did. And even more shocked that it was a global thing.

>What they're missing is the part where we spent a decade getting forged in the flames of /b/ and later Jow Forums and TRP, then the MDE community and Jow Forums, slowly becoming more and more disgusted by real, immediate things that were going on in our lives, with friends, exes and family all slowly becoming vacant, dopamine-drunk NPCs and single moms

TRP is the most cringe shit ever produced on leddit. Some odd combination of LARP'ing as a PUA and Alpha

go back and fucking neck yourself...seriously, an hero now

That's because you discovered it after it became saturated with PUA bullshit. In the early days it was just about getting frustrated betas out of their bedrooms and into the gym. It was a treasure trove of useful info on understanding female behavior. If you think hypergamy and shit tests are made-up things, you're an absolute brainlet.


>If you think hypergamy and shit tests are made-up things, you're an absolute brainlet.

of course they are real. 99% of TRP's useful information can be distilled down into a few paragraphs

I glanced at it a few times back when they had

Attached: FellowAltRighter.png (1238x718, 50K)

too bad he didnt descend into a gym

who is this weak kneed faggot?
and who gives a shit what he thinks?

He's faggy
He's feeling bad
He's got dildos
In a bag
He'll use them
But not for long his dignity
It's come and gone
It's come and gone
It's come and gone
It's come and gone

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 61K)

it's the visual equivalent of a straw-man.