what a fucking shit show
What a fucking shit show
I hope this elitist half nigger hangs for this shit
>National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
Well he does seem like a pretty advanced nigger.
he should win
it would highlight how the NAACP is just a black benefit advocacy group looking to get whatever it can for blacks because they're on their team, and that "equality" is just effective rhetoric to get what you want.
Good. Discredit the entire org in the eyes of normies. Even normie black people in Chicago want this guy to hang now.
This white privilege is sickening
trump 2020 in the bag
what a fucking clown world
They are doing this to try and protect him.
>Even normie black people in Chicago want this guy to hang now.
Wait why?
This is the state of niggerdom today. Their best nigger is a lying faggot who is too stupid to pull off mail fraud or a false hate crime. He is a STUPID FAGGOT NIGGER and he is their best. #1 Super Best A+ Nigger.
2019 is a fantastic year
>black guy gets awarded the highest nigger award for breaking the law
Pottery, how do we make this happen
honk honk
hmmm, it's almost like someone is egging people on to actually attack him...
Deep down they know that they would be in jail for years for a lessor crime. He also destroyed a lot of the “dats racis” credibility that they desperately clung to as well.
It's just another redpill that the NAACP is the enemy of all non-blacks.
This is actually good thing this awakens a very very large portion of people that are still sleeping
It's his jewish+black privilege.
If a normal nigger did what this faggot did, they would be absolutely fucked by the law. Not "all 16 felonies dropped".
tfw Jussie Smollett has been working for the Trump administration this whole time in an effort to "disgust" the voters back to the ballot box.
and even your avg black guy knows this.
smollett's case sends a message to the public that there is definite corruption in a social click that thinks its above the law.
I’m surprised they are actually doing this. Smart play would have been to give a minor charge and stop talking about it. Why are they being so obvious with this? Is it just niggers going off script?
It really doesn’t make much sense - my best guess is that there are behind the scenes negotiations going on to diffuse this thing, since taking him to trial or leaving him alone both have repercussions.
For a moment, i thought maybe the whole thing was a psyop - but that’s dumb, too many people are now aware of the blatant corrupt and the public is pretty unified against jussie and the establishment
its the enemy of all non jews
the blacks are just the pawns on the chessboard that are sacrificed to save their masters
oh boy
Would anyone even be upset if this faggot got lynched?