19 year old born in 2000 here. Why are people born in the 80s such grumpy old assholes? I know this one guy born in 1987, which isn't THAT old really, but he's irritated and short-tempered and always snaps at me. And that's the very end of the 80s!!! People born earlier in the decade are even worse.
19 year old born in 2000 here. Why are people born in the 80s such grumpy old assholes...
Because you disgust them at the molecular level. Kys millennial
Probably because they're jealous of your youth and it makes them think about how they wasted theirs
Because cocaine is illegal now but 90s+ never experience that sweet sweet rush.
80s pop music also sucks too. I can't believe people are actually nostalgic for that shit. It's as bad as current pop music which is bad.
Because you guys are so fucking morons.
We are diying trying to recover the shit our parents (1940-1960) did to the world: fuck the economy, the global warming, stupid laws everywere and YOU need to start working on useful things instead of only giving good vibes on social media.
So we hate our parents because we are suffering their stupidity, we hate you because you are so fucking inmature and out of the loop and we hate ourselves because nothing works as expected as much as we try.
I was born in 1983 and I don't remember my peers doing much at 19 besides half-heartedly taking college courses for degrees they were unsure of while counting down the days until their next weed and alcohol-filled party
Because everything is shit now. Every single thing has been replaced with a shittier version.
>born in 1988
>Who Let the Dogs Out was the song played at my middle school graduation
>8th grade was pretty much just my classmates going "WASSUUUUUUUP" every three seconds
Early 2000s culture was pretty bottom-of-the-barrel, user.
You are lazy jealous loser retards who believe in stuff like global warming. You believe exactly what you are told by the Jews including hating your parents. Makes me happy to hear you suffer
Hi i am a 19 year old born in 2000 like you i first wanna say that you are not alone in the disrespect. Alot of people assume we are millennials. We are not millennials thay are trash we are Gen Z our generation is after millennials. Alot of people just call younger people millennials we are not all millennials some of the oldest people in our gen are 25 or 26 the youngest are like 11. Our generation is actually the most conservative generation of youths in a long time, why you ask because we saw the failure that is the millennial generation. Also our generation is made up of young business owners we have a later average age of first time sex when compared to people born in the 80s less alcohol and drug use aswell. Remind people that when they were our age they and the people around them were much worse. So many older folks preaching like they are saints fuck all that. They were bigger fuck ups and schmucks when compared to us remind them of some of these things their youth. Dont let them project their fucked up image of what it means to be a young person on to you. People need to look at themselves before saying shit about others. Anyways good luck Op.
Gen Z is the most productive, serious, and conservative generation since before the War.
>the global warming
That shit is not man made, dude
The youngest are 3 desu, Generation Alpha usually begins at 2015.
And it's cooling
Thank God for this anonymous Jow Forums post to set me straight
Do you really believe government propaganda?
Ah my bad
I've had this discussion with people not caring too many times to actually bother throwing out data. Just be aware that it's mostly a matter of money and that all the data you'll find supporting man related causes is using big words and data unrelated to the actual climate change. At best you have some correlation, but correlation doesn't mean causation
Yeah no we're not all like that. And not all who are like that are like that to all people. Maybe if you stop generalizing.
I want my ball back. That is all. Good day
Good day to you aswell.
Global warming is real actually.
It's a cycle the earth goes through before every ice age of which it has experienced several. Humans have made a dent in the climate but they mostly just sped up the process. Even if we do everything to offset it it will still happen eventually. And if not Earth will end in a number of other ways out of our control. I believe that the confirmation of a blackhole is confirmation that death in the physical is the only true death, but not in spirit.
1988 here. To be honest it's just the way we where brought up. We kinda are the people that grew up between two worlds. The internet was growing to where it is now, if you're American life was one way and then another after 9/11. Things changing fast and we tend to not want to be. Also, we were pushed with the idea that we were special, that we could be anything we wanted. Not many of us did and are. We have little in terms of dreams and hopes. You are still filled with them. I find it refreshing myself, I used to be a grump but I try to smile more, the world is grey enough as it is.
My gf is your age, and she's kinda busted from having shitty parents. Can't deal with stress but when things are calm, it's nice to be around her. She gives me a reason to smile a little more.
Tldr the world we grew up in made us assholes, some of us choose to remain that way.
You actually are still considered millenials. You are just late millenials. Post-millenials would be a better term really.
By that logic millennials are akin to Gen X come one now there is a distinction. You need to recognize that.