Who else is ready for the next april fools?
Who else is ready for the next april fools?
I think Trump will perform a major trolling by tweeting that he builds a wall.
I gotta pull my memes out of storage tho. Curious if we will get rerolls
Do you think she'll come back?
Pretty mystery muttess.
Team peep dabbing on em. Don't forget you will always be chocolate.
I hope they merge us with another autistic board so we can create another monster like mlpol.
> inb4 mods cheekily dox everyone on Jow Forums
Best board
Creme supreme
Also inb4 lee
you know it!
Has it been one year already? Damn I'm old
thats the mutt queen right?
that's a white girl, britney's eyes are a different color and she's darker
She is romanian you mongrels.
almost broke my fucking neck asshole
Post yfw when Jow Forums gets mixed with /lgbt/ during AF.
She was a fertility goddess
Eyes aren't blue, not her.
I'm ready, peep loser
Inb4 newfag can someone explain to me the random color teams?
>Not /sci/, /vp/ or /tg/
>/sci/ vs race/iq differences
>Headlines reading "Pokemon are the new symbol of the alt-right, and it's terrifying"
>Gassing the kikes in tabletop
Thinking too small, user.
How to beat a libtard on redistribution of wealth through taxation argument and immigration
Wait I kinda get it. It's Easter candy related? Creme eggs are gross. What is mini
All you need to know is that team mini is all that matters.
I just want to see the reactions of the retards who yell "discord trannies" at everyone after being grouped with the real trannies.
Me on the left.
>What is mini
Mini eggs. Originally it was supposed to be "mint", but Hiro fucked it.
I'm glad he made that mistake, I spent the entire day posting and fapping to loli and shortstack porn in team mini threads.
Ok.... What's the point system about?
Literally just a random number generator. Hiro trolled everyone by making them believe in retarded theories about how the point system worked like:
>the number of times a team is mentioned
>each time a team gets repeated digits
>team's total activity
>number of replies that a post get
No i work now. No more endless shit posting, sleeping at 5am and waking at 3pm. I wont be able to it again until i am 70. Or 40 if I scrap and save and life a minimum life.