Who else is ready for the next april fools?

Who else is ready for the next april fools?

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I think Trump will perform a major trolling by tweeting that he builds a wall.

I gotta pull my memes out of storage tho. Curious if we will get rerolls

Do you think she'll come back?

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Pretty mystery muttess.
Team peep dabbing on em. Don't forget you will always be chocolate.

I hope they merge us with another autistic board so we can create another monster like mlpol.

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> inb4 mods cheekily dox everyone on Jow Forums

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Best board

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Creme supreme

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Also inb4 lee

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you know it!

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Has it been one year already? Damn I'm old

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thats the mutt queen right?


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that's a white girl, britney's eyes are a different color and she's darker

She is romanian you mongrels.

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almost broke my fucking neck asshole

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Post yfw when Jow Forums gets mixed with /lgbt/ during AF.

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She was a fertility goddess

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Eyes aren't blue, not her.


I'm ready, peep loser

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Inb4 newfag can someone explain to me the random color teams?

>Not /sci/, /vp/ or /tg/
>/sci/ vs race/iq differences
>Headlines reading "Pokemon are the new symbol of the alt-right, and it's terrifying"
>Gassing the kikes in tabletop
Thinking too small, user.

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How to beat a libtard on redistribution of wealth through taxation argument and immigration

Wait I kinda get it. It's Easter candy related? Creme eggs are gross. What is mini

All you need to know is that team mini is all that matters.

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I just want to see the reactions of the retards who yell "discord trannies" at everyone after being grouped with the real trannies.

Me on the left.

>What is mini
Mini eggs. Originally it was supposed to be "mint", but Hiro fucked it.
I'm glad he made that mistake, I spent the entire day posting and fapping to loli and shortstack porn in team mini threads.

Ok.... What's the point system about?

Literally just a random number generator. Hiro trolled everyone by making them believe in retarded theories about how the point system worked like:
>the number of times a team is mentioned
>each time a team gets repeated digits
>team's total activity
>number of replies that a post get

No i work now. No more endless shit posting, sleeping at 5am and waking at 3pm. I wont be able to it again until i am 70. Or 40 if I scrap and save and life a minimum life.