How do I find people who genuinely care about me for who I am? Someone who genuinely like me and want me to be around...

How do I find people who genuinely care about me for who I am? Someone who genuinely like me and want me to be around. Loneliness kill me.

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>How do I find people who genuinely care about me for who I am?
You have to reveal yourself to people first if you ever want to find them.

I'm afraid. I think most people are evil and gonna hurt me

Why would anyone care about (you)? Serious question

It's called your mother.

The end. Adult relationships simply don't work like that. Even your girlfriend and dog only love you because of what you have to offer them.

You'll destroy your relationships by expecting more than is reasonable.

Gotta make friends like a normal human.

It's usually true
Just go to places and do things where people with similar interests will be
I like running so I joined a runners club
I like smash Bros so I go to smash Bros events in the city close to me

You need to get raped bitch

OP is an ugly tranny, check on /lgbt/ no wonder nobody likes him.

Are you a faggot?

That's perfectly normal but you aren't going to find anyone who accepts you unless they actually meet you. That's not just meeting your physical being but knowing who you are as a person.

Not much more to say than you have to get over that fear.

get a dog
they love you unconditionally

>capable of love

Ffs, when will people learn that licking your face because you give them food is not the equivalent to love.

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I have this weird fear that my dog would love someone else but not me

>>t. has never owned a pet/is soulless

The mirror.
No seriously.
That's where it all starts. If you love yourself, you won't NEED other people but other people will finally be able to see you for who you are and they will flock to you.

HAHA me too, I thought I was the only one. Are we this insecure

How often do you masturbate to forget loneliness?

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So, why is no one showing up at my house then?

I don't.

In my own anecdotal experience, I've found it rare that people will care about you because of who you are, but rather what you offer them.
Those people do exist, but the older you get, the less likely you'll bump into them from the same online avenues, assuming you're limiting yourself to online stuff.

How old are you, if you don't mind my asking?

I guess so. But funny thing is that I don't even have a dog but yet have this fear.