Hot. Black queens will save us.
Wow, holy shit, RAMMSTEIN totally cucked!
Logan Powell
Jason Roberts
I’m pretty sure every country is a female.
Nathaniel Long
Landon Nelson
Easton Jenkins
Good goy, go fuck with a chimpanzee
Adrian Williams
They've never used politics on album or single covers to create controversy. Wonder why this time around.
Kayden Cook
You see what bothers me is how the letter “C” in Deutschland is behind her hand while the rest of the word is in front of her.
Gabriel Johnson
>Incest, cannibalism, rape, sex changes, drug use are all fine
>But this is too much
You suck at being a fascist anglo.
Isaiah Lewis
Because the world wasn’t as batshit insane about political correctness 10 years ago, when their last album was released.
Dominic Bennett
It’s like with ships, no one calls Germany a “he” even if it is the fatherland.