What do i do about lack of affection?
>last hug i got was at 17
>now i'm 25
>no cat, no dog, dont live in same country as my family
>no gf
>no friends
what do? it feels so heavy, like a heavy feeling on my chest. I just wanna hug or cuddle, probably with a gf, stroke her hair, maybe kiss her on the cheek. i dunno if this is realistic or not, but it probably feels a bit nice?
What do i do about lack of affection?
Such is the life of a rootless cosmopolitan. Enjoy
Escort or buy a dog. Either way you will have to deal with some bitch good luck Op.
Get a dog and start working on yourself to get a gf
what constitutes as working on yourself? i work out a lot.
Too late. You've passed the threshold.
if you work out a lot, try talking to people at the gym, or join fb groups for keeping fit and start talking?? gl
>all of these dog lovers
Get a cat, nigga.
Not only working out but take care of your skin, dress and groom yourself well, sport on perfume. You may not think much of all that but it actually is effective and while not everyone may notice you'll draw the attention of few and they'll come to your gravitas.
FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111\\
Get a monitor.
Do you have a job? School? Start there. Go and make friends there, start a conversation; it can be casual and just surface level topics like work, personal life, food etc. Eventually, you can ask them to hang out outside of class/work.
This Also get a social hobby, you won't get a gf hiding in you house and avoiding people
Start learning a new language and talk the other people in the class, search a friend not couple, male or female doesn't matter, they can help you getting a gf
what is a good hobby? i like lifting
Man, that's brutal but you can get a girlfriend and having a girlfriend is realistic. Also some girls like beta guys, what I mean by that is being shy is not bad but still have confidence.
Who are you kidding, ano
but girls do not like shy guys at all.
Some do. But there are autistic assholes on Jow Forums who think they are shy, when in fact they are just autistic assholes and that's why girls don't like them.
Walk around with a "free hugs" sign.
I do~
But also this
Socially Inept=/=Shy
If you already have a good body from working out, nicely fitted clothes(no baggy ass cheap looking shit) and a decent trim hit tinder. That shit is easier than it looks trust me you won't regret it user. Do you work at all? Good luck user you black bastard.
>no dog
Theres your problem right there.
"A part of one's heart remains unlocked until they have truly loved an animal"