Antifa Degenerate janitor in Jow Forums sent me a malware link

They see your IP and can look up your associated email. Pretty easy to associate if you work in certain tech sectors.

>I made a post about degenerate Commies in tech
>I get a ban for making only an off technology topic comment within the thread
>I get the pic related email about 30 minutes later. It's not from Apple.
I have NEVER been sent something like this.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-03-29 at 1.21.48 AM.png (1092x886, 143K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Are you telling me reddit is full of fags?

Cause that's just not true

more info

>They see your IP and can look up your associated email.
You may have been banned for not understanding computor

Jow Forums is on Jow Forums

damn it fucking commies infiltrating everything

Janitors aren't able to do that. It's much more likely that you're just retarded

you're just retarded

Janitors can see IP addresses
People who work in technology can find out about how to send you malware by your IP address.

Why did it say you logged in Denmark?

>he posts outside of Jow Forums
Why though? The only time I do this is to make drive-by shitposts on /co/ and /v/ about Jewish influence and diversity.

Link your own ip address back to your email address, unless you are retarded you cant

fucking lol. this has to be a troll

>Why did it say you logged in Denmark?

It's just a fake email pretending to be from apple to get me to click the link.
If you click that link in the email the person is able to put malware on your device.

lmao retard. That's not a janitor shitting on you, that's a pajeet/chink trying to steal your account by force.
You forgot to hide your IP by the way.

>Janitors can see IP addresses
No, they can't. Only mods can see IP addresses and ban users. Janitors are just regular posters who can delete other people's posts.

>They see your IP and can look up your associated email.

>typical phishing email

Okay, I was banned so it was a mod.

>They see your IP and can look up your associated email.
Degenerates who work in technology can.

You know how Twitter bans you for saying learn to code? They know who you are before you sign up.
All these tech companies pool and buy data about you.

>Degenerates who work in technology can.
So your assumption is that some mod has access to some private big data DB and decided to send you a shitty phishing e-mail? Epic.

>more info

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-03-29 at 1.46.57 AM.png (1540x860, 380K)

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-03-29 at 1.47.13 AM.png (1364x590, 178K)

Janitors are glorified end users.
They are literal NEET trannies with nothing better to do. They can most certainly not see your IP. The only way they'd get it is if a mod told them on IRC. Mods are cunts but they are accountable so they generally keep appearances. Don't forget they are LEA and alphabets, they signed contracts and work for the US gov't, they won't risk for a random nobody

>decided to send you a shitty phishing e-mail?

It's what scorned Communist techies do.

You're right to doubt because I can't prove it, but it is malware and I have never gotten a link like this. Sent about half an hour after the post, and they were not happy about the post.

I don't see any trace of malware in the e-mail you posted.

That's because sites like twitter harvest a lot more data than Jow Forums.
You see these "share on twitter" buttons in every page? Well, they can be used to track the sites you frequent and make a profile of your browser habits (even if you don't have a twitter account). Same with embedded twits in other sites, facebook buttons and invisible tracking pixels, and google's fonts, javascript, dns and other services.
Jow Forums can only track you based on your IP address (although the malware ads that Hiro adds every 6 months are more sophisticated and can do similar shit to what I mentioned earlier).

That Apple email probably is just phishing and a weird coincidence, and it was made by a pajeet who is trying to steal your account by tricking you into putting your login credentials in a fake site.
Post the email address of the sender so we can see if it is a legit email account or not.

Makes sense. They can after all insert code into the DOM.

Good job blocking out the IP champ, it's not like you showed it in your OP.

>I don't see any trace of malware in the e-mail you posted.

It's not apple support.
I don't know if I should post the email and the link. Neither are to Apple.
The actual email address is a super long random words @ random words

Wow this is either the pinnacle of boomer posting or you're an idiot kid who has no fucking idea what hes talking about

Attached: 1470745967444.png (500x300, 42K)

>it's not like you showed it in your OP.

That's nobody's IP, anyways, it's not mine
That's just random IP, like Apple was the random company they pretended to be.

>it's not like you showed it in your OP.
That's not his IP.

No, it doesn't make sense. E-mails rarely have actual origin IP nowadays. Even if you know OPs IP tying it to his actual e-mail is tricky.

Since i browse 4chang for more than a decade, my dynamic ip always get blacked don't know why, they always saying i'm a bots, or spam.

Attached: blacklisted.png (1080x1791, 342K)

>Even if you know OPs IP tying it to his actual e-mail is tricky.

I know, it doesn't prove anything. None of this proves anything but for you it's not possible, for people without access to the dossiers on us it's not hard.

I got circumstantial evidence only.
The timing of the phishing attempt and someone in there is scorned and being vindictive about comments I made.
You know if they don't like your political take they will know to shaddow ban you on all the big platforms even before you sign up?

>for people without access to the dossiers
oops, for people with

His handle is Scroton, he's a pretty shitty person. Real name Mike, lives in Tulsa OK. Also a Janitor on diy/out. Likes killing homeless people in his free time and feeding them to his clients dogs at his dog boarding business, downtown dog in the country. Funny story. Also likes tracking people down when they post too much information.

Op, you are being gangstalked. Dont ask me how i know, just log off now and get to a VERY public place with security cameras.


Looks like you just got a hacking attempt OP. Any proof its a fake alert?
Also fuck you for reminding me, I had an old google account nearly hacked last year. Apparently I had made it in like 2012 and didn't do jack shit with it then suddenly, boom critical security alert. Some guy from NY tried to log in with my exact password. Ended up just deleting the account since there was literally nothing on it or anything associated with it other than my crappy pwned yahoo mail.
Look up your email here and see if its been compromised before. Mine had been for nexus mods, warframe and some massive ad listing hack in 2013. Surprisingly not from the sony hack tho.

Attached: 1523048045678.jpg (480x480, 20K)

nice try, cia

I had a popup on my browser last night allegedly from xfinity saying that my modem was out of date and I could get a free upgrade for faster service. It was a popup that pegged to the initial load of each Jow Forums thread I opened. It remained static when I scrolled down but it showed up on every thread I loaded for a brief period last night. I didn't click a single thing and scrolled through but it was weird. Did not show up on any other website and I've never seen it before or since.

Get an adblocker

Stop. Visiting. Porn. Websites.

Are you using http? ISPs can inject their shit in your data.

the same thing happened to me a few months ago, received the same phishing email.

>nice try, cia

If I'm right it's just a techie antifa degenerate, but these people work for the CIA too.
The people who got Damore fired and put malware on his computer at Google, those are the people also making malware for the CIA.

>look up your associated email
Where is your email tied to your IP on Jow Forums.

>received the same phishing email.

Did you call out blue check tech degenerates by name around that time in a technology community too?

I just assume that's who's fucking with me since I got petty retribution on the site and the email 30 minutes later.

Yep, seems to be the case here.

Unless you are runing email server on your ip, or working at apple/ms/google/isp there is no real way to associate ip with email.