Feels good mang not submitting my DNA or my genetic analysis to a company you can't trust.
Click this link to request to delete your 23andMe data.
Feels good mang not submitting my DNA or my genetic analysis to a company you can't trust.
Click this link to request to delete your 23andMe data.
im not too concerned.
I really want to know about my ancestry and dietary requirements, but damn it I feel like I can't trust any of these fucking places.
Then everyone around me thinks I'm paranoid when I talk about not wanting to give my DNA to these places. Pisses me off.
Who could've seen this coming!?
The population control bio weapon is going to be fun.
>tee-hee c'mon here near me dear white boy
>give us your dna so we can see how much of a true aryan you are
>i'm sure our cousins at the (((big pharma))) won't mind getting this info its for your own good!
>oops a new disease made all whites infertile! how unfortunate... let us gather more info so we can research a cure!
fucking whites are so gullible
I unironically sold my DNA to the Jews just to find out I have the cursed blood :?
They don't even need you. Some relative is enough for deep state to profile you.
> herschel leibovitz
>(((herschel leibovitz)))
>Rabbi Herschel Leibowitz dies at 73 (baltimoresun.com)
>some jewish scholar and his researchs about visual perception
you just needed google
i just made the name up bro relax
>i'm just pretending to be a retard, trust me
don't know if you goys are aware of this or not, but the 5G grid involves a digital currency system linked to your genetics. This is not because of africans or muslims like you have been(((tricked))) into believing, but actaully because very very soon there will be an open air extraterrestrial prescence on earth (Sol Terra 3) AND THE ALIENS WILL ALSO NEED TO HAVE THEIR DATABASE GENETICS ON THE DNA TO ACCESS THE MONEY AND THE SURVEILLANCE, enjoy the post disclosure world boys, if you thought genders and sexuallity and relationships were weird before the space ayyy lmaos
Same. I feel like if I did it will say I'm 90% black or some bullshit.
why would any lmao need money?
Wait until these fags find out that it's only 76% accurate when used for genealogy in the way they use it.
do you need money when you go to another city/country/planet/culture?
To a certain extent, your genome is likely identifiable, or any weaknesses in it are likely already submitted to Glaxo.
If any immediate familly, or relatives have taken the test your DNA has essentially already been acuired for any purposes they might want to use it for
This, it's like an even more sinister facebook where they can just shadow profile you.
Well what would they want to use it for besides targeted medicines?
This infograph really needs to add the fact her sister is the CEO of JewTube.
>not knowing they already had your DNA from paper currency
yeah it does sound stupid, but they got hybrids and sheeit... i think they have it covered somehow.
why would they give their info just to have some access
you dont 'give' your info, (((they))) 'have' your info
I hope someone there can drop the paki faggot who is ruining your country into a volcano, and kick every last shitskin into the sea before your beautiful country is destroyed.
Good luck ireland.
Seems like if someone really wants any privacy a home midwife would be needed now.
the beast system has been running profiles on everyone since at least the 70's in an underground base in outback australia mate
definitely been up and running for many many many decades from all sorts of sources. why do you think Madonna hires a DNA cleanup crew everywhere she goes?>
ur not safe, boomers and old people love to use 23 and me. If they have ur parents and grandparents info they have yours too
Give sauce.
Lel white0ids btfo
I’ll wait until I can affordably do my own genetic work at home.
Should be covered by 2nd amendment along with encryption
You’re the embodiment of the Amerimutt meme, congratulations. At least you’re not a nigger tho.
Yeah, they advertise the hell out of that stuff to boomers. One massive, easy datamine because old Joe wants to boast of his "rich scottish" history or whatever.
>request to delete
Hahahaha does anybody think this will work?
I know, my parents did it a couple years ago and Im still pissed about it
What do you think they will do with this ? Clone us ?
>Click this link to request to delete your 23andMe data.
Hahahaha, data is forever.
sell it to insurance companies and deny you coverage based on what diseases youre predisposed to
I cant believe peope believe these companies
is world retarded
You can look up online how to do it anonymously.. using a fake name and temporary cc
Frame you.
Roko's baslisk looking more and more real each passing day. We are summoning the demon!
>Every prisoner has dna samples drawn
Niggers btfo
Gtfo nigger
I bet you think brenton was a mossad agent
I've been wanting to get one, but $99... And I'm in some database ran by kikes.
And I'd probably shoot myself if "Sub Saharan African" appeared on my test.
I could literally knock you out with my dick.
>muc dick syndrome
I don't want one, but I fucking hate french faggots. I'd rather be what I am than be a fuck white flag motherfucker. Is your tower clean, or so full of shit you gave up being proud?
I mean thats an entirely reasonable thing to do with dna, think of all the money it could save the (((insurance companies)))
Lol, typical nigger bringing up their muh dick.
I was in the French army so the gov has my dna already. I want to do this not because I blindly trust them but because I’m not a skyzo who think that the reptilians will clone me and replace me once they have my dna sample.
I did NOT want my results, but it helps to know. If you think you're a nigger, you probably are regardless of results. If you get a .02% then fuck jews, you really aren't, but if yo get a % higher than 5, then gg and begin acceptance.
Are these Gene scam companies just pawning off your DNA to the Global Corporate Drug Pushers? I bet Global "Security" Corporations would be as keen to have the basic lowdown on their serving livestock...for your own safety of course.
Honestly, my dick is like 5 inches and not very girthy, I just wanted to "muh dick" cause I could. I'm glad you believed me though.
K nigger
>but if yo get a % higher than 5, then gg and begin acceptance.
Is that why you started acting like a negro?
I don't act like a nigger.
being quarter nigger is better than being french.
Cope harder nigger
Also you’re more than 25% nigger
>being quarter nigger is better than being french.
I will fully disagree there. Literally anything is better than being nigger, aside from maybe Australian Aboriginal. I'd rather have Arab blood than Sub Saharan.
Coolbeans, whiteflag.
Do you not know what a meme is? Of course I'd rather being 100% Euro.
I mean, I dunno. There's plenty of white people who wish they had that 28% Sub Saharan African blood these days.
My wigger ass brother being one of them
I’m proud to be French
God I love being white
Good luck living as a nigger
Everyone hates you
Reeee harder nigger
>I don't act like a nigger.
>He says as he acts like a nigger
Then they are mental deficits. But I refuse to believe people like this exist on a Jow Forums thread, maybe /b/, but not Jow Forums.
>A muh dick meme = nigger
Okay, green.
el cuarterón...
I get it.
You failed the 3-digit IQ test
I wouldn't have a problem with you as long as you didn't bang pure white chicks. I actually believe I may have some Native American DNA, and if that's the case, i'll only go for non pure white chicks (who look really white at least)
You'd be disappointed to know my gf is white, we have 2 children, and we are getting married in December. Lol, sorry m8. I do hate snow bunnies, but damn the fact my lineages continues makes me ignore the bigger picture. Least my kids are ghost white asf. Make babies with a blond.
That's a good story. Treasure those kids.
Told you this would happen since the minute I learned google was involved in it.
Would have happened either way, actually, but you idiots willingly sent your DNA to GOOGLE.
Paid for it themselves, even.
That access was always there. Anyone could see them and do tests. The difference is companies can claim ownership to the discovery of those DNA now because of the cost of researching the discovery.
>tfw only has access to 56% niggers
Do ancestry. It's not ran by kikes
What's worse african or Jew?
Oh nooo, who could have expected this to happen?
Why did you give them your information Jow Forums? You knew they were going to give you some variable meme data in return (distorted by 5% African/1% Ashkenazi) all data aggregation services do is fuck you over and map out your private life/relationships to strangers.
Is myheritage ok? The service.
I have a kit laying around but haven't yet send it in...
I really fucking wanna know tho
>Google with their machine learning engines
>Owning a gigantic labeled DNA dataset
Yeah, what can go wrong there, amiright.
The making of the all american amerimutt
Many such cases
The real melting pot is their whamen's vajj
If you've given blood to private hospitals chances are your blood is stored somewhere for a rainy day
They set her up. She was legit but look at the shit she was making with Theranos. No way they were going to let everyone have this tech.
Jews trying to find the Messiah
All my years of planning to be a serial killer ruined because my brothers wife got him a genealogical test
It's all the same shit. None can be trusted. Wait until home kits can be bought. Your DNA isn't going anywhere.
question..how can people buy our dna from..other people
how can people like zuckerberg sell OUR info to other people..where's our profits..this is like they're torrenting our personal shit..I think we need to start sending them copyrite notices