The year is 2160. Humanity has spread out to a few stars, however it is still not a fully fledged spacefaring power. Earth holds the majority of the 20 billion humans, and besides from Mars and Earth; none of the other 6 worlds of humanity produce more than they take.
A ship full of refugees fleeing from an alien war between two superpowers reaches Human space. That ship is old and run down, yet still more advanced than what humanity has by a hundred or more years.
The refugees tell you that the two superpowers are genocidal and do not respect neutral powers. Worst of all, the war is spreading in our direction.
Your scientists estimate that the technological difference between humanity and the superpowers are roughly, in our terms, United States navy in the 50’s, vs. modern day naval tech.
You are the elected government of mankind. What do?
The Orgus themselves don't have much to offer in terms of technology. They are destitude and mostly civilians. They can't teach us how to built their technology just as a random truckload of refugees from the fringes of Europe wouldn't be able to teach car manufacturing. They do speak the universal trade language and possess starmaps of decent quality.
Nicholas Lewis
also correction the tech difference is: about as much in terms of efficiency and technology as WW1 naval power compared to 2050 naval power.
Jaxon Harris
oh shit, yeah that’s a big difference
Just build a shit ton of ships and hope for the best. Move focus to mining and battleship manufacturing. Move emergency governments to remote asteroids. Build tons of underground shelters on earth deep underground. Send scouts out to survey where the Orgs tell us the power of our choice is.
Aaron Thompson
also if given choice side with space elves lol
Asher Hernandez
Build up the Space Corps and do what is saying to do. Wait until first contact is made with the Umiak and Loroi and attempt to gather more data. Buildup of fleets should be enough to halt whatever forward elements the first of the two empires send to our system if necessary.
The goal of waiting is to gather more data about the empires and determine which empire will provide more benefits to humanity in an alliance. There's a lot of factors to take into account, so every bit of extra time we get helps to allow us to make a better decision.
The first empire to make contact with us is probably going to be the one we ally with, but if that's not the case or if they attack on first contact, the built-up fleet's goal is to stall the new enemy's forward elements until assistance can come from who is presumably our new ally. If no help comes before an assault and/or bombardment fleet arrives, then we never stood a chance in the first place.
Earth only survives if we get an ally. Without one, neutrality is the only hope, which as far as the Orgus have informed us, isn't much of a hope at all. But a small system on the edge of the galaxy like ours might be deemed unworthy of the troops and logistics necessary to conquer it.
But the unfortunate truth of all this is that with light-speed travel and faster, there's nothing you can do to stop small munitions moving at astronomical velocities. Or perhaps these empires have the technology for faster than light speed but don't understand how easily it can be used as weaponry? That's unlikely with another intelligent species, but mankind's greatest strength has always been our ability to adapt to new threats quickly....
Have you ever just typed up a post, hit that "post" button after solving the captcha and be filled with disgust as you realize how much it looks like a r*ddit post?
Aaron Ramirez
>You are the elected government of mankind. What do? Set these fugees up on a containment planet in exchange for protection and the use of their technology.
Sebastian Rodriguez
Find both superpower’s weaknesses and hit them hard where it hurts. Take the fight to them, do it nasty.
Isaiah Clark
>but mankind's greatest strength has always been our ability to adapt to new threats quickly....
compared to what?
Chase Hall
We need HELGA(high energy laser gun array) arrays around the sun and they can go fuck themselves woth a cactus
Carter Watson
>You are the elected government of mankind. What do? Fuck blue space elves, obviously.
Robert Ramirez
You find out that one of the powers are the Umiak, which work their populations and worlds to death supplying the war effort. And the Loroi, which are psionics and use mindrape to enforce loyalty.
What is our maximum velocity of ships? If it's high enough, just build autopilot relativistic kill missiles. Hope for the best.
Benjamin Myers
It's up to 140-something I think. Went from updating a couple of times a month to like once every 1-2 months though, which is super disappointing.
John Ramirez
Well I mean if I have to be a slave... yanawhaimsayin
Jackson Torres
I find the idea of aliens seeking refuge with humans to be unrealistic. Unless the difference between us is so vast, that to them we are little more than animals to be cleared away to for their new colony.
Otherwise, I think if there were refugees in space, they are much more likely to set up habitate stations that orbits planet like Venus.
quiet down retard, he’s actually putting a ton out now.
Christian Ramirez
>United States navy in the 50’s, vs. modern day naval tech so not that big, build shitload of smaller agile ships for defence of our system, also nukes. Nuke the ayylmaos and nuke those refugees. Exterminatus, 3rd genocidal specie has joined the server
Our only hope would be to switch to developing recon tech and manufacturing as much hardware as possible to gain the most knowledge of each side and help us get smart fast. The more we learn, we implement all of it playing catch up as fast as we can while we still have time. As we start seeing that the conflict is getting to our front door and we have to choose a side, we make a decision based off of what's best for humanity and buy us time. It sounds like both sides don't actually give a shit about anyone but themselves so once we get dragged in, if we survive long enough and see a chance to deal a blow to the enemies or our allies, we focus on maintaining human strength. Play the field, risking human lives as little as possible. Once again, maintain our focus on catching up technology wise, producing hardware (ships etc), and buying time, while risking as little of human life as possible.
Our one hardest aspect of all this has been solved already in this scenario, unifying humanity.
In 2050 the singularity might have happened or we might have stagnated after both the us and china economically collapse in the 2020s
Kevin Sanchez
ww1 torpedo can still sink shit. Build smaller vessels, if ayys are comming from other systems they have to have huge ships capable of FTL speeds, we have advantage of ability to build smaller ships cheaper and agile ships just for defence. Humans can mobilize fast. Also against insectoid we could always use zyklon B for memes. I would like to see space VDV or american space marines against some dumb ayys
Ryan Mitchell
>The year is 2160. Humanity has spread out to a few stars
Bullshit, humanity will be extinct, Earth will be infested with niggers. /thread
Robert Cook
different timeline, user.
Robert Jones
>quiet down retard, he’s actually putting a ton out now. I mean, let's not suck his dick too hard. He's put out 20 pages over the last year, only 6 of those in the last 6 months. That's hardly stellar.
At least he has the decency to charge per page instead of per month like most webcomic makers.
Oliver Adams
guys let’s get him up to 1200 payment XDDDDD so we can have more epicccc role reversals XDDD so cute!!!
Ayden Gomez
this dude posts in literally every (every) outside thread to derail it. ignore him. next he’ll start talking about pedos and how the creator is a Jew despite nobody knowing his identity. Literal unapologetic concern troll shills every thread
If they are more advanced than us just in hardware you know that they could just grey-goo us? Everything we will throw at them it will be reassembled into more of their stuff
>United States navy in the 50’s, vs. modern day naval tech. a nuke is a nuke
Sebastian Turner
Not the bugs, so telepaths it is.
I hope you like lead skull implants
Cameron Reed
Separate the ship's crew and inhabitants into two groups. Any eaters who have nothing to contribute among them are to be executed immediately. The rest are to be taken prisoner without exception and interrogated and blackmailed into handing over any and all knowledge their R&D has to offer. Those that cooperate will live and be extradited to a far-away planet once they are no longer useful. Those that don't cooperate are to be executed immediately. Of course the above is only what we make them think. In truth, there is no extradition as that will leave behind a potential enemy. They are all to be executed sooner or later. All the tech they give us in the meantime will be invaluable towards fighting the superpowers. It is best to not engage the superpowers in question just yet, and instead to launch scaled-up guerilla attacks on the stronger of the two at all times, until they are weakened enough to be taken on.
Of course your allegory doesn't hold, because niggers irl don't have superior tech and the wars in their home countries are not foisted on them by foreigners, they are the driving force behind them themselves. In fact they don't just not have superior tech, they don't have any full stop. They have no skills to bring, nothing of value. They really only bring violence and conflict and the most stupid thing to do is to not either kill them or send them right back.
Zachary Fisher
>implying they wouldn't keep you just the way you are Women love mystery, they love a man who keeps them guessing and can still surprise them years into a relationship. What could be more attractive to a telepath than a man whose mind you literally can't read?
Aaron Wood
Neither side has met the subversion of Milky Way Space Semites. We sell weapon to both sides while praying for max casualties. Then we crash two of our star cruisers into the two spires Space Trade centre. This is used an excuse to start occupying the Space fuel fields in the inhospitable hot desert planets of the area. Then we ask the Space niggers to take in Space refugees as a show of good faith to destroy the societal cohesion of the aliens
Fuck....I made this thread a few months ago. This is word for word the same posts.
What a strange world in which we live. Now the shill AIs are becoming nerdy recluses.
Adam Sanders
Artist doesn't have to buy christmas presents anymore.
I see you are a man of refinement and taste in your choice of example.
Joshua Flores
>nobody knowing his identity HIs name is Jim Francis, he's living in California, San something but not Francisco. He worked on Stars in Shadow as developer.
Ethan Brown
I’ve also noticed verbatim thread repeats.
Jonathan Campbell
animals you fucking retard
Adrian Watson
Gather scientists to start immediate study of the ship on Mars back engineer the propulsion system 1st any defense systems 2nd
Take the refugees to Earth and learn as much about space culture as possible >language, customs, habits etc get economists propose ideas on what commodities Humanity has to trade - we're going to need a way to earn spacebux
Send all the workforce and labor we can to the outer colonies Start production of rudamentary weapons we're going to be fighting a guerrilla war of attrition We wont win against any superpower Therefore the strategy is to make invading us not worth the losses
Finally use the refugee aliens to start a media campaign in support of the mind-control aliens basic premise is they care about individual life while insects treat members as impersonal part of a large machine we want a unified war effort drive by self-defense motivation and later righteousness of the moral good
Aiden Rogers
>guerilla war That's all well and good. But in Outsider, planets are not invaded, they're glassed. There's no stealth in space, so no guerilla style warfare at all. Imagine the UDSSR actually went from house to house plain executing every Afghani and you have the situation.
Logan Russell
>Refugees from WW2 Europe helped build atomic weapons and advance physics dramatically >German refugees helped build the US space program
Levi Ortiz
if every 5th house had a dirty bomb in it they would stop right quick even in space you can hide a small drone running on minimum power behind a benign looking asteroid until it receives a signal to go crash face first into the invading ship with its nuclear payload
Eli Bailey
after the war when the entire country was open and specific people were invited as a group not some random refugees from a single ship that happened to end up near our borders
Liam James
The Orgus are not refugees from one of the most advanced nations. They're like Poles to Germany or Vietnamese. And they're a truly random selection of people, not selectively "recruited" spoils of war.
Space is huge. It's possible to hide mines and drones, but you'd need millions of them to hit something. That's too expensive to be viable. In Outsider, weapon ranges start at 1 light second. 100.000km is considered short range.
assume O are a trojan ifiltration/scout team and that the U and L are a pincer manuever.
Nathan Evans
Sage this crappypasta >all fields
Jaxon Stewart
You mean like 007 Die Another Day death laser?
Daniel Rodriguez
giant laser it is then
colonies start building accomodations in case Earth/ Mars need evacuation remaining manpower goes to solar collectors that focus the energy into giant F-Off cannon
make lots of tiny cameras with tightbeam communication back on our outermost borders by then time any ships get within range of communication with us we can politely inform them we have a big laser ready to fry them