So there's this 9/10 guy that randomly approached me one day in class and make small talk and then we exchanged numbers for assignments and things like that.
Okay so this guy is tall, handsome, extremely intelligent. We talk at school a lot and text from time to time and he's always flirty, confident, knows what to say, and very sweet to me. He's like the perfect guy that came out of nowhere.
The problem is that we've been talking for a month and he hasn't asked me out. He's also never texted me on the weekend, like ever. He usually texts me Mon-Thur, so basically on days that he has class and in on campus.
Why don't you ask him out instead? He could be shy.
Lincoln Ross
Why don’t you just ask him?
Jason Perry
i dont want to ask him because what if I'm wrong? Then I'll be embarrassed. I don't think he's shy because he very bold and he's huge. He also has touched me twice. One time on the shoulder to get my attention and another time to pick something off my hair.
He has a lot of girls that like him and he doesn't talk to a lot of them. He only came up to me. I don't want him to be a player and I ask him out and that makes me look easy
Hudson Roberts
This. I met a guy that to me was my ideal, he is 9.5/10 for me. I could not let the chance slip away so I approached him and after talking for a bit I asked him out and he said yes, we had lots of fun when we dated I am so glad I decided to be courageous
So yeah you might as well do the same.
Chase Flores
Enjoy your friendzone
Nolan Watson
You will regret more not asking him out than getting rejected. Asking him out will be a better outcome no matter what.
Adam Hughes
It's the same for him. Be a big girl that can do what any man can and ask him out
John Nelson
OP here. Well this guy is too good to be true and part of me thinks he has a girlfriend and doesn't want to tell me. All of his social media accounts are private and his relationship status is hidden. Sometimes I think he has a girlfriendhe spends his weekends with and then comes back to school and seeks me out and flirts with me.
Jose Butler
Then maybe just ask him if he has a girlfriend in a convo one day? It'll both answer that question and act as a pretty big hint to him, if he's somehow unsure you're into him romantically.
Nicholas Rivera
Ask him and post results
Isaiah Ortiz
The 6/10 guy you don't even would probably treat you better and be more loyal. But you probably don't care about that. You'd be happy with Chad beating you and choking you during sex or whatever. It's so predictable
I'm not going to casually bring it uo next time we are hanging out. I'm going to ask if he's has a girlfriend. If he tells me no then I can make a move? what if hes just trying to fuck me and tells me no so I'll ask him out? This is weird. Something is off about him because he's just too good. That makes me think he's lying
Mason Parker
Have you considered he's out of your league? Maybe you're not attractive enough for this uber chad. I'm sure there's some guy who hangs around that you treat the same way this guy treats you
So just be friends. There are literally millions of men out there. No need to oneitis so e dude just cause he's nice to you. Believe it or not OP a man can be nice to you bc he only wants a friend.
James Anderson
Incels suck. But op sucks too. I hate never knowing who I wanna side with.
OP, just ask the dude out, it's not that hard.
Daniel Bailey
Incels gtfo
Ryder Taylor
You forgot to call him a honisexual and also refer tot he fact his dick is tiny or to whatever name calling women resort to when they meet an argument they can't defeat
You can't let this chance slip you should just put it on the table, so you know where you stand. Its not innapropriate or weird
Christopher Ward
Homosexual *
Ian Fisher
My advice is to ask him out on the weekend for something simple like coffee and a walk outside.
If he makes excuses why he cant he isn’t interested.
Josiah Thomas
your ideal is 9.5/10? do you tie your own shoes? how do you manage that? anyway, enjoy your eventual separation.
Robert James
Im disturbed that you remember everytime that he has touched you...
Thomas Watson
you'd be happier beating and choking a 9/10 girl instead of a 6/10 too, you cringey motherfucker. honestly, kill yourself
Ryder Gutierrez
Thats what make the orgasms happen, dumbass.
Luke Diaz
>being treated like shit makes me cum hard
The absolute state of women
Daniel Flores
OP, have you ever thought he's not obligated to ask you out?
By the pic it seems like you are a feminist, have you thought that feminism also consists on the empowerment of women? Then go and ask him out if you're a real feminist.
Andrew Barnes
Hello. I'm a woman and I'm a big fucking retard. I don't even think we should be able to vote. Also if a guy is not at least below 5 feet tall, bald and chubby and preferably with a small dick and ugly i won't date him
Nathan Cruz
Im a woman and I only cum hard if I am fucked by a big black cock
Josiah Adams
Okay well you're asking for advice and people here, mostly guys because this place is a cesspool, are telling you to go for it and ask him out. Either do that or stop making excuses and fuck off
>empowerment of women Then why do they insist women are some victim of the patriarchy conspiracy theory? Feminism is about political power, nothing else.
Bentley Robinson
>So there's this 9/10 guy that randomly approached me one day in class and make small talk and then we exchanged numbers for assignments and things like that So he's this handsome 9/10 guy, he only texts you on weekdays because presumably that's the days that you have class. I can't be 100% certain but do you think it's possible that he's using you for help in the class? I ask because I used to do the same thing when I was in university, pick out a shy looking nerdy girl type, chat her up and gauge her interest then use her to get answers from and help with studying. Guys can definitely use their looks to manipulate women, it might not happen as much but it does happen and you seem like a nice kind of shy, unassuming girl who maybe doesn't get a lot of attention from those types so he takes advantage of that by acting kind of flirty so he can use you for extra help.
Camden Gutierrez
I doubt it, that sort of thing doesn't happen to me at all. But I'm not sure!
Ayden Gray
He is >shy >got another girl he likes >too busy(where i live, weekends are the days that you dont have off) >doesnt really like you romantically >isnt sure about you, waiting for you to give him a hint
Also dont listen to incels, getting choked by chads is awesome
Jaxson Foster
Real talk, who is that girl in your photo? It looks like my friends GF and if it is, yikes.
Gabriel Hill
A woman created the term as a support group. The guys joined and turned it into a cult. They choose to call themselves that. Calling them what they choose to call themselves is just fact.
You think you are being nice? You think you'd be a better option oozing with your bitterness?
This is why nobody takes incels seriously and nobody wants to sympathize with you. This is why people are afraid and disgusted by you. You have bad character.
You're more petty than a jealous schoolgirl.
Give it a rest.
Parker Lopez
>being baited daily by men pretending to be women cause they're desperate for pussy, put it in a pedestal, and cry cause they can't get it
the absolute state of bitch bois*
Carson Roberts
Take the blackcockpill
Camden Powell
Making info on social media is intelligent. It hides info from random creeps, and prevents bullshit from retards. For example: Two people, A and B, don't get along. They're both on C's friends list. They notice this when nosing through C's profile info. They start bitching that C needs to pick one or the other to be friends with. They start arguments on C's posts. People join in and take sides. It gets ridiculous. I've seen it happen.
You need to stop making excuses, grow a fucking spine, and ask him out.
Jordan Price
Making info hidden*
Samuel Campbell
OP here. im 100% sure hes not using me to boost his grades because he gets top of the class scores on his exams and does all of his assignments by himself.
Tomorrow i will ask him if he has a girlfriend and see his reaction. Knowing him he will say no and keep flirting with me. I should ask him out but what if he rejects me? then he'll have the upper hand in all our interactions and ill look like a thirsty dumbass. There has to be more signs that he's into me
Easton Turner
Im not a feminist. My friend sent me that picture and i thought i was funny so i saved it.
I also remember the times he touched me because he never touches me and one day he touched me twice withing like 5 minutes and i liked it. I've been putting my body in his way hoping he'll bump me or something but he's so careful around me.
I like the way i feel when i'm around him. He' takes charge and makes me feel like a woman. One time we went to the bathroom at the cafeteria and came back with two waters, he's that sweet and thoughtful and it was a hot day and i didn't even ask him for water.
Gabriel Hughes
LOL first time learning that guys that arent complete fuckwits have shit to do and need any unnecessary risks/stress to slow them down. try to stay attractive maybe youll be able to land the next one when he comes around in a couple years or decades
Kayden Edwards
Neither am I, but by the pic it looked like it. If you're not then go suck this chad's dick, whore. Oh wait, you won't lmao because he's out of your league.
But whatever, if you wanna get choked and fucked hard then go kys. It looks like that's how it'll always be, one male fucks all the females while the others jump off of roofs, good luck female, i think that's ebough of an insult
Adam Rogers
Dude... chill.
Cameron Fisher
Shut up fag
Dominic Stewart
It is not a charitable term, you used it as a smear. Calling his views extreme or too ludicrous to need to respond to. It is not any different than calling a black political opponent a nigger to shut him up. But let's say he was someone who doesn't have a lot of women in his life, calling him names doesn't make him come to your side of it. He is probably just even more convinced that "women" are cunts who would rather be alone and available for this "9/10" guy than be with someone mediocre who wants them.
Charles Adams
Real talk (Young Scooter ft Future) here: if the guy is confident and flirty then he's that way with other bitches also. If a guy actually liked you, he would at least be somewhat nervous. He probably just sees you as an easy cumrag and since you described him as a 9/10, he probably also knows that he's above you.
David Sanders
Interesting take desu.
Adam James
A one night stand with Chad is better than a lifetie of love from non-Chad.
Camden Long
Il seeing him I'm about 10 hours so if this thread is alive I'll post the results. I'm going to ask him if he has a gf and then I'm going to ask him out. IDK where yet. Today he texted me and asked me if I studied for a test we have tomorrow. After some chat he mentioned hell have to be at school like 4 hours before our class and exam and I told him that we should get together and review. He agreed so is that a date? I'm pretty sure he know everything already and we are just going to talk for that time.
I don't think he's a Chad because he doesn't really talk to women. I know a couple girls that like him and o see other girls in class that check him out all the time but all he does is come to class, sit down, and do his work. After class he just gets up right away and leaves like he's in a hurry to get out. I don't see himale conversation with anyone. That is until he started talking to me out of the blue, which caught me by surprise. He was asking me questions and I was just staring at him in disbelief. I was so nervous. Then he slowed down and askede the same question again bit slower and I had time to think and answer him. Then he said OK I have to go and he left. The next time he saw me was when he came and talked to me again and we exchanged numbers
Jackson Sanchez
He either gay or isnt interested in you at all. What gave you a sign that he was?? He only texts you during school hours
Chase Bennett
how old are you?
Kevin Howard
OP be like: So this is the perfect guy - tall and handsome. But he doesn't want to speak to me. Don't bother with the other ones, just give a fuck about the guy who probably doesn't give a fuck about me.
Grow up
Joseph Cooper
he isn't interested by the sounds of it. Confident, flirty guys either make a move or see you as a slampig to keep in orbit. Ask him straight up
Nathan Rogers
ask him out you beta cuck female
Ethan Martin
dont listen to incels here dont ask him out you are what we call the backup pussy if shit goes south with current dealing, you are up next so he keeps you around
Aiden Fisher
Chad has that effect
Jose Lee
Exactly, go deep now and stop him from being a slut.
Brandon Fisher
>dont listen to incels here Says the guy giving incel advice.
Brandon Harris
>wew what if am wrong and i'm rejected guise i'd be so embarrassed >:((
fuck outta here thot, grow a pair like every guy who asks a girl out does
Nolan Gray
Women don't care about being treated nice, they just want Chad's genetic material
Grayson Jenkins
Just ask him out if he says no he says no, no big deal
Justin Richardson
>I know a couple girls that like him and o see other girls in class that check him out all the time but all he does is come to class, sit down, and do his work. After class he just gets up right away and leaves like he's in a hurry to get out. I don't see himale conversation with anyone. That is until he started talking to me out of the blue, which caught me by surprise. He was asking me questions and I was just staring at him in disbelief. I was so nervous, timely reminder if you don't elicit this response from girls then they aren't into you. if you have to try unlike this handsome chad then you've already lost.
Brayden Rivera
Ask him out, or just stop being so boring maybe
Joshua Davis
Nathaniel Kelly
found the user who is in the classroom envious of chad's advances
Samuel Ward
do you just have a macro for threads like this lol?
Ethan Mitchell
>i dont want to ask him because what if I'm wrong? Then I'll be embarrassed. Sorry kid, that's what it means to grow up. Sometimes you do things that don't have a 100% chance of success.
Isaac Peterson
Suck his dick and then let him bareback you. Drop out of college and devote yourself to being a wife and mother.
Nathaniel Moore
>Does he like me or not? lmao no
Like sorry for laughing, sorry he doesn't like you, but no. He doesn't. I can only imagine what sort of leaps and bounds you've traversed in your head to doubt yourself otherwise.