Does Jow Forums know what this is?
Does Jow Forums know what this is?
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It's a key to the Vault in Trier.
Probably some Chinese trash
replica garbage most likely
go back and stay there nigger
Judging by the keys, I'd say it's a key chain.
Tell us you faggot
It doesn't look authentic whatever it is
Hmm its an eagle perched upon some type of crest.
Sorry i couldn't be of more help.
>hey user, are you a nazi?
how do you respond
It’s a diagram of a perpetual motion/unlimited electrical generator.
The turbine drives the flapping eagle wi gs, and the wo fs drive the turbine. Absolute genius design.
the key to open the gate to Hollow Earth in Antarctica.
No, we exterminated all of them
Forgot pic
found a jew
Looks like a fake German Police ID badge
It appears to be a 10 dollar keychain that cost 40 cents to make.
plebbit hur dur front page
It looks like aluminum with an eagle holding a swastika.
*dead jews spill out of pockets*
Y-you too
Wanna see my lego moc’s and suck my dick later on?
>Does Jow Forums know what this is?
That's a friendship Eagle holding the Volkswagen logo, obviously
sieg heil
Reichstag keychain.
what about this?
or this .
Israeli 6th day war coin.
>look framiliar(((911)))
Tou sided with them you retarded gook.
Yes... Got a problem with that?
The germans or national socialists never called them selves nazi.
guten tag, fraulein
Gestapo warrant disc.....would need to see the back to tell if legit or a reproduction
Probably some hindu bird god judging by the symbol.
A little orphan Hitler decoder ring? I didnt drink enough ovaltine :(
der hare und das seehund, isr mein bruders.
Sieg Heil!
An edge lord holding his keyring?
>he thinks that it's an actual jap and not some burger english teacher
wat explain
Given the proportions on that swastika, and how important that symbol was, I'd say it's a repro
>Is this some sort of white man's ID?
What in the name of negroes
What happened America? You used to be so cool.
This is the correct response.
Chink made replica that the OP likely bought from eBay so the fuckwit could karma whore on plebbit?
Kek, winrar
Is that a FAMAS?
I didnt know they make black lego figures.