If a white ethnostate is the solution

why is the russian experiment failing?

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Russia was never an ethnostate and they have so much Mongol blood it's a question if they're even fully white themselves.

Their culture is barely European. And they're responsible for pushing communism on the world and a lot of the problems we have today in the West is because of stupid Russian scum.

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Russia is 70% white, dummy.

pick one

the only problem is natality
like the rest of the west

failing compared to what? there a fucking super power retard

The fuck are you smoking?
Russia has a ridiculous number of ethnic groups, from Tatars and Volga Bulgars to Cumans, Nogai, Buryats and Tanguts, and Mongols.

Trust somebody with a fag flag to be ignorant and aids-ridden.

WOW then you must consider Ontario to be an empire considering Russia's entire economy is smaller than it.

This. OP is a brainlet who thinks the worlds largest country is an ethnostate. Japan and korea are the closest countries to ethnostates.

Hard to bounce back after a century of communism.

Also Russia is full of Mongoloids, and Chechens, and Jews, n'shiet. Far from an ethnostate - their diversity is just lighter-skinned than in most parts of the world.

>Wealth is the only thing that matters in measures of success

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Ontario is the most indebted place in the entire planet you fucking retard

the average person in Ontario is $30k in the hole

Russia is not an ethnostate. Are you sure that a country that big can be an ethnostate???

>well my people are dying en mass, chrchen muslims are almost taking over my country, i have an entire Oblast dedicated only to Jews, the rate of depression suicide and HIV is sky high, the average wage is 400€, but that doesn't mean my country is not successful!!

Never said Russia was successful - see Only pointing out that memeflaggot's blatant logical fallacy of an reply

I noticed that you're also a memeflaggot using a blatant logical fallacy as an argument
>inb4 red herring
>inb4 ad hominem
>inb4 appeal to authority
>inb4 fallacy fallacy

That covers all you trannies' favorites, right?

> Russia is an ethnostate
Sure, a country with one of the highest Muslim populations in the world is a White ethnostate. Why not?
Are you sure this isn't the presumptuous thinking picked up from another website that's talking here?

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You sure stfu once facts get involed huh? Typical fag

Are you LITERALLY retarded?

your brain is failing

as a russian myself, нeт
pale skin does not make you white
there might be around 35% true whites, max
most poeple there have caucasian and/or asian admixture


Russia is not an ethnostate and it's not failing. There is literally not a single existential threat to its existence.

apart from some yank freaking out and pushing the button
yet, knowing us, пepимeтop will nuke our land first, just so there will be no gains to hostiles
just like we torched moscow back when napoleon came to visit

>they have so much Mongol blood it's a question if they're even fully white themselves
>a lot of the problems we have today in the West is because of stupid Russian scum

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I live in bumfuck of nowhere and it's getting less and less white with each year "illegal" immigration keeps growing.

My mother is from Grees, father pure russian old nordic blood. Am I white? Looks like John Snow, but also blue ayes.

Because Russia is not a white ethnostate?

This is very rich coming from an amerimutt.
>And they're responsible for pushing communism on the world
No, you and anglos are. Your countries literally harbored, financed and helped Lenin and Trotsky get into Russia during WW1.
>a lot of the problems we have today in the West is because of stupid Russian scum
It's your own doing. And you ruined Russia in the first place, judeo-anglo-american scum.

>I measure actual economic output by nominal GDP
>I don't know that my country is an indebted bitch of the ZOG

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Because Russia has always been a failure and are not quite white. They are also mongoloid.

lmao americans blaming russia for their own shityness really reaches across the divide. both demoshits and republicunts do it 24/7

Birthrates. For all of Putin's attempts, Russia is a declining power as it's birthrates are dropping, just like the rest of the western world. It can be said that his country is the only one really looking the problem in the eye and trying to deal with it, but I dont see his ending any different from our own immediate browning.

Russia is 0% white you stupid kikes.

Putin is a cuck and invited 50 millions mudslimes into his country.

All muslims are concentrated in their own republic you stupid dumbfuck

We have this word
>ryssiä = to fail/not make anything right.
The nickname we call these white niggers is ryssä.

I wish.

Because Slavs aren't "white" you fucking retard.

Visit Moscow you absolute nigger.

>And they're responsible for pushing communism
he doesn't know that socialism was created by the same german forces that ruled back than and now

> There is literally not a single existential threat to its existence.
Public health crisis (major HIV outbreaks all over the country)
Rapid depopulation
Fragile economy

You don't know much about Russia do you? They have like 160 different ethnicities.

>major HIV outbreaks all over the country
The vast majority of HIV+ people here are gopniks, drug addicts and other sorts of """people""" that belong to death camps anyway.
>Rapid depopulation
I'm pretty sure the population was fairly stable during the last few years.


why are you russkies always so dark and pessimistic?

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HIV is officially a scam (intentionally infecting people with HIV is decriminalized in California, meaning it's not a real problem).
Depopulation is not rapid and is not a problem considering the bigger threat of robotization.
Resource extraction based economy is probably the least fragile thing in the world, because mankind won't stop consuming the resources.

>California has intelligent rational behind their actions in 2019
Lol you really don’t know much about California do you?

>forgetting the Jewish led genocide that was the USSR
At least stalin got them back by "purging" the party

because of hedonistic life and capitalism.
Captialistic interest is dominating Russia and that's going to let the jews in

t. Viktor Tsoi

russia is far from an ethnostate, dipshit. once your handler allows you to take a break - check their demographics. you glow niggers used to be much better in the past.

> Russian
> White
> Ethnostate

Why would Mexicans ever want to come to the US? Look at how perfect their country is. It's almost as good as Russia.

>meme flag
KYS homopidor.

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