I seriously want to kill myself, I have nothing in my life left, I have recently turned 21 and no one even told me happy birthday or remember that I exist for me in order to have a conversation with someone I always have to initiate it and If I don't they will never talk to me
I seriously want to kill myself, I have nothing in my life left...
Read this
will do
Happy Birthday user
Birthday parties exist so your daughter can begin her quest for world-domination by developing social-skills among the presence of genetically-substandard, gender-neutral peers.
If you had a daughter, would you ever measure your love against her own, and claim she didn't love you as much as you loved her?
No, you wouldn't.
Just have a daughter, then it'll all make sense.
thank you but it happened two days ago^^ but still, thank you
there is a 0% of a chance for me to get into any relationship, last time I was in one I was used and cheated on with my friend, any time I make a new friend they always end up leaving me
You're welcome user! I'll take you out for sushi if you want, meet me in St. Loui
awww is baby cwying? Man up faggot
How do you know where around I live that's kinds creepy but I don't mind hanging out with people since if you kill me it will be better for me^^
Do I know you because I don't know a lot of people in my area I could think of 2 people that would say that and that's it
If I do know you and you are trying to play with my emotions again I swear to God that I will block everyone and fuckig slit my wrists because Im done being used and played
I have an offer here from coastal NC, we have better sushi too
Happy late bday user :)
>I have nothing in my life left
except your youth and long life to right your wrongs and find your peace of mind and live happily, which is by far the most valuable resource in the world.
Happy birthday man :v
Living or not living. It makes no difference, as far as I know. Probably nobody knows here.
Have you ever actually told anyone your birthday? I used to be disappointed when no one wished me a happy birthday, but then I realized I hadn't really told any of my friends when my birthday actually is. If you really want peoplen to wish you happy birthday, you have to drop subtle hints the first few times. Casually mention that you're turning x years old next thursday (or whatever day it is) a week or two in advance
I have hinted at em plus I changed my name to kinda hint that it's my birthday
I've been awake all night I could sleep at all, all I could think about was suicide and how I should do it to die quickly I genuinely feel I have no reason to live everyone hates me and no one wants me around I really wish that I hadn't told my family that I'm suicidal that they wouldnt have taken my model kit knives and my rope
Have you tried actually communicating and telling people you want your birthday celebrated? HURR PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE JABS. Why can't you people just be assertive. This is ridiculous.
Don't do it. Try to read some things like Jordan Peterson's 12 rules. Try to find something you like doing and then try to bond with other people over it.
Also: most suicides end up as attempts with the guy who tried it ending up worse than before (,bc ugly/cripple).
Live is worth it, you just need a therapist and a change in your mindest.
If you get suicidal thoughts just procrastinate. It helped me lots. Procrastination is the key to not liking yourself.
Please don't do it. Killing yourself is a true Bitch move, you are better than that!
WOAH GUYS WATCH OUT, WE GOT AN ALPHA MALE CHAD HERE. man if a nigga sad let them be. Why you gotta be the dick to do that. No one cares you're macho and have no feelings
Hey man. I know your birthday passed but for what it's worth, happy birthday. I'm not sure how I can help but I guess I'll suggest getting a new life. Start brand new. Get new job. Start small talking with coworkers, to later leading to meeting people. It'll be a long legnthy trial cause that's life but oh well. Get a dog? Or a cat. They're really great to pet. Or even go outside. Sometimes nature is peaceful. I'm sorry I'm not much help but I wish the best for you
It's not that I only care what people think about my birthday it was an example, but I genuinely
I feel that people don't want me around and push me away, anytime I make plans with anyone they will ignore thos plans and do something else, like I have this friend that she tells me she cares and wants to play games but anytime we make plans she decides to play with others and leaves me behind, this is basically almost everyone I make plans with, I don't have many friends to begin with less than a handful of them and all of them make me feel that I'm not wanted around
He's right though.
I'm 19 and haven't celebrated my birthdays since I was like 7 and never had anyone besides my family wish me happy birthday. These niggas here are pussy as fuck.
I've seen that you always post this, even to an old thread I made many months ago.
May I ask why you suggest this book so much? What does it mean to you?
well clearly you didn't read the whole chat to get the context of it, also congrats on being a chad, you must get mad pussy
I believe it's Pascal's philosophy and what it represents
My birthday is a secret uwu
happy secret birthday^^
I hate this pathetic life of mine, I wish I could have friends I wish I could have someone to hang out with but that will never happen, If I wasn't on watch I would have slit my wrists long ago I hate being alive I just wish one day when I'm out for a walk at 2 am I would just get stabbed to death and fucking die
You always have two things, your body and your mind.
Challenge both and the rest will follow if you want it.