Have crush on coworker

>have crush on coworker
>overhear her talking to guys
>her: how was your weekend
>guy says a few words, like 5 max
>she laughs
>repeats this a couple of times (I couldn't hear the conversion, but the guy said few words and she was laughing a lot)
How do you make people, especially girls laugh? And do it with only a few words?

Have any examples?

>tfw never made her laugh (or anyone)

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Either be funny or be attractive

>Either be funny or be attractive

he's right

>be attractive
In social situations, people almost always laugh to show attraction or solidarity within a group.

You don't make her laugh with your words, you make her laugh because she's already attracted to you. Spend your words building attraction, and she'll laugh at almost anything.

How do I be funny?

How do I build attraction exactly?

>today I mention a new lunch spot that opened near our workplace
>she literally says "we should go this week"
>Having no social skills, I mention the new place has good food and ignore her mentioning that we should go for lunch together
How do I recover from this? Should I ask her tomorrow if she wants to go there for lunch?

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be tall and literally anything you say will be hilarious to girls

If she comes up to you again, please for the love of God ask her if she's still interested in going to that place TOGETHER. This might be your only chance user.

>How do I build attraction exactly?

Sorry, I'm about to fall asleep.
>ignore her mentioning that we should go for lunch together
>Should I ask her tomorrow
No, just tell her. Asking is a beta move
"Hey, we should check out the new place, just tell me when you're going to be hungry"

Canada guy please stop being a simp and a retard and stop posting in this website and try to improve

I know this tall guy at my work named Brian. He makes jokes to girls, but they laugh nervously, look around, and talk about how creepy he is behind his back later. The older women will just try to say something smart back at him.

>TOP 10 things INTELLIGENT MEN do wrong when dating by LIFE COACH Randy Slimeball and how to succeed with women for only $399,95

I'm begging you OP whatever you do do not get into these kinds of videos. Believe it or not you can actually make your dating skills even worse if you poison the mind with PUA and life coaches. Whenever you hear faggots like this guy mention frame, beta moves, that you fail because you're intelligent, or link you to snake oil salesmen - just run.

You are seriously better off just joining a boardgame meet up facebook group or making a tinder account. What you learn there will be organic and actually useful.

>You are seriously better off just joining a boardgame meet up facebook group
tried this, got rejected from a boardgame meetup group

You must be a real fucking drag

you're so fucking oblivious OP
he didn't say anything funny

Yeah ask her out to lunch you social invalid jesus fuck. Drink a shot or two before you do so you actually follow through with it you pussy.

Canada guy how long will you keep making these shitty blogposts, you don't want advice, you want us to agree with you on everything, call her a stacy roastie and all the guys Chad's. We all give you advice but you're too much of a fag to follow through it, instead you want the magic spell to have pussy fall on your lap.

It's just a video with some tips, my dude.

All I do is try to turn everything sexual by "accident" and chicks love it.

Go get lunch with her. Literally ignore everything else and focus on her and every word she's saying. Be relax, say jokes you think are funny. If you're trying, that's not attractive. But just make sure you're actually yourself (fake and gay ik) and reference or bring up things she told you. It'll make her see you're caring, mashed you more attractive. Making her laugh at even the funnest jokes you make. Also, don't do that "nice guy" shit. Literally be yourself. And be kind to waiters if you go out to lunch. Keep calm, remember, she's just human, just like you. If it turns out that she doesn't like you the same as you too her, that's fine. There's more women out there and small conversations with people will help lead to you getting better social skills and confidence.

You're not going to.
With women you are usually placed in a unary position.
They see you as someone who they can imagine themselves with, or you don't register with them at all.
Since you are looking at this woman from afar with a crush its clear you are nothing to her and there is nothing for you to do but forget about this and find something else to do with your life.

It is poison. Anyone who succeeds with PUA would have succeeded even more without it. Anyone who doesn't succeed with PUA might have succeeded had they never bought into the mentality. Stay away.

This is so weird but true.

There is a girl that sits next to me in class, and she always initiates conversations with me. We will talk about something and she will laugh at things that are not funny

The video is not PUA, you peanut. It's on how to communicate with women you are going on dates with.

Didn't ask her for lunch

Was thinking of messaging her on Skype, but what if she already had plans

She went for over an hour lunch, so I think she did have plans.

And she went to that new lunch place today for lunch

Guess I'm not going with her this week. ;_;

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Canada guy why do you always ignore our advice to improve and to stop spamming this board with your blogs?

He won't stop until you stop replying you dumbfuck

>How do I be funny?

You don't. You either are, or you aren't. That's like asking how to be smart.


Just be yourself

It's funny how that works
>Hey wanna go to [----]?
>Sorry I can't, gonna be busy with [-----]

and then

>Hey me and [group] are doing, [-----], you should come
>Ok sure, what time

Same girl too, weird how that works.

What is up with her eyes?

What exactly makes him creepy? Is he creepy to you? If so, what's creepy about him? Is he cute? because he sounds hella cute to me DESU but that's a different story.

She's not interested in you bro, it's fucking obvious at this point. You're in denial to think otherwise. On to the next one.

He's an obese middle aged white guy with chipped teeth. He makes sexual jokes and hates gay people. Also, one time we saw him pick his nose and eat it.

She likes him. He doesn’t like her. She doesn’t like you. Retard.

bro hurry up and ask her out and make ur fucking moves. Better now then never.

You don't deserve this board. I'm saging at this point. Just go away.

Funny motherfucker here, people like to be around me.

I have seen people trying imitating me at social events and fail badly.
They make one common mistake: TRYING to be funny. and COPYING my moves

It's simple OP, speak your mind but use a lot of euphemism and sarcasm. This way, you accomplish 2 things:
1, People are getting to know you while having a good time
2, You can tell who among the many doesn't really like you*

*It's not their fault honestly, the human experience just includes people hating you for some reason.

The above is like the "vanilla" standard, another friend of mine is fkin hilarious, we follow the same concept previously explained, but what makes us uniquely to hang around is:
I think a lot. I share dumbass ideas for the sake of saying stupid shit. It also helps with imagination, that really helped sharpen my problem-solving skills.
My friend has perfected the art of not giving fucks, he is well off, has a gf, and also a pot dealer? Dude is going places

it's because she likes him.
he doesnt have to be funny, she will laugh at anything if she finds him funny.

OP "oh mabey since some user on the internet said I should give up all hope on her I will" exactly OP never said that and he probably never will

yeah run away.

I'm an awkward loser though

>go for coffee with her and other coworker
>many quiet moments, couldn't think of anything to say or be funny
>she mostly talked to the other coworker

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Move on jackass, you flood this board with the same story. You're making your life miserable by thinking this girl is "the one".

>It's simple OP, speak your mind but use a lot of euphemism and sarcasm
Not OP, but could you give an example?