Everytime there is a thread about quitting something degenerate the shills come out in full force.
Aside from all their political games the best way for the kikes to control you is through vice.
Self improvement is coping for retards
Pain and pleasure are fleeting.
The glory of virtue is eternal.
Girls just care about power
Stop trying to make milhouse a meme, it will never happen
Choose a better class of girl. Yes, vapid thots care about naught but shallow crap. Who wants a thot?
Clean yourself up - hair, face, skin, teeth. You don't have to be dirty, or ill-kempt. If you have spots, wash. If they persist, see a doctor or your pharmacist. Eat well. Dress well. Comfortable clothes can go beyond t-shirt and jeans and still look great.
If you do not know how to dress yourself, ask a female friend to go shopping with you and listen to what they say.
Now it may be that even well-dressed, with nice hair and clean teeth and daubed in body-splash, you're still no prize. Fair enough. Doesn't mean you shouldn't try. If you don't have the 'obvious' attributes, cultivate others. Develop wit, conversation, skills. Have something real to talk about - a real-life trip to Podunk is still infinitely more riveting than a play-by-play of your last CoD match.
Self-improvement is about you, and us. The better you are, the better we are. We don't want weak and pathetic degenerates on our side - why would we? What do you bring to the table? Whining and bullshit? Yeah, we already got plenty of those, thanks - what else you got?
Make something of yourself and others will always want to see what it is that you have made.
Let go of the needy focus on women. They are not the be all end all and will throw themselves at you when you have your shit together anyway.
Thankyou, short, frail, ugly and bald user. Unfortunately you're wrong.
I know plenty of short guys that slay pussy. I see manlets with partners all the time.
I know guys with no shoulder girth and child bearing hips that have girlfriends.
Ugly guys get girlfriends too.
Bald dudes I know all have a wife and kids.
You're comforted by blaming things you can't change, rather than this you can change but will take effort.
Rot. Nobody will pity you but yourself.
you think 'wizards' have any power beyond their aura of stench that repels normies, and you post this shit.
Says the fat, drug addicted hedonist.
Why don't you go jerk your pathetic cock to some more tranny porn you fucking waste of carbon.