How do I make myself look like an anime character?

How do I make myself look like an anime character?

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If you kys you'll also become fictional

Cosplay with me on disocrd

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Killing yourself should lead to that

Guys, I'm being serious
No trolls!

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Why would you want to?
They're all hideous.

>How do I make myself look like an anime character?
You need to elaborate.
Do you want to dress like one? buy tacky weeb themed clothing, add belts, buy more belts and wear as many as possible.
Do you want a hairstyle that will make you look stupid? but hair products and make a thread in the next couple of days asking why you are being bullied.
Do you want to have a weird shaped face? sorry you're limited by genetics.
Do you want to have social skills influenced by weeb stuff? make a thread in the next couple of days asking why you are being bullied.

There's a very good reason you don't see people doing anything influenced by anime: because it's a bad idea.
Dressing like one will make you stand out, the clothes you can buy are made for petite asian men.
Having hair like one will make you stand out, the hairstyles aren't realistic, you won't look cool either.
Having social skills influenced by anime are a bad idea, the best case scenario is being japanese in japan and even then you would be a social outcast. Having social skills influenced by anime anywhere else makes you look strange, doing that weird hand behind head thing doesn't fit in anywhere, nobody will understand what you're doing.

You're not going to fall into a social alternative by letting a foreign cartoon influence any aspect of your life like you would becoming emo/hipster, there's no positive outcome, women who like anime won't like you, you will further cement your standing being a social outcast.

Dumb troll post

I already sit like L and act like him

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You didn't fancy elaborating then? it must be easy writing someone off as a troll without actually asking for advice on an advice board.

>Do you want to dress like one?
>Do you want a hairstyle that will make you look stupid?
>Do you want to have a weird shaped face?
>Do you want to have social skills influenced by weeb stuff?
Wtf does that mean

Ok I elaborated, now wut

Okayy... but how do I look like him?

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>I already sit like L and act like him
I don't watch animoo and don't have a clue who or what L is or what L is from. I googled "anime L sitting" and got a pale autist squatting on a chair, please don't actually do that, it must be embarrassing for anyone who is with you, you gain absolutely nothing by imitating a fictional cartoon character.

>>Do you want to have social skills influenced by weeb stuff?
>Wtf does that mean
>Having social skills influenced by anime anywhere else makes you look strange, doing that weird hand behind head thing doesn't fit in anywhere, nobody will understand what you're doing.

If you want to look like an anime, do it at cons and no other time of the year, there's literally no positive outcome for you. You won't be yourself, you will be imitating fictional characters. You need to become your own person, go out and socialise... ever wonder why you don't see people dressed like ash ketchup from pokemon?

Yeah but you're retarded and quite stupid, unlike him.

Grow your hair to middle length, before it drops down, if you have thin or straight hair you failed this step.
Buy clothes without any writings or logos or brands... also wear something interesting and visit /fa/
Get a hobby
Have a quirky thing about yourself
Act mysterious and stoic.
Be skinny, really skinny
Don't listen to L Lawliet

That's what I do and I've had luck with alternative anime weeb nerd girls, good luck.

People hating are retarded, this is literally a subculture like rap, punk... why should it be okay to wear punk and metal attire but not anime.

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If i sit like that i think 40% better, also thats how skinny people sit, thats also how i look, also i am have his haircut too.

Now i even have his personality and i walk around my house without socks on.
No my IQ is 159
>Don't listen to L Lawliet
But i have all of that, i am anime chad

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>if you have thin or straight hair you failed this step.
>Buy clothes without any writings or logos or brands...
Ok, done. Doesnt help much
>Get a hobby
Uh... like wut?
>Act mysterious and stoic
>Be skinny, really skinny
But anime people are skinny and strong at the same time, how do I do that?
>Don't listen to L Lawliet
Didnt have to tell me

Post yourself

Mental illness
Well... have it shorter on sides and about 3 inches on top, use gel or whatever and just make you hair messy with it until it stays like that
>Uh... like wut?
Anything, play board games, collect something, solve puzzles, draw manga / comics.. any hobby makes you interesting
>But anime people are skinny and strong at the same time, how do I do that?
Well you have to specify what anime character. There's a difference between skinny autistic Rohan Kishibe and Jonathan Joestar and they are from the same series.
>Didnt have to tell me
Good, I just hope he's ironic at least in 20% of his statements

He used to post a lot of himself, here, have a look at Ted Cruz Lawliet

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My identity is top secret, only a old grandpa knows my identity, my parents died in Manchester when i was 5 years old

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>If i sit like that i think 40% better
You think, I'm telling you it isn't
>also thats how skinny people sit
Based on your experience of what? watching a cartoon?

>Now i even have his personality
You are pretending to emulate a cartoon character. I googled "anime l" and clicked one of the first results:
He is a detective who sits at home and talks to an assistant.
Do you walk around without socks on and pretend to shit on your chairs thinking you look cool? do you think you're genuinely intelligent? You're full time cosplaying a cartoon character, you need to get a grip, go outside and be yourself before your delusion takes hold.

Why? Normie...
Thats not me, i played 4d chess with you

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Not 17 year old you anymore? You threw away that narrative?

>You think, I'm telling you it isn't
You think, i know
>Based on your experience of what? watching a cartoon?
Bases on how i sited all my life even before watching that anime you fatty
>do you think you're genuinely intelligent?
Yeah i am really good in chess

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Oh is my old stalker, hello :D

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>Well you have to specify what anime character.
I wanna look like killua, or sasuke, or chrollo, or near maybe.

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Yeah chrollo is a lot about cool personality/sociopath same with Nate, hair should be easy to do

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Literally all different characters, the only thing connecting them is being edgy.
idk what to tell you except you having shit taste in anime ( except DN ), be edgy I guess?

I know they are different, so tell me how to look like one.
And DN is cringe and trash desu, so is naruto.
hxh is decent

>And DN is cringe and trash desu
What a retard, is the best anime ever made, you have a shit taste you brainlet fatty

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Its a psuedo intellectual edgy cringefest with a terrible ending

Just stop responding to the retard all together, he'll go away.

People say I look like a cartoon. I'm almost 30.

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I have to sleep now so you're right

>Its a psuedo intellectual edgy cringefest with a terrible ending
First of all, i am never wrong.

Second of all are you saying edgy anime is bad? Wow shit taste. Its pretty clever if you ask me, they had me on my edge of seat couple of time also music is awesome, and ending was really good, i dont see anything wrong with it.

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Youre kinda old for anime...
Ok, wow, why?

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Just filter the brainlet out retards

You look smelly.


Thats creepy i was 17 on that picture

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>Second of all are you saying edgy anime is bad?
Edgy can be done well or(more likely) it can be cringe, like L for example, edgy character gone horribly wrong and cringe.
>Its pretty clever if you ask me, they had me on my edge of seat couple of time
You're a brainlet
>also music is awesome,
I agree, music was awesome
>ending was really good
Wrong, all of second half is absolute utter trash, especially ending.
>i dont see anything wrong with it.

>Exercise 30-90 min. a day every day including weekends, focusing on cardio early in the morning and weights in the afternoon
>Eat light - rice, fruit, beans, nuts, fish. Avoid the stereotypical diabetic "American diet" of burgers, pizza, and sodas. This will cause you weight gain
>Grow your hair out a little and style it in quirky ways
>Wear clothes that teenagers would have considered cool in 2004 - think wallet chains, flat soled trainers/sneakers, etc.

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>be born from a dead mother, be trained by an asshole mercenary, get raped by a massive black guy, kill the black guy, kill the asshole mercenary, escape from his camp, become a roaming mercenary, get raided by a gay guy and his army, loose the fight with him, sleep with his black girl captain, fight by his side, tell him you want to leave, fight him again and win, leave his army, come back a year later, help black girl captain in battle, offer to help gay guy out of prison, make love with black girl captain, go to prison and get gay guy, escape and rest, get gay guy back because he is fleeing, catch up to him, pick him up, witness hell letting lose, watch his army be devoured by demons, see black girl captain grabbed by demons, watch gay guy fly down, watch black girls armour being ripped off, see gay guy touch her, get angry, demon bites down on your arm, chop it off, run to her, get pinned down, witness gay guy cucking you, start to cry, get your eye stabbed in, scream from the horror of you being cucked.

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do you know if there's any guides like this for females?

I think it applies to females too