What are your thoughts on this concept Jow Forums?
Flat Earth
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It's pretty funny
stop trying to recruit us into your idiotic cult.
we are pro science hence pro race realism, pro nazism and pro innovation.
go spout your jewish new age psyop somewhere else.
The bible says the Earth is flat, so it is.. You cannot disagree with the bible or else you'll be sent to hell you cannot disprove this either.
it's kinda dumb
it's a reminder that i hang out with kooks and weirdos
>What are your thoughts on this
This thread is definitely getting deleted
I love how only earth is flat.
absolute retardation
fake and gay
One of the most entertaining things on this fucking board
at last i truly see
Where are the elephants and the giant turtle ?
CIA psyop to discredit "conspiracy theorists" which only people who lack the capability of scientific thinking fall for.
>pro science
Cool.. So, you can point all these non-believers to a scientific experiment that supports specifically the heliocentric theory
This. The image you posted singlehandedly debunks the flat earth, so the CIA shills in this thread won't touch it.
Remember to sage.
I don't give a shit what shape the Earth is. There are more important problems at hand
Good point.
Nice chevrons
Yet to see a working model by them.
Yeah, but think of the retardation required to become a flat earther. Flat Earthers are either trolls or literal clinically diagnosed downs-syndrome retards who cannot be convinced by anything. I saw the ISS fly over my house at 7,600 meters a second last night. I have no idea how you could ever become a flat earther when you can literally see objects in space orbiting our planet with the naked eye. These people don't care about being wrong.
That kinda goes both ways..
Utterly fucking retarded
It would seem flat by comparison in the fourth dimension.
>Spring, 2015
>FE was until then a ridiculed belief comprising only a handful of nutjobs
>suddenly an explosion of FE videos
>highly produced
>polished and articulate spokesmen with superficially compelling arguments
>youtube recommends such videos to conspiracy-minded viewers
>apparent bot reuploads ct videos with "flat earth" appended at the front of the title
Draw your own conclusions. I call it well-poisoning black propaganda. I can't count how many times I've seen this fallacy argument format: [you don't believe in AGW], [you think 911 wasn't done by towelheads], [you think vaccines might be harmful], etc??? You probably believe the earth is flat as well.
Here's something to activate your almonds
I think it's only natural.
Interest in conspiracies has grown and with them so has interest for the more retarded ones.
Schizo's off their meds.
Also what's with all these lame slide threads of "What happened to Kekistan?" "What state is better than California?" "Why are white people so ?"
Y'all motherfuckers need a 12 month ban for spamming slide threads. What're you Jews hiding?
it's retarded
Eratosthenes already proved the Earth is round
>The bible says the Earth is flat
no it doesn't
Hilarious attempt for people to try to be smart, but are in desperate need of mental help. I hope flat Earthers do not breed.
Your propaganda is strong.. It’s almost like you’re supposed to not question established science.. Although real science welcomes inspection
Don't waste your life away on this Bullshit, unless your that much of a gypsy that you've never been on a plane long distance
M-me love science
B A S E D even if unwillingly
Based response
Acidic retard
whats a hungarian doing in switzerland
Plane windows are curved
distances are in fact different, and the travel times seem the same because government which is run by aliens put nanobots into the chemtrails
you actually fly a lot longer but the nanobots warp spacetime time around you so it seems the same to your consciousness
educate yourself, there's a lot of stuff you should read
>I don't agree with this proof so therefore it is propoganda
Put your brain power into something useful you paranoid dumbshit
It's bullshit. Unless you're talking about Discworld.
Yeah it does... You're a fucking clown Mohammad you'll be slain faggot.
bitch, i might
Dipshit.. None of that is science..
You just posted a horrible shit show of math masquerading as science..
Irrefutable video evidence of curvature:
Watch this first before replying with "but muh fisheye":
Then this
Reproducible experiment showing that the sun cannot be small and local:
Graphical representation of said experiment confirming what was previously observed:
Video showing how star trails cannot work on a flat earth:
Video explaining why the FE model isn't scientific:
why don't you tell me exactly where then, you dumb faggot
Wew m8 you really got us there. Posting something somebody else made about a theory that someone else created, but you trust them for some reason. Seems like you and all the other flat earthers are more sheep than you claim the "unwashed masses" to be.
It's a psyop, to cover up the fact that gravity is dynamic and weakens or reverses at the poles. At all costs they want us to believe that gravity is static because this implies that free energy devices and flying saucers are impossible.
It's up there with lizard people and Russian collusion when it comes to the all time retarded conspiracy theory
Made by retards for retards.
>Copernicus is scientific proof before the scientific method was established
Job 37:3 He unleashes his lightning beneath the whole heaven and sends it to the ends of the earth.
Chronicles 16:30 Tremble before him, all the earth! The world is firmly established; it cannot be moved.
Like I said you will be slain Mohammad prepare yourself faggot nigger.
He can't because it doesn't.
Yea, I used a double negative too.
>double sun theory
Almost as black pilled as the gold soul theory.
Isn't this exactly what you would expect a giant globe to look like? The earth is big, planet-sized even.
Visiting relatives
Purely Symbolic, flat earthers are people who aren't smart enough for physics so they try to rationalize the world in a simpler form. Flat Earth does carry value on an esoteric level however
Because it does... Pathetic glow in the dark nigger.
give it up
never going to "own the board"
"the best night of your life" will never happen
I didnt post the articles retard. And why dont you give me an ORIGINAL hypothesis about the nature of our planets shape since you are so sure what science is and is not. Why don't you come up with and test a theory instead of piggybacking off of other peoples ideologies you fucking troglodyte
>this is what flatearthers think happens on the equinox
People who think the earth is flat are actually retards that perceive a 4th dimension.
Because of some retardation, they see the world in the 4th dimension and because of this the world seems flat.
They're like idiot savants.
Should be able to easily look it up if it does.
Waters above from the waters below with the firmament isn't flat earth.
>t-the moon is shrinking away from us as it sets and growing towards us as it rises
Here’s the middle finger of Galileo
Flipping off flat earthers for all eternity.
Are you acting autistic or are you actually autistic?
The link I provided has enough Bible verse that generally prove the Bible says the Earth is flat.
You have to be one the dumbest fucking clowns on this site. Please give me your address so I can mail some rope so you can hang yourself you fucking queer.
>gold soul theory.
>double sun theory
That was in the last thread and I thought it looked cool.. I figured it was a accidental camera effect.. Or atmospheric at the most.
Image search says it’s a triple sun
>Please give me your address so I can mail some rope so you can hang yourself you fucking queer.
Flat Earth is not in the Bible.
Wtf are you on about?
>I didnt post the articles
My bad.. Honest mistake..
You’re a prick though
>Wtf are you on about?