Why don't you support scottish independence Jow Forums?

>most beautiful part of Britain
>has produced greatest inventions in mankind far more than (((England))) - steam engine, Maxwell's equations, telephone
> tallest and strongest man on earth (without a disorder) was scottish
> perfect combination of European traditional values and British pioneerism
> strong identifiable culture, unlike England, happier and healthy too
> England is a degraded nation anyway
>bu-ut Scot-tish peop-le are libcucks!!

dumb Englanders don't understand that that the Scots co-opt "being liberal" to preserve being nationalistic; this allows to be much more communal with our own people - thus there's also hardly any non-whites in Scotland compared to England

in England, all English nationalism is supposedly right wing, making the country easy to subvert with modernism and mass immigration through political division

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for starters those shitbags walk around with skirts and with bare asses for easy access to back orifices. It's like paradise of rainbow pervertariat. should be considered as one of the main suspects behind 9/11 rainbowlution.

They’re more left wing than Sweden.

Contrary to popular Jow Forums opinion, England is a rightwing country which consistently votes for right wing parties. All the mess inflicted on this country is due to leftist Celts like Tony Blair and Brown, both Scots.

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It's a shitty colony of some other country without the Union, with the Union they forged the largest Empire in history.
Why would you support becoming 'independent' just to join the EU anyway?

>Let's become independent so we can become no longer independent immediately afterwards! Freeeeeedom.

why don't scots support it

I'm not sure if I support Scottish independence (I'm English) but the SNP have been face-raping the Tories on Brexit so as far as I'm concerned they're OK.

Not an argument

We do but too many angl*s shilling against it.


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51% of them are cucks.

Because there'd be a £15Bn annual deficit, renewed EU entry (+ more shitskins), and the wankers would win. We'd be a shithole within months

55%. My gf is Finnish, btw. She lives here.

Like you said they are literally a English colony. How fucking cucked can you get to be a colony in Europe? These are not niggers form Africa but Europeans with proud heritage.

Nothing of value was lost.

>why don't you support scottish independence
I do and they will vote independance next chance they get

Balkanizing has nevere created anything worthwhile.

how can you grant independence to something that doesn't exist beyond props of carnival industry of nation building origin? "scotland" is just a word.
You know movie "braveheart" is about courageous lads(ies) who make demands to be called fake names such as caitlyn. It's no different than other rainbowlogy creations: "pass ion of the christ", apocalypto, what women want, mrs doubtfire, fight club, etc..

>why don't scots support it
The vote to remain in the UK was 55%. Not a huge victory. Now keep in mind this was before brexit and one of the campaign points of the remain in the UK camp was that leaving the UK would mean leaving the EU also.

Remember that Scotland voted to remain in the EU, not one single area voted to leave. Its not hard to imagine that 6% who voted to remain in the UK would change their votes now.

>remaining in the EU
>being independent
Pick one, faggot.

t. globalist cuck

Says the country who literally went to war for independance from the UK

>being literally a colony of a national state

All the best Scots left for the rest of the Commonwealth and the US long ago. All that's left is the dregs dependent on English gibs. They'll never vote independence.

Scot here.

We are leftist as fuck. England votes Tory/UKIP and we vote Labour/SNP. Two of the most disastrous PMs in U.K. history, Blair and Brown, we’re both Scots.

I’m ashamed of this depressing shithole. We’re all overweight and think Highlander is the epitome of Scottish history - the guy fucking LOST.

*Braveheart I meant

Scots can't live lawfully out from under a boot

t. Renton

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They were skirts so they can quickly remind you who has the bigger bollocks

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Scots don't actually want to leave, they are all whining pussies who are all bark and no bite, they complain and bitch and moan all day long about England but when push comes to shove they meekly slink away and bow down to the southern English GODS who they know are their masters and they secretly love it. But regardless I still believe that the Scots should be forcibly evicted from the UK and removed against their will. We should have a referendum in Wales, NI and England on whether to kick the Scouts out of the union and I believe it would pass by a landslide. Then they would be dragged out kicking and screaming on their hands and knees telling us it was only a joke, telling us they didn't really mean it, but we won't care because it's what they deserve.

no. it's like colony of alibabas who wear dresses in middle east. Here they wear mini skirts. Notice brits for most part don't look european. They look like landed gentry alibabas from taj-mahals, like caucasians from caucasus mountains.

Nice flag faggot.

Actual Scotland here. Scots are as socialist and left as they come. Most of the populations on some form of benefits and think the government is doing a good job and should continue to dominate every aspect of our lives. Nationalist here literally means pro-eu, pro-migration and really anything except fuck Westminster.

You haven't a clue what you are talking about.

An independent Scotland would be horrifically left wing and the death of this nation as our "gayest parliament in the world" swings open the borders "because we need them for economic growth" and immediately gets on its knees to Brussels.

You would have to be an absolute moron to be on /pol and support Scottish independence unless you are just another leftist troll.

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Everyone thinks if Scotland goes independent they’ll be happy, but the divide and conquer attacks will then start reigniting the catholic vs proddies, and then after that go for next division they can find. It will never stop (((they))) will continue to create divisions and turn people against each other

okay faggot

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Wait, isn't there at least a traditionalist minority in Scotland?

are you one of those sikhs that come with a sword? They seem to be trojan horsing all over the place. They also wear tinfoil hat made out of towels.

Just because you vote for someone labled "conservative" doesn't mean they actually are. The so called right wing government has more immigration, more refugees, less free speech, more nonsense hate crimes, more banning of weapons we could go on and on and on. Don't take appearance for reality brit cuck

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Scot living in Aus here. Moved to straya in 2016.

I voted for indy but have totally changed my mind now. I'm anti EU and leaving one union to join another is fucking stupid.

The country is so left wing it's disgusting. Hate crime laws treated as some utopian progressive shit and the SNP virtue signals at every possible chance.

I'm ashamed of my home country and the weak people that run it.

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>sucking eu cock

englands gonna get it first. we're gonna leave you, wales and ni as 'britain' while england is reborn as an independent nation.

you get to keep the debt while we return to sterling silver

read a history book chang.

Barely even a minority, there’s about 6 of us.

I’m all for an independent Scotland but not SNP’s version of it. Sadly we are idiots.

>t. Englishman living in Edinburgh

Firstly Scotland is not the most beautiful place, no more so than England or Wales.
Scots are an extremely powerful race I will concede to that.
The problem lies in what Scottish nationalism (or any Celtic nationalism) is compared to English nationalism. Lefty bullshit because you don’t have any migrants and have a massive chip on your shoulder regarding us.
I don’t support Scottish independence because I’m not a masochist but I understand the reasons why it’s appealing. Realistically we need serious constitutional reform but I don’t think Balkanising is going to solve much.

And what about the third of yes voters who also voted leave?

I totally support it, run to the EU scotland, make them your masters. lol

Then for them its a matter of priority I guess, which they prefer first - leaving the EU or leaving the UK.

A colony is not a country. But please go ahead and balkanize and lose your spot at the big boys table, fren.

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Scottish nationalism is just whatever we perceive tge English not to be, we are. Ditto irish, welsh nationalism. Scots voted to stay in the uk. Despite the memeing, nearly half the population didn't vote in eu ref, though the majority will be for it. Scotlands place is in the uk and the only tines since Flodden that there's been noises otherwise is when euro papists have been using us as leverage against the English, democracy and protestantism.