Strong female characters in western media = garbage

>strong female characters in western media = garbage
>strong female characters in Japanese media = waifu

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They have respect and they are still weak somewhere and that makes them more appreciable and human

It comes down to showing vs tellling.
Japanese media shows you the character being strong, western media tells you that the character is strong.

Making them cute

This. They aren't fugly troglodytes and most of the time they aren't complete Mary Sues. Most of all, no jews were involved in making them.

Their target audience is different. Western media panders to feminists, Anime panders to incels.

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new bread about japanese and white people

Good point

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They typically have a flaw or weakness that makes them more human which opens up for character development and relatable traits.

What in the absolute, ever loving fuck is that?

"""strong""" female characters in western media means doesn't conform to stereotypes from the 50s like it's fucking shocking and acts like a cunt.

Watchdogs 2
>Lenni grew up in the tough neighborhood of Hunter's Point, but managed to pull her grades and finances together to get into Stanford on a scholarship. Unfortunately, Lenni never got a chance to graduate. She was busted on campus for possession of marijuana

They still act feminine. Western women are gorillas and swine.

I'm gonna have nightmares from this

This, Western Mary sues make my dick go soft and I'm tired of looking at their 5/10 serious unsexy faces.


What this pozzed generation do not understand is that :strong female character should not be a gender swapped strong male character.
Strength is found in different areas among sexes and that's what is being glossed over. Even in old action movies, the females were not supersoliders with tits, they were determined INDIVIDUALS facing adversity, while remaining feminine. Taking care for someone is a good trait to show female strength, jumping around decking dudes, three times your body mass like it's nothing is not. To be honest western media is far more condescending towards women, they hide it behind their over-glorification. It's ridiculous.

Women can actually be strong. But too many times it means women need to be men, that idea was to bring women into workforce. In manga strong woman is still feminine.

Modern Western idea of strong woman is infected by resentment, so rather than create a genuine strong woman, it tries to show women as strong by belittling men.

They don't confuse strength with independence.

This is all true and is all rooted in the true issue. Anchors to the past are usually in the form of stories, and a society that loses those anchors loses the ability to tell a story. A good character needs to have strengths and weaknesses, while resonating with expectations and adding novelty. Expectations are the result of cultural history and shared values. If you no longer respect beauty and femininity as a virtue, or even have a shared proper concept of the same, you lose the ability to describe a woman that can be reasonably construed as a human. You create a facsimile that can only be filled with agenda or at best an abstract thing of concepts. The facsimile-thing is more like what you'd see in bad capeshit and the abstraction-thing is more like you'd see in pomo "cerebral" shit.

Hollywood can't tell stories anymore beyond reasonably engaging plots, and even that only sometimes. It creates nothing but soulless homunculi because the soul is a creature of experience, transmitted experience, and prediction. Denying transmitted experience in part or in total denies a soul to those characters. This is happening to male characters too, but because feminism tries deny feminine traits as its first solution while secondarily engaging in emasculation, I think people tend to notice the dissonance in female characters more.

In western media, strong female characters are usually paired with male characters that are completely inept or stupid.

Even feminists want to see female characters that are relatable. No women can relate to female superheros who are essentially male characters with longer hair and few dialogue tweaks

It's not like this doesn't happen in anime

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western strong females are just men with tits who act like insufferable cunts and then try to make everyone who doesnt like them into a sexist evil white male pig
japanese strong females are still feminine and usually want to be dicked down and made into a submissive housewife. they still have a soft, nice side to them

Do they? They seem content with the Mary Sues Jewwood is peddling. After all they're all living the fantasy of being Stonk Independent Womyn.

>try to create a smart character
>they do really stupid shit

how the fuck do you even get busted on weed lmao

you have too high an opinion of women
all they need is some cunty lines about how men are pigs and women kick their asses and they love it

Because western media is jews

Character development


Nothing. They push the exact same degeneracy and push the same masonic shit that western media does. People here can't except that however.

like said its happens a lot in anime too. there's even a phrase for it as a subgenre; the female is a superhero and does all the fighting for the male who cant do anything.


that's a (wo)man

both are garbage
it's just the fact you're a weeb

Is that why Hollywood keeps remaking movies instead of crafting new stories? Because they can't write characters or interesting stories?

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If you take the series it's shinji who does most of the work, despite whining and unmanliness.

The cartoon girls don't look like feminist pigs

Female characters in western media are made by women who just amp up all the issues with western women
Femalke characters are made by men and some women but mostly men who make women much more likable and are not just emotional bitches who talk about their feelings. And even the more emotional driven stories (like those of teenage years) are not filled with bitchy women. They are much more thought out.

But Asuka was mentally the weakest of the those three.
NGE isn't about superheroes. It's strength of mind, and Shinji grows as a character by series end.

Western females try too hard to be men.

shinji is the most honest about how weak he is, even exagerating it
rei is basically just an empty shell for the most part, and asuka went into a coma because shinji got a higher score than her because whole identity was based on the weak foundation of her being the best

Japan does Strong Female characters.
The west does bitchy assholes and calls it "strong". I'd note that there are plenty of actually strong, female characters in western media that are also beloved of fans.

That literally never happens with women in FUCKING STANFORD at all.

This. So much this.

Bad example. Shinji wins most of the conflicts.

A better example would be Birdy The Mighty

japs know how to write
western keep putting mary sues in fucking everything and cant write, or animate, or go two degrees away from normality when it comes to thought experiments. (good guys always win, no one ever gives the slightest shit about the bad guys death, etc)

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why should we tell some inferior subhuman that is unable to obtain anything without her holes that she is strong

Well, Asian culture is not infected with PC culture, so that might be thing. IDK tho, I am not a weeb

When Japan does it, it's usually not blatant propaganda, making an attempt to push the envelope, break the glass ceiling, and change your world views, or whatever.
It's just a fun story.

Japanese strong female characters are strong in themselves. Western "strong" female characters are insecure as fuck and constantly have to be condescending to men. One is like a bright light that shines on it's own. The other is like a dim light trying desperately to make her own light brighter looking by purposely covering or diminishing other's light.

You're just a pedophile

Strong female characters in Western media often have the annoying habit of being clearly in the wrong but deus ex machinaed out of consequences of their behavior.

Japanese heroine:
>We have to defeat the evil bad and get the magic crystal back!
>(does the thing)
>Yay! We did it!

Western heroine:
>You evil white male penis monster I'm a white wymyn and I'm better than you in every conceivable fashion *smug grin* I'll never breed with you whiteboi look at my black buck boyfriend muh oppreshun *applies purple hairdye*
>I'm fat and loud and that's good, I'll never be a mother and that's good, I like betraying my race and shooting white men in the cock with lasers and that's good, love brown people or else and that's good
>(does everything effortlessly with unearned abilities and zero struggle)

And the mods call clownworld off topic


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Asuka isn’t strong, she’s just bitchy with mental illness, something hollywood has told you equates to a strong woman, which isn’t true.
When I think of a strong woman I think of a 17th century or earlier wife living in a rural area, raising kids and working around the farm. She still acted and dressed like a woman, but didn’t take shit and pulled her weight. She actually did her job as a woman and as a person, unlike the vast majority of modern women who would have been considered trophy wives at the time. Problem is they were third place.

they look nicer and theres no political slant to it

>using waifu to mean "cute girl"

Go back to normalfagland and stay there

Well things like Kill Bill had a strong female character.
The difference is in the west it's really rare for them to make a character without making their character's main features the fact that they're a minority. How many movies or shows have you seen when there was a strong female character role who stated they were a female or how garbage guys were?
In Kill Bill it's different, she just shows up and fucks shit up without mentioning her gender.

In Jap shit they understand the thing that makes the character is the fact that people do have weaknesses and that a true hero isn't someone who doesn't have fear or weaknesses but someone who does and learns how to overcome those fears and weaknesses by whatever means the story wishes to tell it and then comes out as a winner.

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100% agreed. Mary Sues with more plot armor than Batman for fucks sake.

They're soft and feminine.

>western media
>yes this is 100% accurate to real life, scarlet johanson just has to flip around close to you and a bunch of people will fall over
>Japanese media
>fuggin japanesium magic, gaijin, you're focusing on the wrong aspect here
That's the difference

Making them not "wow I can do anything" and having them get humbled from time to time.

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So basically human. In western media women are portaited as untouchable heroes that can do no wrong.

>Shinji grows as a character by series end
It's been a while since I watched, but from what I remember Shinji spent most of EoE sobbing in an elevator

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Asuka may be a pompous, aggressive, fireball, but the difference is, she has huge, glaring weaknesses. She's a believable character.

Female heros in western media, are always just Marie-Sues.

A strong female in Western world is the definition of a slut where she can go blow every guy in the bars across the country and fucks over everyone that genuinely cares about her and then demand appreciation approval and respect whereas in the strong Japanese female the strong female still acts According to the rumors and upholds traditional and moral normality and doesn't define her strength by diverging from nonnormal conformities but enforcing it and creating a personality that has more depth and meaning contrary to the 1dimensinal slut "strong Western woman"

These people get it

> implying feminists aren't just another subsection of incels

yeah, it's fine to have a strong female lead, but you can't make them blow through all their problems without blinking.

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strong female characters need at least one of the following:
>speed/agility over strength
>super natural/ sci-fi powers
>pilot/driving skills
>leadership/command ability

hollywood makes thin attractive women single-handedly fight a dozen 100kg men with simply martial arts

Well strong women in western history were majority christians (jeanna d'arc, isabella the catholic, etc) and in world history were nationalist women.
To make a strong female it needs to have strong ideology (which japan somewhat still retains despite the cuckery they suffered and are still suffering from the last century)
Hollywood cant make this, their women are soulless characters with nihilistic ideas and no trascendent thinking, trying to appeal feminists which are a creation of the same kind of people that runs hollywood.
They cant create q character like jeanne d'arc (unless they bastardize her like in the 1999 movie making her a liar which is historical inacurrate) or make a character like isabella ( she would burn them on the stakes).

in the west: its to empower women
in japan: its to de-power men

Because is western media being a strong woman means being an intolerable cunt. A mary sue who has to remind everyone how over fucking powered she is and feels the compulsive needs to bitch at anyone for being good at anything. In japan a strong woman is someone who jas gone through something or trained to become stronger and possibly still struggles in a physical or mental sense but still comes through. Maybe she can be a cunt, but its not just to prove that she can be but instead because of her pain. She'll actually be a flawed person instead of some flawless bitch.

Even weebs like western strong female characters if they're done right.

>PPG (2000's)
>Kim Possible
>the girls of A:TLA (TLoK can roast in hell though)
>Winx Club
>Miraculous Ladybug
>H2O Just Add Water (and its other spin-offs)
and a few others

All of the characters and series above balance power and femininity well. The problem mainly lies with all the other trash:
>all female Ghostbusters reboot
>PPG (2016 reboot)
>every modern comedy film aimed at women
>most shit aimed at adult women vs what's aimed at younger girls
and much more

I really hope Zoomers and the generation thereafter help undo the damage 3rd wave has done.

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Western writers can't give strong female characters actual flaws without being raked over the coals so they compensate by trying to give them pseudo-flaws like "they're a rebel" and call it a day, resulting in ridiculous, flat Mary Sues.

I'm not familiar with much Japanese media so I can't comment on the difference.

>What is Japan's media doing differently?
creating women that are actually desirable vs washed up holier than thou whores? hmm cant fucking figure it out

Quite a long winded way of saying liking anime makes you a literal faggot.

>Even feminists want to see female characters that are relatable
Yes, relatable to themselves as abject and total failures as women. No wonder then that hollywood gives us the drivel it makes.


>Misaka poster

man of culture

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>Western female characters are just written as men
>Eastern female characters are written like idealized feminine women
Not too hard to grasp.

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Japan: Look at this virtuous girl in her exciting adventures, we hope you find it entertaining.

>Japan: Look at this virtuous girl in her exciting adventures, we hope you find it entertaining.
fuggin this

Couldnt say it better, a masculine man needs a feminine woma and viceversa, the desnaturalization of one leads to the destruction of the other. This is why women are the most attacked gender today through abortion and feminism and why this is leading to men that are useful idiots that have no own thinking

Kek. Accurate.

>western media is far more condescending towards women
this is a common theme about muh oppressed peoples

We happen to care about characters with compelling stories, convincing characters set goals and challenges to overcome.

We don't when it's about Mary-Sue trying to push a political agenda.

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Professional writers in the US literally don't know how to make characters that aren't mary sues. This is the product of intersectionality, everything becomes a GaiaOnline esque wall of tags and categories. Pepe is unironically a better-developed character than most mainstream entertainment can produce and I could write an essay to prove it.

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I'm probably bleeding the manga release with the anime. Either way, the eventual end is that Shinji overcomes his traumas and accepts that pain must exist to truly live. His mental will triumphs
Asuka want catatonic when she realized she wasn't the MarySue she thought she was.

idk what any of these are holy shit

It's not forced. Nips draw cute strong female characters simply because they like them, not because they're forcing an agenda fed by a kike.
Have you ever seen anyone complain about The Boss, Snakes's mentor?

>Western women act/dress like men to be strong
>Japanese women are still women who are strong
Feminism hates femininity and that is why feminism fails

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>strong female characters in western media = garbage
Strong female characters in western media tend to just be 'better than guys at all the stuff' and never waver from their portrayal as 'strong and don't give a fuck'. It makes boring, stagnant characters.
>strong female characters in Japanese media = waifu


It probably triggers many a feminazi.

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