Wh*te philosophers BTFO


Wh*te philosophers being banned from Universities is a good thing, philosophy is oversaturated with them and there are far better more diverse philosophers to look up to.

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College is a bad joke

How ethnocentric of you.

We should have more fishlosophers

>school of oriental and african studies

Top kek

At least the professors are saying it's stupid af.
As dumb as it all is, this was the gem in that article:

"...the Government wants to place student satisfaction at the heart of a new ranking system"
Higher education should never pander to students, it's not just unseemly, it's doing them a massive disservice in the long run.
Universities should fucking educate students, not placate them.

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Unless you're doing a serious subject... basically a hard science... uni doesn't educate you

You can wrap up African studies in about 10 minutes.

>student satisfaction
so if im happy with my progress thats what counts?


university is for learning if you are in STEM

university is for training to be a good slave if you are not in STEM

which makes it especially important that the universities don't placate these zombies. they are there to be trained to be obedient slaves, not get their way from btiching and moaning.

i think i know exactly what those bigots said to get banned

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>"I hope you're taking notes. There were a bunch of black retards whose technological development stopped at dung huts and spears. They alternated between competing in 'which tribe can starve to death' and eating each other, before being enslaved by the Egyptians. The Arabs. The Romans (who enslaved everybody). Then the jews eventually enslaved them in America. They were eventually freed and became crackheads. That was fast! Time for our final."

I'm saving this, thanks fren

they are injecting their bullshit in shit like mathematics too now

>(SOAS) insists that when studying philosophy “the majority of philosophers on our courses” should be from Africa and Asia.
lmao What African philosophers? Timon and Pumbaa?

>Kunt banned
This is actually good. Fuck that faggot. But Plato is based, people need more of him.

Seriously, who is she

AHAHAAHAHAAHA they are calling SOAS the school of African studies prestigious. I knew a half Turkish-half German guy who went to SOAS to unironically do African studies I laughed at him when he told me as he "looks white". I said what the fuck are you going to learn about the bongo in semester 1 and the spear in semester 2? Anyway my comedic stylings aren't even the end of this story so this bitch goes in and on the first day the teacher asks "Who understands BLM". My friend put hs hand up and the teacher said to him "Not you, you are white" obviously not realising he was half T roach. My friend being half German and therefor massively cucked put his hand down. Get this though, he then stayed for the rest of the year even after getting BTFO'd by niggers on the first day. That school is literally a disgrace along with (((Goldsmiths))) whose student body is also massively cucked and pulls that kind of shit. Just go to a Russel group uni the entrance grades are too much to expect from you average nigger, though the ones you do find are extra uppity.

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>Not liking Kant
I bet you prefer Freud over Jung too, you colossal faggot

Reminds me of this article I saw recently


A good portion already amounts to marxist/feminist/ethnic “philosophy,” i’d say a bit under half
If the philosophy isn’t neutral it’s left leaning, it’s crazy that no one ever questions why leftist philosophy is covered but the right side isnt even mentioned, the curriculum just acts like it doesn’t exist and “educated” people go through life with just half knowledge, and they don’t even realize it. That’s why so many in academia are retarded, they think they know everything, because they accept what they are given in school and think it’s complete without looking any further, they almost aren’t at fault to an extent because they aren’t told where to look like they were with the leftist stuff. And then they go home to watch netflix which just reinforces the Marxist shit they just studied
It’s not a joke when people say higher education is just propaganda centers

the west is so fucked
violent revolution is the only way out

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>Wh*te philosophers banned from Universities
>philosophy, it's a white male thing tho!

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>prestigious London university
>School of Oriental and African Studies
nigs gonna nog

baby want suck on mummy booby

I don't care if they want to make themselves even more stupid.

>the west is so fucked

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>“If they think there is a colonial context from which Kant's Critique of Pure Reason arose, I would like to hear it.'

>“There is a real danger political correctness is getting out of control. We need to understand the world as it was and not to rewrite history as some might like it to have been.”

And yet, this what these fucking psychotic commies asked for in the first place.

Could you imagine her loving you haha

It's because he justifies fascism and racism. You would know that if you read their literature.

Plato specifically states that democracy doesn't work, kek.

Man where the fuck was this when I was a kid? Lucky cunts

She has nudes
Google "Lavon Affair"

>Plato specifically states that democracy doesn't work, kek.
anyone with triple digit IQ specifically state that

western thought with Chinese characteristics

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I'm familiar with the Lavon affair.

He declares that the average person or citizen can not seperate the nature of humanity from the observable manipulation of culture. So you either sacrifice humanity or culture in a state not regulated. Which is why freedom isn't free, and war is peace.

>Discard Western philosophers
>Study Confucianism
>Students become sensible and orderly, obey hierarchy, obey traditional gender roles, obey traditions, respect elders and the virtues older generations held, respect civility and manners, obey state (i.e. the race) then the father then the mother then the elder sibling

Hang on guys let's just see where this goes

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the only worthwhile philosophy is stoicism then maybe machiavellianism if you are responsible for loads of people.


The universities need to be closed.

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Hapa futurism > ZOG futurism

>there are far better more diverse philosophers to look up to.
Such as?

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>at the prestigious London School of Oriental and African Studies

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MuH MaiMonides

Plato was a degenerate proto-communist.

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Didn’t know who this was so I looked him up. Apparently a Jew, so while not technically white, is also not a shitskin and as such doesn’t qualify as “diverse”

actually everything except Critique of Pure Reason is mediocre at best

No actual nigger would take you seriously without at least throwing in a "MLK good - T or F?" into your final, goy.

Plato rejected social equality, believed in a three class system, and supported eugenics. He was proto-fascistic is anything.

Name one non White/Arab/Asian philosopher? I’ll wait. There are no nigger Philosopher’s. Sage.

MLK studied the works of these white philosophers.

So nigs are just nogging themselves again.

Non Whites must be removed from white countries. They are over saturated with them anyway. Sage.

so does aristotle:

For tyranny is a kind of monarchy which has in view the interest of the monarch only; oligarchy has in view the interest of the wealthy; democracy, of the needy: none of them the common good of all

prove him wrong

I already said Timon and Pumbaa

Jeez, i wonder which race the jelly students are and which religion they follow.
What a complex mystery - ironically said.
Like they would be able to say so without these Philosophers, these idiot students.

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Bix Nood. Saved you nine minutes and fifty second.

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Since when are ancient greeks white?

They probably looked mighty turkish for pol whiteness standards.

She belongs to Romanian men, fuck off mutt.

Sorry. meant to say Al-Ma'mun, who was responsible for translating Aristotle and others into Arabic.

I was surprised when reading The Republic that Plato had a conception of hereditary traits, and in addition hereditary traits that we might consider desirable or undesirable. I think he uses the terms "Gold, silver, and iron" to categorise people according to their worth in society. This was linked intimately to his conception of the philosopher King, but it has been a while since I've read his work so I wouldn't want to mischaracterise his work by babbling on.

There are nonWhite philosophers. The Buddha, Confucius, Shankara, etc. Although I do agree that there aren't any nigger philosophers, that's a fair enough assessment.


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Freud was a Jewish pervert who told people they want to fuck their children and mothers.

>he didn't check flag

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>prestigious London university
Yes. Yes. Yes indeed, it all makes sense now.

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Like who? Tupac?
Get the fuck out of here proxyjew.

Some of the Romans were white by /pol standards.

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>Because Snow niggers are smaller that meds.
Get the fuck out of here darky you project like a kike.

>Italians are Black Moors and can't be blonde with bright eyes

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Literally only whites and far east asians ever had anything to do with philosophy tho.

Kek! We WAZ everyone!

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Lolleaf go back in your cuck hut

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Rape baby. You are not even a fucking Roman you fuckwit.

I have nothing against meds or nords, but it's presumptuous to call ancient greeks white.

Math and science are rayyysis user
Don’t be a bigot

Romanians respect what they borrowed as far as i've seen.


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Greeks are white basically confirmed.


The Middle East and India...?

Well it's understandable for a culturless nordcuck that slept in the cuck shed and larped as a viKANG while slaughtering his neighbors to wish for a Civilized ancestor so it's understandable.

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The Middle-east had marvelous philosophical(Also technological, but not the point of this discussion) progress before Islam.

Model's name?

They ‘erase’ lots of knowledge

If somebody tells me the name of the model in OPs pic, I'll post nudes with time stamp.

>>“There is a real danger political correctness is getting out of control. We need to understand the world as it was and not to rewrite history as some might like it to have been.”

Too late on that front. History is literally fake now. Especially racial history


The eastern philosiphers are so foreign that its hard to understand them. They come off as just half baked.

Its like asian art. Sure it existed but its no where near the level the european stuff was at. Its like studing cave paintings.


This must be bad joke.

Well plato and aristotle were wrong.

The Magnanimous Man is a joke

It is. It's not happening

that's what happens when brainletts take over academia due to programs and grants

Wtf, it says private?! If I can't see her on definitely not posting my naked body here.

Meds killed each other, a lot, nords were more peaceful than them in practice.

Regardless the whole argument is silly, philosophy has nothing to do with the race of the people writing it.

It outspoken goal is to look past superficial crap.

You asked for a name, a name was given.

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Plato's republic is a communist society

Name one pre-Islamic Middle-Eastern philosopher.